Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Showing posts with label LGBFJB. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LGBFJB. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

J6 Was NOT An Insurrection

It was an understandably angry but mostly peaceful protest that had elements of violence and rioting. But the majority of people at The Capitol on January 6, 2021 were simply on the grounds, walking around, peacefully protesting, and being let in to areas of The Capitol by the USCP. NO USCP personnel were killed (even though the propaganda media still insists 1-4 were depending on the outlet), however the same cannot be said for an unarmed woman named Ashli Babbit.

Had January 6th been a REAL insurrection, every tree and lamppost would have been decorated with the mortal remains of tyrants and their minions.

In 13 days, the J6 political prisoners will be pardoned and released. Cope and seethe.

With that, I say that January 6th should be viewed as a warning to those that cheat in elections or otherwise undermine The U.S. Constitution and plan to do so in the future. If J6 horrifies you, imagine what American Patriots could REALLY Do if we were so inclined. You have been warned!


What prompted me to write this was wanting to comment on this post by Roberta X over at The Adventures of Roberta X, but after reading her comment rules I did not hold out much hope that my comment would see the light of day. Therefore, I will respond here where I control the content. She says J6 was an ugly day with more ugly days ahead. I say that all depends on Libturds and Commies behaving themselves and not starting something WE PATRIOTS WILL FINISH.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Change My Mind

Killary Rotten Clinton and the former SS Nazi George Soros should have been given a bullet to the back of the skull instead of The Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Liz Cheney and Bennie Thompson can take their Presidential Citizens Medals to prison with them and hang them on their cell walls.


Sunday, December 15, 2024

Good Riddance

As I traversed my living room a few moments ago, my wife had the idiotic CBS Sunday Morning Show on (which I used to like back in the days before it became LIBTURD propaganda*), and they were doing a puff piece on this clown...


The ultimate COVIDIOT/DEI useless fat-black hire

Outgoing SECDEF Lloyd Austin is yet another "check the box" appointment as the first black SECDEF. Nothing else in his military career is so outstanding to be awarded such a prestigious and important appointment. I had never heard of him before, but he is certainly infamous now for his PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY of the cluster-fuck withdrawal from "The Rock Pile" and the unnecessary deaths of these fine individuals.

Click it to big it



I am so looking forward to the confirmation of Pete Hegseth.


* LIBTURD Propaganda: The show used to be about Americana and just interesting stories. Remember Charles Kurault traveling the nation in his RV to meet every day people for the show? Now it is all Hollywood, Broadway, Pop Stars, Demon-Crap politics/politicians, and the obligatory GLOBO-HOMO promotion story.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Kommiecticut Primary Day

I just got back to the firehouse after going to the polls. I know it's a done deal, but I just wanted to make damn sure I got my vote cast for "Orange Man Bad"

Fuck the Never-Trumpers and the TDS sufferers.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Range Day 3-27-24

I went to the range to FINALLY shoot and zero my new Ruger PCC-9.

Set up to use Glock mags, Magpul hand stop, SIG Romeo 5



The photo above is from before I added the M*Carbo muzzle brake which I had an issue with. Totally my fault though... I never had a firearm with a threaded barrel and I went too far with the crush washer making it useless. When I ordered a replacement washer and some extras as well as a bottle of their high temperature thread locker, the fucking USPS lost my package. M*Carbo sent out a free replacement shipment, but only one washer. Well, that was enough to get my gun running and I will deal with them to get my other 5 spares they owe me. The other thing I did was move the bolt charging handle to the left side, even though I am right handed. I can swap mags and cock the bolt with my left hand super fast. I chose to use Glock mags instead of Ruger mags for several reasons. 1) Standard Ruger mags are $45 each, Glock mags are $30. 2) Reviews I read stated almost 100% reliability using Glock mags over Ruger. 3) Glock G-17 10 round mags are longer, making them easier to grab for fast mag swaps. The Ruger 10 round mags are really short. 4) Glock G-17 mags are 10, 17, 24 and 30 round factory stick mags. I could even go Magpul drum mags if I didn't mind all that weight. Ruger factory SR9 mags are 17, and that's it. I plan on a shopping trip to a nearby Free State of America to acquire some contraband standard capacity mags.

