Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Free States of America... I warned You!

That the two traitors in the US Senate from Kommiecticut, Sen. Slimeball (Blumenthal) and Sen. Fish-Face (Murphy) were going to try to impart the type of unconstitutional/intolerable acts we have in this state on steroids to the rest of the nation. They will be joined by the other 5 congressional criminals in The House for support there. All seven of them immediately begin violating their Oath of Office as soon as they are done reciting it. And here it comes America, mighty bigly!

For a little history lesson in case you didn't know, this is a repeat of the 1968 GCA put forth by then Senator Thomas Dodd. If that last name rings a bell, it's because he was the father of former Senator Chris Dodd. That's right, one "slice of bread" of the famous Waitress Sandwich, the other being Teddy "Killer" Kennedy. All they needed to complete the sandwich was the nearest pretty waitress at whatever restaurant they were getting wasted in. Imagine the poor girl being dry humped on each side by those two drunken idiots. Sen Thomas Dodd drew his inspiration for the 1968 GCA from the Nazi Weapons Law of 1938 that disarmed the German Jewish population. Some good reference material can be found here at jpfo.org.

Here is the actual text of the law, translated to English.

Remember: Regulation leads to registration. Registration leads to confiscation. Confiscation ends in extermination. 

Call your Senators and Representatives immediately of both parties and let them know your displeasure with more infringements.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Who Checks The Checkers?

The House is supposed to vote on the $1.9T spending bill, supposedly for COVID relief but nothing more than a #LIBTARD wet dream of taxpayer dollars giveaways. Only 9% goes to true relief regardless of what the liars try to sell you. It looks like it will pass, unless there is a last minute "come to Jesus moment" of some Demon-Craps. Then on to Creepy-Sleepy-Gropey Joe Asterisk for signing if he can remember how to write his name.

Last night on the 10 o'clock news on my local Fox affiliate, they did their little Verify "fact-checkers" segment with the red-headed fat-faced kid in the too small suit. Hint: whenever the phrase "Fact Checkers" is used just think you're about to see some liberal propaganda. We on the right don't need fact-checkers for #LIBTARDS because we know everything they say is a fucking lie anyway.

The video claims there is 85% COVID relief because there was economic damage due to the pandemic. WRONG! and here's why. The "pandemic" itself did not damage anything economic, state lockdowns and business closures by tyrannical governors did. In states like my own, coupled with the lockdown was the state economy already deep in the red because of deficit spending and unfunded state union pensions. Saying its all caused by COVID does not make it so. Bailing out blue states like my own at the expense of other fiscally responsible (meaning RED) states is called THEFT. So the fat kid claims at the end that the 91% not going to COVID relief is false... OK may be not 91%, but I contend the percentage, whatever the number actually is, is still too great and this piece of shit legislation should be defeated and re-worked to only do its stated purpose.

Who Knew?

Well actually, I did. I just didn't know what to call it, but I now know the proper name is "Super Straight." It describes my sexuality label perfectly, because I would never consider having a relationship with a tranny. My wife is 100% real born woman and that is what I am attracted to, not dudes. This is one case where it may look like a duck and quack like a duck, BUT IT STILL AIN'T A DUCK! See this post from The Intrepid Reporter: Big Country Expat.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Conspiracy Theory? Me Thinks Not

 New post "vaccine" CDC recommendations direct from cdc.gov


What's Changed

If you’ve been fully vaccinated:

  • You can gather indoors with fully vaccinated people without wearing a mask.
  • You can gather indoors with unvaccinated people from one other household (for example, visiting with relatives who all live together) without masks, unless any of those people or anyone they live with has an increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19.
  • If you’ve been around someone who has COVID-19, you do not need to stay away from others or get tested unless you have symptoms.
    • However, if you live in a group setting (like a correctional or detention facility or group home) and are around someone who has COVID-19, you should still stay away from others for 14 days and get tested, even if you don’t have symptoms.

What Hasn't Changed

For now, if you’ve been fully vaccinated:

  • You should still take steps to protect yourself and others in many situations, like wearing a mask, staying at least 6 feet apart from others, and avoiding crowds and poorly ventilated spaces. Take these precautions whenever you are:
  • You should still avoid medium or large-sized gatherings.
  • You should still delay domestic and international travel. If you do travel, you’ll still need to follow CDC requirements and recommendations.
  • You should still watch out for symptoms of COVID-19, especially if you’ve been around someone who is sick. If you have symptoms of COVID-19, you should get tested and stay home and away from others.
  • You will still need to follow guidance at your workplace.

What We Know and What We’re Still Learning

  • We know that COVID-19 vaccines are effective at preventing COVID-19 disease, especially severe illness and death.
    • We’re still learning how effective the vaccines are against variants of the virus that causes COVID-19. Early data show the vaccines may work against some variants but could be less effective against others.
  • We know that other prevention steps help stop the spread of COVID-19, and that these steps are still important, even as vaccines are being distributed.
    • We’re still learning how well COVID-19 vaccines keep people from spreading the disease.
    • Early data show that the vaccines may help keep people from spreading COVID-19, but we are learning more as more people get vaccinated.
  • We’re still learning how long COVID-19 vaccines can protect people.
  • As we know more, CDC will continue to update our recommendations for both vaccinated and un-vaccinated people.

Here's what I think: if you took the jab and follow their new guidelines, you are just part of the ongoing live human testing for the experimental goo. They are encouraging you to drop your guard a little, possibly get infected, just to see how you fare. They have to take small steps in their testing, which is why they don't want you to just go full TEXAS. Because this is not a vaccine, it is a pre-treatment. It does not prevent infection or spread like a licensed true vaccine, it only lessens the severity if you catch Wu Flu. In their own words above it says; "We know that COVID-19 vaccines are effective at preventing COVID-19 disease." Notice they said "disease" not "spread" or "infection"

You want to get jabbed... have at it, don't let my words stop you. My thought is if you have one or more comorbidity, your odds of surviving Chink Bug if you get it might be improved. For someone like me, it is not necessary to go through. And if you take the jab and something bad happens down the road attributed directly to it, well... here's your "I told you so." My wife's brother got the single dose J & J shot, and was sick as a dog over the weekend. Anecdotal evidence to be sure, but it will all just add up in the end.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

You Don't Have to Be An Official Member

Of an organization (in this case Oath Keepers) to be labelled an extremist or domestic terrorist by the current iteration of the federal government. You were trained by the military to do the things that the military does, and now the fear is that training could be turned back against the government. You also swore an oath to defend the nation against "all enemies, foreign and domestic" that most veterans would say never expired. THAT is probably the one thing that has the swamp-dwelling scum most frightened, is that there are SO MANY people that view them as the enemy within. The big lie about January 6th being labelled an "insurrection" is still being pushed by the #LIBTARDS everywhere and the sycophantic propaganda media whores. It was a riot at worst and mostly just criminal trespass. The scurrying away of congress-critters just shows how they feel about YOU.

So, the new mantra of the tyrants is:

If you are a Vet, YOU ARE A THREAT!

While enjoying breakfast this morning, my wife had this on and I was not paying much attention to it until this story came on.

CBS Sunday Morning Full Episode 3-7-21

Go to the 20:20 mark in the video to see the story I referenced and avoid the other #LIBTARD crap.

Then get ready to receive your boarding pass for the boxcar to camp (re-education/concentration/extermination).