Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Friday, June 30, 2023

3 SCOTUS Rulings That Give Me Hope For The Country

As long as your not one of those that insist on wiping their ass with The Constitutution, that is. If you are, TOUGH FUCKING SHIT!

1). Fuck Joe Biden and his $400B vote buying scheme using taxpayer dollars to erase college debt at the expense of those that never incurred such debt.

2). Bye-bye affirmative action and race quotas. From the racist responses I read from the left today, minorities should be pissed at those racists and not SCOTUS. The lefty racists say you can't do ANYTHING based on your merit or abilities, and have to have quotas to "succeed." Rubbish.

3). If you are religious and a business owner, and the Globohomo agenda goes against your faith.... YOU DON'T HAVE TO PROVIDE YOUR SERVICES. This shouldn't be a problem really, since there are plenty of heathens out there that would be more than happy to gay it up for them. But no, that's not good enough for militant fags that seek out Christian businesses just to destroy them. 

I can only hope that someone screaming at the sky in agony over these rulings finds my post and has the appropriate medical emergency reaction.


  1. 1) The student loan scam was less about buying voters since most of them would already be voting for dementia. It was more about getting closer to free (taxpayer funded) college and being able to embiggen the student loan scam industry.
    2) Hopefully this will filter down to kill DEI/CRT etc.
    3) I think it was Walter Williams that I listened to that made a very cromulent argument for allowing any business to refuse business for any reason. Already TV, radio, newspapers etc can refuse to run a ad they don't like.

    Ground shaking decisions .
    I haven't bothered to look at the votes, but I suspect the three affirmative action justices' voted against.

    And of course,
    Epstein didn't kill himself
    it was a fedsurection

  2. The commie left knows that Court Rulings are pointless without the muscle to enforce them. And THEY control that muscle. Expect these decisions to basically be ignored for the most part. They'll pay lip service to them because lip service costs nothing, but they won't follow obey them.

    1. A friend of mine puts too much faith in the courts to protect his rights. I tell him it is UP TO HIM TO PROTECT HIS OWN RIGHTS. All a court can do is make a ruling, they have no armed enforcement to ensure rulings are followed. And the Commies do everything they can to ignore or attempt to circumvent rulings. He is all spun up by the new state gun control laws. I tell him I have been blissfully ignoring most state and some federal infringements for decades so they can pass what they want, ignoring them makes them NULL & VOID. He doesn't believe me when I tell him how I will react when the tyrant's goon squad comes to the door. I try to explain that when they come, your life as you knew it IS OVER, so I will die fighting and free. He is convinced lawyers and courts will save him. Fucking fool.


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