My plan was to function test and initially zero using my 9mm reloads. My recipe is: Winchester brass, Berry's 115 grain plated round nose bullets, Winchester magnum small pistol primers, and 4.3 grains of Bullseye powder. Those rounds feed and function reliably in any semi-auto I have. Once I was satisfied, switch over to a box of Federal 147 grain HST JHP for final zero and target practice, which will be my defensive carry round in the carbine. I read several articles (this one in particular from Lucky Gunner) about using heavier bullets in pistol caliber carbines. It was a comparison of ammo and barrel lengths, and when you push certain lighter bullets through a carbine barrel, velocity goes too high for proper bullet penetration and expansion. They over expand and deform and lose penetration. I went with their recommendation of the Federal 147gr HST. All I can say is "WOW!" those rounds hit harder than I expected. More about that in a moment.

I mounted the SIG Romeo 5 Red Dot using the co-witness mount so I can always use the factory peep sights if the Romeo 5 fails. Out of the box, the factory sight was just a little low and the windage was fine. A quick adjustment with the factory supplied Allen wrench and I was dead on a 50 yards using my reloads. Next was to adjust the Romeo. While I have several scopes, this is my first red dot and I seemed to have a little difficulty with it at first. I figured it out and got it zeroed as well. A few more mags of my target ammo gave me satisfying results banging the steel plates at 75 and 100 yards holding just a little high, and on the 25 yard plates holding just a little low. Exactly what I was hoping for with a 50 yard zero. I switched to my 50 round box of Federal HST. It only required a little more adjustment of the Romeo 5 and I was happy with the 50 yard group I shot below.

Circled 3-shot group is final zero















From there it was whacking the freshly painted steel plates at 50, 75, 100, and then back to the 25 yard plates. There wasn't any difference in the amount of hold over or hold under from my target ammo. But there sure was a difference in how hard the 147gr HST rounds hit the plates. That became even more evident when I set up the milk jugs full of water. Since I was there alone there was no one to shoot a video of me blasting the milk jugs. Too bad. I set them two at a time on one of our range target stand bases at 50 yards about 3 feet apart. All the jugs flew into the air about 3 feet high and backwards when hit, which for a 9mm round surprised the shit out of me. Below are the remains on my truck tailgate.

Lungs will be blown out, just like Joe Biden says they will

While these jugs are not completely shredded like when hit with a rifle round, it is quite evident that a strike on a human (or sub-human) subject will be devastating. After all, our bodies are like 60% water, so the damage caused by the hydraulic properties of water would be similar.

The next thing I tried was breaking the rifle down and putting it back together to see how accuracy was affected. The manual says that when you put it back together, you should pull the charging handle back and let the bolt slam forward several times to fully re-seat the barrel. I did that and there was no adverse effect on accuracy. Excellent!

I burned through 50 rounds of my target ammo and 50 rounds of the Federal HST for a total of 100. There was not one misfire, hang fire, squib, FTF or FTE. The gun is easy to shoot and hold on target for follow up shots. The last thing I tried was bump firing it. No go, Joe. The recoil is either too light or the trigger too stiff. Since it uses the 10-22 trigger assembly, there are lots of after market tweaks available. Maybe a 3D printed FRT? It will someday get the Ruger AR style factory stock (verbotten in Kommiecticut... FUCK `EM!) and I need to find a proper backpack that doesn't scream "TACTICAL RIFLE INSIDE!!!" I like the Vertx Commuter but it is slightly too small, and their Commuter XL is ginormous. I'll keep looking.

This is the first gun I've bought since my S&W M&P 45 Shield in 2021. If the assholes at the ATF need to check to see if I still have it in my possession, the answer is "YES," don't bother coming to my house to see for yourself. You will not get a warm welcome.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Random Stuff

So last night was "Earf Hour" where we were supposed to kill all the lights and sit in the dark from 8:30 PM to 9:30 PM EDT like savages, in order to save the planet and think about how our modern existence is harming it. FUCK THE FUCK OFF I say, as I turned on every fucking light in my house including in closets, basement, and attic to counter such virtue signalling bullshit. A prelude to what I refer to as "Pagan Dirt Worship Day" (Earf Day) on April 22nd, which actually makes it the Commie high holy day. FYI... Environazis are called "Watermelons;" green on the outside and COMMIE RED on the inside.

