Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Showing posts with label SPEC-OPS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SPEC-OPS. Show all posts

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Indoor Training & Dry Fire

I spent some time the other day wearing and testing out my tactical gear indoors at home. With the terrorist attacks of New Years Day and the second Trump Inauguration coming soon, I thought it a good idea. As an old guy that served in the military from 1981-1987, I am most familiar with LBE web gear and a steel pot so that is what I have. It is currently set up for my G-17 in a GI holster on the right, two spare pistol mags at 6 o' clock, a small arms pouch at 1 o' clock, and a 3-mag pouch for my PCC-9 at 11 o' clock. My canteen sits at 7:30, the Ka-Bar at 9 o' clock. On the suspenders on one side is my lensatic compass, and the other has first aid dressings. The mag pouch for the PCC-9 and small arms pouch can be swapped out for 2 GI 3x30 round mag pouches for use in one of my other non-specified rifles I may or may not possess. The small arms pouch could be repurposed as a full IFAK with items from my FD EMT bag. I am to old to go looking for a fight or to willingly engage in CQB. I am more about defending my homestead or if I get caught in the shit while out and about.

So I made a couple of minor adjustments to the gear, specifically to my Ka-Bar sheath. I have a length of paracord at the bottom to keep it from flopping away from my leg. Because I permanently moved it to the left side the paracord was now too long in the front to tie on the front of my leg, so it was adjusted to my liking. I also decided to try and figure out a sling arrangement for the PCC-9. I have some items coming Monday.

A pair of Magpul MAG540 QD quick disconnect sling swivels from eBay

From MidwayUSA:

A Magpul M-LOK QD Sling Mount Aluminum Black

Catalyst Arms Hardpoint Length of Pull Spacer Ruger PC Carbine Aluminum Black

Blue Force Gear Vickers Combat Applications Rifle Sling Nylon Black

Midwest Industries Bolt Handle Ruger PC9 Steel Matte

I watched a video about a sling arrangement that I liked for the PCC-9. The spacer is metal instead of the factory plastic and has the QD holes in it on both sides.The Blue Force Gear sling has a pull tab to loosen or tighten the sling with one hand. The M-LOK sling mount will give me the front mount on the M-LOK hand guard. And the extended bolt handle came from reload practice and carrying with the sling. I had the bolt handle on the left side of the rifle even though I am right handed. It made for fast one hand/left hand reloads, but with the new sling carrying across my body, that bolt handle would dig right into my chest. So I moved it back to the right side and practiced doing some AK style reloads. Doing that I found the standard bolt handle to be lacking. The new one will be slightly longer and knurled. I practiced several evolutions of reloads with the mags loaded with Snap Caps. I did really well with the AK style of bolt operation, but felt like a fucking Commie doing it. 😆

Next I moved to the G-17 for some reload practice with the mags at 6 o' clock. I also did some needed dry fire practice and now that I loaded a quantity of 9mm, will get to range when the temps moderate a bit. I will have my entire ensemble with me to practice with live ammo. As usual, it will be on a weekday and I will have the place to myself.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

They Are Trying So Hard

To light off ACW2 that is, but American Patriots are not taking their bait. More on that in a moment.

Trump Indicted a 4th Time

Supposedly for election interference by doing nothing more than publicly questioning Georgia's methods and results. He did not block access to, flood, or kill the electricity to polling places. He did not stuff ballot boxes. He did not find ballot boxes in the trunk of his car or steal them. He did not falsify vote counts. He told the Georgia Secretary of State on a phone call he needed 11,700 votes in order to win and to find them, NOT MAKE THEM.

So this poses a question... why hasn't that fat loser Stacey Abrams been indicted? After all, she called into question the legitimacy of the 2018 and the 2022 elections where she lost the governor's race. Here's why:

[X] Woman 

[X] of color

[X] Demon-Crap

Yup, that's it.... three big check boxes and the American (In)justice system could not care less. But Donald Trump, oh not only is he a male, white, and Republican, but he had the gall to go after and expose the big government swamp monster for all to see. That is why he must be taken down. Donald Trump will eventually come out on top as he ALWAYS DOES, so no need for Patriots to "rescue" The Republic and take the bait for ACW2. No, we will continue to wait until the Commies in power lose their patience and strike first. Probably when they see their precious assaults on the Second Amendment either fail completely, or continue to be ignored and not complied with (bump stocks and pistol braces for example). Or like at the state level where non-compliance with Kommiecticut's own magazine and "assault weapon" ban is 85% and private gun sales continue unabated with no state authorization (registration), and is a reported 95% non-compliance in NY. These are not official numbers because A) the tyrants do not have any type of accurate firearms count, and B) they have refused to release their official estimates since 2013.


Then it will be go time. All privately owned "arms" will instantly become "Weapons of WAR" and those that just wanted to be left alone will get involved. The tyrant's enforcers need to realize that they have families as well, and perhaps should resign from their posts before its too late.



Good luck with those F-15's, Jack! You fucking fed clowns could not even beat 7th century goat herders that had no navy, air force, standing army, or nukes. But they had one unifying ideal that we Patriots also have... 

they hated YOU!

