Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Showing posts with label Trump45. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump45. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

J6 Was NOT An Insurrection

It was an understandably angry but mostly peaceful protest that had elements of violence and rioting. But the majority of people at The Capitol on January 6, 2021 were simply on the grounds, walking around, peacefully protesting, and being let in to areas of The Capitol by the USCP. NO USCP personnel were killed (even though the propaganda media still insists 1-4 were depending on the outlet), however the same cannot be said for an unarmed woman named Ashli Babbit.

Had January 6th been a REAL insurrection, every tree and lamppost would have been decorated with the mortal remains of tyrants and their minions.

In 13 days, the J6 political prisoners will be pardoned and released. Cope and seethe.

With that, I say that January 6th should be viewed as a warning to those that cheat in elections or otherwise undermine The U.S. Constitution and plan to do so in the future. If J6 horrifies you, imagine what American Patriots could REALLY Do if we were so inclined. You have been warned!


What prompted me to write this was wanting to comment on this post by Roberta X over at The Adventures of Roberta X, but after reading her comment rules I did not hold out much hope that my comment would see the light of day. Therefore, I will respond here where I control the content. She says J6 was an ugly day with more ugly days ahead. I say that all depends on Libturds and Commies behaving themselves and not starting something WE PATRIOTS WILL FINISH.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Kommiecticut Primary Day

I just got back to the firehouse after going to the polls. I know it's a done deal, but I just wanted to make damn sure I got my vote cast for "Orange Man Bad"

Fuck the Never-Trumpers and the TDS sufferers.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

TDS Is Worse Than China Coof

Although I never agree with her politically, I do enjoy reading Comrade Misfit's blog Just An Earth-Bound Misfit, especially on Sunday mornings with her regular feature of Prop/Jet/Rotor Noise featuring military and sometimes rare aircraft in flight. I mean she is obviously a Pink Floyd fan, so....

But her post today cracks me up. The title is "Don't Let Them Live in Your Head Today" yet that is exactly what is going on with her and every other TDS sufferer. All the D/S/C propaganda media and Faux News wanted Nikki Haley to win, but there was and continues to be no way. I wish I could stomach an hour each of CNN and MSNBC to watch the meltdown post Iowa of Trump's historic win, but I am on shift for the FD and hunched over the toilet puking makes it hard to fulfill my duties.

As always, I wish Comrade Misfit well, and just imagine how much better the country would be if she and all the other TDS sufferers held the D/S/C's feet to the fire to follow The Constitution, actually improve the economy, close our borders, crack down on crime, etc. etc. instead of directing so much negative energy to one man and his supporters.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

They Are Trying So Hard

To light off ACW2 that is, but American Patriots are not taking their bait. More on that in a moment.

Trump Indicted a 4th Time

Supposedly for election interference by doing nothing more than publicly questioning Georgia's methods and results. He did not block access to, flood, or kill the electricity to polling places. He did not stuff ballot boxes. He did not find ballot boxes in the trunk of his car or steal them. He did not falsify vote counts. He told the Georgia Secretary of State on a phone call he needed 11,700 votes in order to win and to find them, NOT MAKE THEM.

So this poses a question... why hasn't that fat loser Stacey Abrams been indicted? After all, she called into question the legitimacy of the 2018 and the 2022 elections where she lost the governor's race. Here's why:

[X] Woman 

[X] of color

[X] Demon-Crap

Yup, that's it.... three big check boxes and the American (In)justice system could not care less. But Donald Trump, oh not only is he a male, white, and Republican, but he had the gall to go after and expose the big government swamp monster for all to see. That is why he must be taken down. Donald Trump will eventually come out on top as he ALWAYS DOES, so no need for Patriots to "rescue" The Republic and take the bait for ACW2. No, we will continue to wait until the Commies in power lose their patience and strike first. Probably when they see their precious assaults on the Second Amendment either fail completely, or continue to be ignored and not complied with (bump stocks and pistol braces for example). Or like at the state level where non-compliance with Kommiecticut's own magazine and "assault weapon" ban is 85% and private gun sales continue unabated with no state authorization (registration), and is a reported 95% non-compliance in NY. These are not official numbers because A) the tyrants do not have any type of accurate firearms count, and B) they have refused to release their official estimates since 2013.


Then it will be go time. All privately owned "arms" will instantly become "Weapons of WAR" and those that just wanted to be left alone will get involved. The tyrant's enforcers need to realize that they have families as well, and perhaps should resign from their posts before its too late.



Good luck with those F-15's, Jack! You fucking fed clowns could not even beat 7th century goat herders that had no navy, air force, standing army, or nukes. But they had one unifying ideal that we Patriots also have... 

they hated YOU!

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Time To Update My Clothing

Since we now obviously live in the FUSA I may as well dress for the new environment.

The storefront from when it was cool, and before it was a store for the hipster doofus

Pith helmets and jungle wear. I should probably stock up on cigars and rum, too. Maybe I'll pickup a Kukri blade to wear on my hip with those Gurkha shorts.

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Don't Like It.... Fuck The Hell OFF!

