Saturday, December 25, 2021

Wesołych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia

A greeting in Polish, or in English... "Merry Christmas!" In any language, remember the reason for "The Season," and the cancel culture can just get bent.

1 comment:

This blog is a harsh dictatorship, and I am the harsh dictator controlling YOUR freedom of speech. Comments are no longer moderated because of the Goolag login requirement, but must be in 100% ENGLISH. They will remain live on posts with the following exceptions: Insults, unintelligible gibberish, SPAM, ads to sell ANYTHING, and comments off topic or that add zero value. I may just leave such comments up anyway, with a reply pointing out the stupidity and making fun of the author. Comments that contain hyperlinks are allowed, but all links will be verified and bogus crap deleted. Don't just leave a comment and split, come back later because I respond to some comments and we can have a conversation.