Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Sunday, July 4, 2021

This Blog

Is a replacement from my former one (that will remain nameless) for which very few people know the connection. It will stay that way for SAFESECS. The old blog was up for just under 5 years and had a total of 83,000 views, of which 16,000+ were some kind of bot activity. This blog, which has been up since February, is currently at 52,550 views of which I figure only 3,000 or so are bots. Also, the comment activity is much higher. There are probably as many posted comments so far as there were in total on the old blog. I write this blog mostly for me, and do not make a penny off of it. The fact that it is freely shared with folks that want to read it amazes me, and I thank you all.

I refuse to refer to today as "The 4th of July," it is INDEPENDENCE DAY and America's birthday and should be celebrated as such. So have a happy one.


  1. Hey "Mysterious Blogger"

    Happy Independence Day, you write for the same reasons I do, keeps you sane..or least me anyway, LOL.

  2. Happy Independence day to you, also, Sir!



This blog is a harsh dictatorship, and I am the harsh dictator controlling YOUR freedom of speech. Comments are no longer moderated because of the Goolag login requirement, but must be in 100% ENGLISH. They will remain live on posts with the following exceptions: Insults, unintelligible gibberish, SPAM, ads to sell ANYTHING, and comments off topic or that add zero value. I may just leave such comments up anyway, with a reply pointing out the stupidity and making fun of the author. Comments that contain hyperlinks are allowed, but all links will be verified and bogus crap deleted. Don't just leave a comment and split, come back later because I respond to some comments and we can have a conversation.