Sunday, December 19, 2021


That's what I call out to those absolute pigs that either just finished handling their junk at the urinal, or wiped their ass and simply walk out of the restroom. It happened again today at the BJ'S. As I went in there was a older black guy already at the urinal. He was either Haitian, African, or some kind of black muzzrat and when he was done he headed right for the door. I called after him as usual "Ya Fuckin' Slob!" and he just kept on walkin'. Yup, straight for the grocery section because that's where I found him when I came out, and where he was about to paw over food stuff with his pissed on junk handling dick grabbers. GROSS!

When I walked into the store, there was the sign I and several others ignored about having to wear a mask of oppression in the store at all times. I felt like going up to the courtesy counter and telling them instead of worrying about phony-baloney mask compliance, they oughta post a hand washing monitor in the restrooms. Working in EMS, I am a prolific hand washer, so my human waste or germs won't end up all over the packaging of mine or someone elses food. And since I have natural immunity, I won't be spreading ChiCom Xi Flu walking around breathing freely as a "VACCINE FREE" non-lab rat.


  1. Yeah I'm with that my friend. That's f'n nasty. It's going to get worse.

  2. Soldier sees a sailor piss and then walk out without washing his hands.
    Soldier: 'Fucking slob, in the Army they teach us to wash our hands after urinating!'
    Sailor: 'In the Navy, they teach us not to piss on our hands."
    --Tennessee Budd

  3. @Anonymous (Tennessee Budd): That's funny, I remember hearing that story the other way around. LOL!

  4. And then the whole store applauded.


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