Dylan Mulvaney is a mentally ill freak that should be confined to a psychiatric hospital, not given product endorsement deals.

So is everyone else that doesn't understand what sex they are, again because of mental illness and the enablers around them.



Remember what The Donald said, "EVERYTHING "WOKE" TURNS TO SHIT."

Although in the case of Bud Light, it already was.

Monday, January 23, 2023


Everyone is raising questions about (p)Resident Gropey Dopey Joey Poopy-Pants having classified documents (with an as yet unannounced page count) as a senator and a vice president.

What about the four years he was nothing but a private citizen? THAT IS MY QUESTION!

As a veteran that once held a "SECRET" security clearance, I am quite familiar with the rules regarding the viewing, handling, and dissemination of classified materials. Any violations during and after my security clearance would and should land me in federal prison.

But then, I don't live on that "other tier" of the two-tier justice system.

Monday, November 7, 2022

Friends Don't Let Friends...

                VOTE DEMON-CRAP...EVER!!

Because if you do, they are voting against their own best interest on every issue. Yes, even if they are on the dole and get that EBT card every month from the government version of Santa Claus. They are voting for the policies that keep them dependent and technically a SLAVE ON THE DEMON-CRAP PLANTATION. De-funding the police increases our chances of becoming a victim of violent crime. Gun control makes it more difficult for everyone to defend ourselves against the animals on the street. Higher fuel prices due to a self-inflicted lack of supply because of some green dream unicorn fart fantasy drives up the prices of absolutely everything. Think saddling big corporations with punitive taxes are gonna teach them a lesson about being greedy? WRONG those taxes on the corporations will be passed on to EVERYONE as higher prices! I could easily list 10 more examples but on Election Day eve, the stupid, the ignorant, and the uneducated just can't help themselves.


Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Nothing To See Here, Right?

WRONG... and holy fuck! 

If there are no law enforcement investigations, arrests, trials, convictions, and stiff sentences handed out, this will be the spark for ACW2. And big tech censors be damned, I will state it right here...


Watch the full movie and then try to convince yourself (and then me) that what you saw ISN'T what you saw. The absolute brazenness of these crooked bastards is astounding. Dinesh D'Souza may not have been born in America, but he is more American Patriot than anyone on the left or RINO residing in the establishment. Not to be a spoiler, but while what he uncovered in the 2020 elections was done by left wing Marxist operators, BOTH PARTIES engage in election fraud, and this shit needs to stop... either voluntarily or BY FORCE!

2000 Mules - Full Movie For Free

Spend the hour and 28 minutes watching what Big Tech is trying to prevent you from seeing.

Friday, April 8, 2022

Wouldn't It Be Great?

In a turnabout on Demon-Craps, conservative commentators are now referring to Obummer's little photo-op stunt at the White House as a "COVID super-spreader event," just like the #LIBTURDS did with every Trump rally. Multiple high ranking Demon-Crap elected officials that were jabbed and boosted have now tested positive for Chi-Com Xi Flu. So I pose the question here;

"Wouldn't it be great to just have a mass die off of these fucking traitors, saving American Patriots the effort, rope, and bullets to dispose of them in the future?"

Asking for a friend.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

SOTU 2022

I could not watch. I tried, but not too hard and I got as far as the Drooling Meat Puppet handing copies of its speech to The Hag Of The House and The Ho. All I could think of is that despicable cunt ripping up Trump's speech at his final SOTU. I'll let others watch it and then read about it from reporters and listen to pundits that won't be sycophant lackeys saying how great and strong a demented doddering old fool is.

"The state of our Union IS FUCKED!!!"

I switched to a rerun of "Deadpool" on FX instead.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022


I am getting a delivery of home heating oil today. I am not on automatic delivery. I know how much we use and keep an eye on the tank gauge, and call for a delivery when the gauge goes below 1/4. When oil was less than $2 per gallon, a fill up cost not quite $400. I have a 330 gallon tank, which can only hold 300 gallons, so when I call for a delivery it's 200+ gallons.

So I called the oil company yesterday and was told the price per gallon is $3.49/gallon cash or pay in 7 days price. The minimum delivery is 150 gallons or you pay a $15 surcharge. So I ordered a minimum delivery which is going to cost me a whopping $523.50! You wanna tell me again how shutting down pipelines, drilling, fracking, coal mines, and other means of energy independence by executive order on day one of (p)Resident* Gropey Joey's administration isn't the cause? DELUSIONAL FUCKING LIARS!

Never mind the fact that a fill up on my truck that was $40 prior to 1-20-21 is now $75. Is it any wonder gas station attendants can't scrape these off the pumps fast enough?


Thursday, September 16, 2021

Approval Numbers Continue To Plummet

(p)Resident* Gropey Joe the Sniffer continues to fuck up everything he touches. His approval ratings tell the story. Obviously, Republicans don't approve of his shenanigans, but it seems like there is a substantial amount of "buyer's remorse" from the living humans that supported him. The dead and house pet voting block could not respond to pollsters for the normal reasons.

Scroll down for a solution...

Keep scrolling...

There it is!