Monday, December 20, 2021

Mark My Word...

I almost forgot about this. My wife and I were in the Stop & Shop in Sturbridge, MA this past Saturday night. It was the first time I had been in one of those stores in a long time. As we walked in along the main aisle at the front of the store, I see this.

A potential Terminator Unit disguised as a "floor cleaner"

"CLEAN UP ON AISLE 5." I always say "cleaning the floor today and enslaving us tomorrow." Here is a short video of it over in the produce section. It came up from behind us... I think it knows I suspect it.

I have no robots or fully automated anything in my house. Anything that has WI-FI capability is blocked from connecting to my router. My clothes washer and newest garage door opener have the capability to connect, but they are not. If I can start or stop my washer or open my garage door by an app on my phone, so can a hacker. In the future as the "Internet of Things" is more wide spread, anything with that capability will be powered off unless I am actually directly controlling and using it.

Now to go get the aluminum foil to make a new hat. 😨


  1. When making a foil hat be sure to include a grounding strap. Without the cap being grounded, it acts as an antenna.

  2. Merry Christmas Glypto.
    If I get a chance to come up for air I'll slip a post in here again.

  3. We have one of those "Robots" at the Stop & Stop in Vernon, Conn. I mess with it with my carriage until Mrs Galt makes me stop.

    I think it has a Skynet sticker on it.


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