The view from the backyard. The front side was just as impressive with way more windows

Thanks to the uber-corrosive shit the Kommiecticut DOT uses on the roads every winter, I had to do a complete front brake overhaul on my Tundra.... AGAIN!! The inboard pistons of the right caliper froze and would not retract, causing my premium brake pads to munch up my premium slotted rotor. I got new pads, new calipers (always replace in pairs) and new rotors. Because of the economic policies of Brandon and the Demon-Craps, it cost me an extra $120 for inflated prices of auto parts. I was all set to do the brakes on my day off early last week. I jacked up the truck removed the wheels, and discovered THIS:

Right side

Left Side








































I saw the 6 inch steel line that goes from the rubber hose to the caliper all bubbled up with rust. Experience has taught me that the flare nuts would be seized to the line and twist when I tried to loosen them, breaking the line and then needing emergency replacement as fluid poured out all over the floor. I ordered them from my local Toyota dealer along with the rubber hose for each side with new mounting clips. The rubber hoses were original to the truck making them about 17 years old. Again experience taught me to replace those before they failed, wrecking my new brake parts again. I had to wait a couple of days for the rubber hoses so I finally got it all done last Friday on a day off. The main brake lines on the frame are all still like new from 2018 because they came as part of the frame replacement Toyota did. My spousal unit was home as well so she helped me bleed the system. I was correct about those little steel lines, because both of them had the nuts seized to the lines and broke off when I tried to loosen them. Everything went together easy-peasy and the brakes are working perfectly again. I have a note on my garage whiteboard to re-torque the front wheels in about 500 miles. It's a required procedure if you have alloy wheels, and they must be hand torqued properly or the rotors can warp. Mine go to 97 ft/lbs.

And just for random cuteness, my 10 year old little poodle boy, Cash. He jumped up on the ottoman in front of me and was just staring. I was just watching Newsmax and drinking my morning coffee, I didn't call him up there.. He either wanted to go out or lick my face, I don't recall which, but those are why he usually does this.


Thursday, September 14, 2023

I Dig A Good Sea Shanty

This one is awesome! H/T to Mike Miles at Ninety Miles From Tyranny for a sea shanty that documents the Brandon Administration to a "T"

It is based on a real sea shanty called "The Wellerman" best performed by the acapella  group known as The Longest Johns. This is their official music video for their rendition. I suggest you subscribe to their YouTube channel for more great music.


The wellerman is a supply ship to the whalers at sea. Toungin' is the cutting up of the whale carcass as it was towed alongside the whaling ship. The song details a long fight at sea to harvest a Right Whale.

For fans of "The Pirates of The Caribbean" franchise, I give you a bonus of the creepy "Hoist The Colours" by The Longest Johns

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

They Are Trying So Hard

To light off ACW2 that is, but American Patriots are not taking their bait. More on that in a moment.

Trump Indicted a 4th Time

Supposedly for election interference by doing nothing more than publicly questioning Georgia's methods and results. He did not block access to, flood, or kill the electricity to polling places. He did not stuff ballot boxes. He did not find ballot boxes in the trunk of his car or steal them. He did not falsify vote counts. He told the Georgia Secretary of State on a phone call he needed 11,700 votes in order to win and to find them, NOT MAKE THEM.

So this poses a question... why hasn't that fat loser Stacey Abrams been indicted? After all, she called into question the legitimacy of the 2018 and the 2022 elections where she lost the governor's race. Here's why:

[X] Woman 

[X] of color

[X] Demon-Crap

Yup, that's it.... three big check boxes and the American (In)justice system could not care less. But Donald Trump, oh not only is he a male, white, and Republican, but he had the gall to go after and expose the big government swamp monster for all to see. That is why he must be taken down. Donald Trump will eventually come out on top as he ALWAYS DOES, so no need for Patriots to "rescue" The Republic and take the bait for ACW2. No, we will continue to wait until the Commies in power lose their patience and strike first. Probably when they see their precious assaults on the Second Amendment either fail completely, or continue to be ignored and not complied with (bump stocks and pistol braces for example). Or like at the state level where non-compliance with Kommiecticut's own magazine and "assault weapon" ban is 85% and private gun sales continue unabated with no state authorization (registration), and is a reported 95% non-compliance in NY. These are not official numbers because A) the tyrants do not have any type of accurate firearms count, and B) they have refused to release their official estimates since 2013.


Then it will be go time. All privately owned "arms" will instantly become "Weapons of WAR" and those that just wanted to be left alone will get involved. The tyrant's enforcers need to realize that they have families as well, and perhaps should resign from their posts before its too late.



