Friday, November 19, 2021

Be Ready

The Dindus and Libtards aren't gonna let the Rittenhouse verdict go unanswered. Be armed, aware, and ready for shit to get spicy again. Do not be afraid or hesitate if you all of a sudden find yourself in a life or death situation.

The tweets from Comrade DiBlasio, The Disgraced Perv Andrew Cuomo, and The Giant Lumptard Gerry Nadler that all hail from NY (which I won't post here, you can go find them yourself) are totally asinine. Only anti-gun fucktards like these and more would call the verdict "a stain on America" or "a miscarriage of justice." Guess what assholes... keep defunding the police and fail to support law and order, and you WILL GET more citizens stepping up like Kyle Rittenhouse and more dead scumbags in the process.

1 comment:

  1. The Pedo Supporteds and Symps are out.

    Pizzagate anyone?


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