Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Thursday, October 13, 2022

2022 Midterms

If you are a libturd Demon-Crap running for office on a pro-abortion platform, then you support murdering innocent babies, in some cases AFTER live birth, nothing more. Calling it reproductive health is the most disingenuous line of bullshit being put forth. I hope you are all damned to eternal torment in the deepest pit of hell. That goes for your supporters, voters, and donors as well.

The inspiration for this post comes from the barrage of disgusting pro-abortion Demon-Crap campaign ads on TV this evening in Kommiecticut.


  1. Kommiecticut. I agree. "The Constitution State" has become its nickname's opposite.

  2. I took a Sharpie and put a UN- in front of Constitution on my marker plate. Childish, I know but that's what we have become.

    How can you be anti-death penalty but pro-abortion? You have to do a lot of mental gymnastics to hold both beliefs.

  3. I live in Michigan. The first of 2 debates between Gretchen Whitmer and challenger Republican Tudor Dixon was held last night. It was pretty much what was expected and likely no minds were changed. But the one thing that the people of our state screwed up on will end up probably allowing the Empress of Lansing to serve another term, and not in prison like she should be, for putting sick with covid people into nursing homes.
    You see, when Whitmer was screwing the people so badly during the first months of the Covid pandemic, there was a citizen led recall attempt to get rid of her. It failed, but she was able to raise money to fight the attempt. When the attempt to recall her failed, she was able to keep the money raised for that, and use it for her re-election campaign. So she has been running ads attacking Dixon non stop for the past couple of months. The ads were selectively edited clips of Dixon talking about abortion, making it sound like she was the most extreme anti abortion person ever. Including allowing a woman to die instead of an abortion, arresting anyone who is involved in even counselling about abortion, etc.
    As a Christian, I have a simple abortion position. I believe that self defense is a Biblical idea, and therefore, if a woman is in danger of dying due to her carrying a baby to term, then abortion is a consideration. But only in consultation with her doctor and her husband or the father, if she is not married. Rape or incest, as horrible as they are, still bring a human being into the world, that has value. The case of the 10 year old little girl that was pregnant and was the topic of the day for the liberals a few months ago, I could see the argument that it could endanger her life, or at the least, endanger her lifelong health, and such. But the thing that went without being discussed during that entire liberal abortion issue, was how the young girl got pregnant, and if there were charges of rape filed against the father.
    My wife is a Christian, but grew up in the ELCA, or the Lutheran church, one of the more liberal sects of them. And she says that she is pro choice. I have discussed it with her, many times, and sometimes have gotten her to say that she put conditions on her stance, but mostly she is just like so many others out there. Out of sight, out of mind, you know? We have been married for 30 years, and she miscarried early on in our marriage, and we ended up adopting 2 girls. I had 3 kids from my first marriage.
    The thing about abortion here in Michigan is, the left is using it as their cause to gather around. The debate started out with questions about abortion, surprise, surprise. When the economy of Michigan is shitty, and I paid 4.49$ for a dozen eggs, all the so called unbiased moderator could do was start out the debate with abortion questions, which the Democrat Governor happened to be making her main reason for running. Yep, business as usual here with the Democrats in Michigan.

  4. Every time I see one of those ads (in Illinoisistan) and they call the baby supporter "EXTERMEIST", I think "Keep riding that abortion pony to the finish line".
    Not a winning message for the Fascists.


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