Good luck with those F-15's, Jack! You fucking fed clowns could not even beat 7th century goat herders that had no navy, air force, standing army, or nukes. But they had one unifying ideal that we Patriots also have... 

they hated YOU!

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Not Even The Same Area Code

While watching Newsmax this morning, they showed footage from the recent state dinner at The Whitehouse in June. There he was, the 1st Criminal, glad-handing with assorted VIP's and a thought occurred to me.... who in their right fucking mind would purposely be seen and photographed with that piece of shit? Like the title states, I don't want to be anywhere near him or any other criminal for that matter. Guilt by association? I don't need the added aggravation.

There have been times in the ambulance transporting a patient of questionable, uh... shall we say standards. They lost, misplaced, or don't have a phone and want to make a call. If there is no ALS Paramedic on board, I have to use the app on my phone to contact the receiving hospital. I tell them a lie that I need to keep the app open for the hospital only. If there is a paramedic, they are responsible for using the app, and so I lie again saying I just don't have my phone. I do not ever want my phone number appearing in the call log of some criminal's phone while being scrolled though by law enforcement, and then have to explain it. I got into an argument with another department member (who is a total jackass anyway) that told me I was "heart-less" for not letting others just use my phone. My response was "good, I will send them to you to make their phone call." Boy, you shoulda heard the excuses.

Friday, July 7, 2023

I wouldn't Put It Past Them (snerk alert)

The Brandon Administration acquires vintage WWII era German box car for reverse engineering.


In order to have an accurate type of transportation system for moving political opponents to prison camps, The Brandon Administration has acquired an authentic Deutsche Reichbahn G10 type boxcar. 200,000 copies will be constructed using the $400B originally earmarked for student loan forgiveness but sidelined by SCOTUS. The cars will be constructed with the insides smeared with human waste, and pulled only by steam engines utilizing the hideous sounding high-pitch European whistle for authenticity.

In related news, DHS, ATF, IRS, FBI, and all other armed alphabet regulatory agencies will begin learning to speak German so that the shouted commands for moving political prisoners on and off the rail cars sound more angry and authoritative. Federal personnel will be armed with Mauser 98k rifles, Schmeisser MP-44's, and Luger pistols. See the new federal uniform styles below. All federal canines will be transitioned to German Shepherds that only respond to German commands.



This was my own parody "news" story. The photo came from an email announcement I received from The American Heritage Museum. The actual official announcement from the museum with the photo can be found at this link. I have been to this museum in Hudson, MA and it is pretty cool. It's even better if you attend on Columbus Day weekend for the "Battle For The Airfield" WWII re-enactment.

Friday, June 30, 2023

3 SCOTUS Rulings That Give Me Hope For The Country

As long as your not one of those that insist on wiping their ass with The Constitutution, that is. If you are, TOUGH FUCKING SHIT!

1). Fuck Joe Biden and his $400B vote buying scheme using taxpayer dollars to erase college debt at the expense of those that never incurred such debt.

2). Bye-bye affirmative action and race quotas. From the racist responses I read from the left today, minorities should be pissed at those racists and not SCOTUS. The lefty racists say you can't do ANYTHING based on your merit or abilities, and have to have quotas to "succeed." Rubbish.

3). If you are religious and a business owner, and the Globohomo agenda goes against your faith.... YOU DON'T HAVE TO PROVIDE YOUR SERVICES. This shouldn't be a problem really, since there are plenty of heathens out there that would be more than happy to gay it up for them. But no, that's not good enough for militant fags that seek out Christian businesses just to destroy them. 

I can only hope that someone screaming at the sky in agony over these rulings finds my post and has the appropriate medical emergency reaction.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Time To Update My Clothing

Since we now obviously live in the FUSA I may as well dress for the new environment.

The storefront from when it was cool, and before it was a store for the hipster doofus

Pith helmets and jungle wear. I should probably stock up on cigars and rum, too. Maybe I'll pickup a Kukri blade to wear on my hip with those Gurkha shorts.

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Pagan Dirt Worship Day 2023

Otherwise known as Earf Day. Every April 22nd for now 53 years. I remember the first one when I was in the second grade. Air, land, and water pollution was the big focus. We were preached to not to litter. Are you old enough to remember this weeping Indian commercial?


