Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

The 90-7-3 Rule

This was part of a blog post as well as a static page. I decided it needed to stand on its own.

Just like the Fudd that says "I believe in the Second Amendment, but..." giving the reason its because they served in the military. Most cops are just as bad if not worse because they are armed on our streets.


The 90-7-3 Rule defined:

  • 90% of LEO have one firearm, their duty weapon, which they begrudgingly qualify with once a year. They do not hunt, target shoot, plink, or compete off duty. In the event of a justified shooting, they will empty their magazine(s) towards the perp and maybe hit them. IMHO, there should be no more than one or two shots fired, and unless the bad guy is wearing body armor, should result in a fatality every time. Instead what we get is the ground littered with empty LEO brass, and a perp hit once or twice and recovering in the hospital. 
I once witnessed a young state trooper at the range as a guest of another member using his duty weapon to shoot falling plates at 10 yards. He shot a full mag and did not hit a fucking thing. He then proceeds to examine his firearm, magazines, and ammo as if that was somehow the problem. I then stepped to the line and knocked down all 5 plates, reset the rack, knocked them all down again, reset and knocked them all down again. I then said, "Thanks, I'm all set." and walked away. I felt embarrassed for that guy.
  • 7% of LEO do own and use firearms outside of their normal duties. They will hunt, target shoot, plink and maybe even compete at a lower level by shooting clays, silhouette, bullseye, or at a turkey shoot. They might even load their own ammo.
  •  3% of LEO are truly firearms experts. They most likely grew up with firearms and served in the military. On the job they are instructors for other LEO and may be members of tactical teams. Not only do they participate in all types of recreation with firearms, they probably compete at a high level shooting like 3-Gun, Military, SWAT Challenges, IPSC and IPDA. They are NRA safety instructors, Range Safety Officers, and belong to the local sportsman's club, teaching the civilian population firearms safety. They may even be advanced hand loaders, gunsmiths, and hold an FFL. 
I actually know two of these. One is a retired municipal LEO that was his department's firearm instructor and a member of the regional tactical team. He now works at the state's largest gun retailer at their indoor range as an R.S.O. and instructor. His son has followed in his footsteps on the tactical team at a different police department here in Kommiecticut. Both are big Second Amendment supporters and support civilian firearms ownership and use. The other is a retired state LEO from UConn that has his own firearms instruction business. He too, is a big Second Amendment supporter that supports civilian firearms ownership and self defense.

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