Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Breaking News - Fentanyl Vaccine Developed

I just saw this story on FOX News

Fentanyl Vaccine May Have Been Discovered - FOX News 


The intention of this "vaccine" (in quotes because everything is called a vaccine these days because they have bastardized the actual definition of just about everything) is to be administered to addicts to help ween themselves off the drug and prevent an overdose or accidental poisoning. 

My question is: How long before some gubmint entity decides this should be mandated for LEO, EMS, and all other 1st Responders? I can tell you right now, IT WILL NOT BE GOING INTO ME!


  1. Comrade, you Need to Trust the Science...

  2. Such a "vaccine" would almost certainly render ALL opiate pain killers ineffective. Better not get injured if you get this "vaccine"... There won't be a way to treat your pain.

    1. @Dan: Unfortunately there wasn't a link to the actual video I saw. Supposedly the markers for fentanyl are unique, so you could get the "vaccine" but still receive morphine after and have it be effective. My real issue, is the description sounded an awful lot like mRNA technology. This Pure Blood human is not willing to be re-engineered.

    2. There are significant differences between Fentanyl, Morphine, Dilaudid and other opiates. But they ALL have the same effect biochemically in the body. Block that for Fentanyl and you block it for all other opiates.


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