In modern America, pollution had pretty much been eradicated, at least until every Branch Covidian started wearing and then tossing masks and gloves everywhere. In Third World hell holes though, not so much. Open smokestacks, dumping in waterways, no HAZMAT mitigation, open sewers, etc. Yet somehow, WE AMERICANS need to pay more of our hard earned income and wealth to magically save the planet from their transgressions!

NEWSFLASH: the planet doesn't need our "saving." We can not permanently damage the planet, nor do we have the power to save it if it is to be destroyed by natural means (like by the SMOD).

It is like a fucking religion to these greenie environazis. But they are not truly green. Nor are they religious. If they were religious, they would understand that the planet is a gift from God for us to use, and over the centuries we have learned to be more responsible. In the meantime, the planet has healed from our past carelessness. No, they are watermelons. Green on the outside, but deep COMMIE RED on the inside, and as intelligent as the fruit itself.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Words Mean Things... Except When They Don't

This is what prompted today's post, from The Blaze.

So in order to totally get the attention of bored FIBBIE analysts everywhere, I will give them the what for. Have fun assholes.

AMazing hERo    going ER    Supreme Gentleman    Ascension    -cel    Chad Chadpreet    Chang

Tyrone    Femoid    Foid    Roastie    Just Be First    JBF    It's Over    LDAR    Looksmatching

Looksmaxxing    MGTOW    NEET    Normie    Blue Pill    Red Pill    Black Pill    Rope    Stacy

I488    14    88    ((( )))    Accelerationism    Alt Right    Based    Blood and Soil    Day of the Rope

Goys    Goyim    Great Replacement    Jews Will Not Replace Us    You Will Not Replace Us

LARPing    /pol/    RaHoWa    Shoah    Shoah'd    Siege Culture    White Genocide     

Zionist Occupied Government    ZOG

Two things; first, until I heard this story and read this moronic document, I had never heard or even read 95% of these words and phrases. Second, because Fedboi retards supposedly have issues reading anything written in Times New Roman, I have made their job even more difficult by using that font.




Saturday, April 8, 2023

Don't Like It.... Fuck The Hell OFF!

Dylan Mulvaney is a mentally ill freak that should be confined to a psychiatric hospital, not given product endorsement deals.

So is everyone else that doesn't understand what sex they are, again because of mental illness and the enablers around them.



Remember what The Donald said, "EVERYTHING "WOKE" TURNS TO SHIT."

Although in the case of Bud Light, it already was.

Friday, March 31, 2023

Go Ahead, I'll Wait

Prove to me that the fucking commies running this country aren't trying to spark ACW2 by indicting political opponents. Just try.

Monday, March 27, 2023

Pfuck Pfizer!!

I stream WTIC AM 1080 out of Hartford most of the day for talk radio, and have been hearing a commercial spot for Pfizer's "Prevnar 20" pneumococcal vaccine. Below is a link to the ad campaign including an embedded video. I was unable to find an audio recording of the actual commercial I heard.

Pfizer Prevnar 20 Ad at ispot.tv


Go to the 0:25 mark in the video and read the text on the screen that says "Prevnar 20 is given by injection. It does not protect against all strains. Continued approval may depend on a supportive study." Did you catch that last part? On the radio spot they speak that quote but in the video you have to read it. You know what it says to me? EXPERIMENTAL CRAP THAT THEY ARE STILL TESTING and approval may be pulled at any time. Then we'll see the ads for the slip-n-fall lawyers asking "if you have been harmed by.... "

Just like the Chi-Com Xi Flu jabs, annual flu shots, shingles vaccine, etc. I now shun them all. And similar to the Chi-Com Xi Flu jabs, they don't offer 100% protection. So if you think this shot is a good idea for you, have at it, but I recommend against it.

Sunday, March 26, 2023

They Are Hereby On Notice

Any politician that proposes, votes for, or otherwise supports the actual implementation of the forfeiture of my retirement funds to pay for ANYTHING other than my personal finances will immediately forfeit their lives, the lives of their spouses and children, pets and livestock, their parents and siblings, and have their homestead reduced to ashes.

Every year it seems some LIBTURD in congress proposes this and it never goes any where. This time it seems with the thin majority in the house easily defeated by traitors in the Stupid Party, an Evil Party majority in the senate, a demented Commie puppet in the White House, and weaponized government agencies, the danger is very real. Therefore, these morons need to realize the danger goes both ways. 

It will make January 6th look like a garden party.