Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Still No Subway Until I Get A Definitive Answer

I have been boycotting Subway since that fugly, purple-haired, unpatriotic, piece of shit from the U.S. Women's Soccer team was doing their TV commercials. I used to eat there once or twice a week. Searches on line only come back with news stories from August 2021 about franchisees wanting her gone because the ad campaign is directly hurting their business. They have heard about it right from the customers, and more than one store have found hand written notes from customers taped to the front door voicing their displeasure and saying they are staying away until she is gone. Apparently as long as woke coroprate gets their 4.5% of the take from every store, they don't seem to care what the customers think. Below is a story from The NY Post dated August 6th.


So until I read or hear the P.O.S. is truly gone, Subway can just go fuck themselves.


  1. I also used to snag a sandwich there once in a while.
    Now that you mention it, I noticed the one I used to stop at went tits up.

  2. Get Woke, go broke.

    I wonder what customers were supposed to be drawn in? Or do they no longer care?

  3. Hey Glypto;

    Yeah I quit going, the subs were not all that great, and the local grocery Store (Publix) makes a heck of a better sandwich and you pay basically the same. I don't reward companies for going woke and stupid, apparently their marketing dept were full of young and idealistic dipshits and flew off a huge chunk of their market "To be Trendy".


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