Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Sunday, February 6, 2022

This Is How I Know Its Been Cold

Besides the fact that spending any amount of time outside doing anything not properly covered up and have the beginnings of frostbite. We have had multiple days in the teens and twenties, with single digits and below zero at night. One early morning last week, my truck outside temperature read -6 F as I pulled into the firehouse.

My house has a 12'x18' all wood outdoor deck that is completely open to the elements. I rehabbed it last spring in this post. When it is this cold out, it makes all kinds of noise expanding in sunlight and contracting in the dark. Pops and bangs so loud, it sounds like someone hitting the deck just outside the door with a large hammer. It freaks out my female standard poodle, my other dogs not so much. I try to keep it shoveled and clear, since it is a means of escape from a fire or other emergency. Right now it is covered with the icy crust we received the other day, but not enough to shovel and it will be gone in the next couple of days. Easy enough to open the door and walk out.


  1. Open the door and slip on out?

  2. @Steve S: Nah... the only time we go in and out that way is in the summer or if I'm cooking on the grill. The front door out to the porch is used even less. Everyone typically goes in and out of our house through the garage. The camera to the driveway lets me know someone is here.


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