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Words Mean Things... Except When They Don't

This is what prompted today's post, from The Blaze.

So in order to totally get the attention of bored FIBBIE analysts everywhere, I will give them the what for. Have fun assholes.

AMazing hERo    going ER    Supreme Gentleman    Ascension    -cel    Chad Chadpreet    Chang

Tyrone    Femoid    Foid    Roastie    Just Be First    JBF    It's Over    LDAR    Looksmatching

Looksmaxxing    MGTOW    NEET    Normie    Blue Pill    Red Pill    Black Pill    Rope    Stacy

I488    14    88    ((( )))    Accelerationism    Alt Right    Based    Blood and Soil    Day of the Rope

Goys    Goyim    Great Replacement    Jews Will Not Replace Us    You Will Not Replace Us

LARPing    /pol/    RaHoWa    Shoah    Shoah'd    Siege Culture    White Genocide     

Zionist Occupied Government    ZOG

Two things; first, until I heard this story and read this moronic document, I had never heard or even read 95% of these words and phrases. Second, because Fedboi retards supposedly have issues reading anything written in Times New Roman, I have made their job even more difficult by using that font.




Sunday, March 26, 2023

They Are Hereby On Notice

Any politician that proposes, votes for, or otherwise supports the actual implementation of the forfeiture of my retirement funds to pay for ANYTHING other than my personal finances will immediately forfeit their lives, the lives of their spouses and children, pets and livestock, their parents and siblings, and have their homestead reduced to ashes.

Every year it seems some LIBTURD in congress proposes this and it never goes any where. This time it seems with the thin majority in the house easily defeated by traitors in the Stupid Party, an Evil Party majority in the senate, a demented Commie puppet in the White House, and weaponized government agencies, the danger is very real. Therefore, these morons need to realize the danger goes both ways. 

It will make January 6th look like a garden party.

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Black Friday? No... Bang Friday!

A weekday off means the opportunity to go to my club range. I loaded 200 rounds of .45 ACP last night, planning on shooting my Colt MarkIV Series 70 (which hasn't been shot in years) and my 45 Shield. I also had some old reloads, both purchased and my own to burn up. I wanted to do some more work with my two current carry guns from holster draw. The long guns were mostly going to be for fun banging the gongs, except my sniper type rifle. That was going to entail some scope range changing, as well as a comparison between my precision hand loads and commercial ammo.


First up was my Colt Mark IV Series 70. When I bought it in 1983, it was pretty much in standard government type issue, just like a 1911 marked "U.S. Property" would have been, but with a shiny blued finish. Mine now wears adjustable sights, a rubber Pachmyr grip, has a slide stop bushing, all new springs, pins and screws, and a barrel bushing compensator. Internally there are some bits from Chip McMormick. Skeletonized trigger and hammer, a high rise beaver-tail safety, and a sear set. I had forgotten how well this gun performs. After reacquainting my self with some target practice. I easily whacked the swinging plates at 25 yards, and then went to bowling pins. My hard hitting 200 grain flat point rounds hit the pins on the blue "American Bowling Congress" shield and took the pins cleanly and completely off where I had them sitting. This was my pin gun from back in the day, even before I tweaked it. I won my share of matches back then, maybe I'll get back into it.

Next up was the S & W 45 Shield for some draw and fire practice from both my OWB and pocket holsters. 7 yards at a B-27 silhouette using some older Hornady Critical Defense rounds I had put aside for this practice session. Recoil is only slightly more than my target rounds and easily manageable for me.

The last pistol I shot was my Ruger SR9c with some draw and fire practice from my On Your Six Designs OWB holster. I was going to do a full "Dicken Drill", but since I didn't have a shot timer and was trying more than 7 yards for the first time with a carry gun, I opted to start at 25 yards. I did OK, and am confident I could take out a target from behind cover, especially if I can brace myself. I then went to holster draws at 7 yards using a B-27 silhouette target. I did notice that I never had one instance of fail to fire with light primer strikes like I did on my last outing. Amazing what gunk inside the slide in the area of the firing pin will do to reliability. This is the first time firing it since I did that thorough cleaning. I only fired my 115 grain round nose copper plated hand loaded target rounds. I did not shoot the (ghost gun) other pistol in the case, or the Ruger GP-161 I had loaded on my hip for the day.



Another member and his guest showed up to shoot. The member has a S & W M&P 15-22 he brought just to plink with, but his guest was looking to verify zero on a Winchester Model 70 in 7mm Remington Magnum. I put my shooting on pause because he asked for my assistance. As far as he knew, his rifle was zeroed and he was just going to verify zero and holds. Well, something was amiss, because he wasn't even on paper at 100 yards and he asked me to try it out. First off, that rifle has a much stiffer trigger than I was expecting or used to, but at 100 yards I was holding on the center and should have been at least on paper. Nope. Then he started fiddling with the scope and things did not improve. I recommended they stop trying until they can shoot against a large sheet of paper to see where it is really hitting. They agreed and packed it in. The guy said the ammo was $47.99 for a box of 20. YIKES!

I brought several rifles with me but only fired my sniper type rifle. Rather than try precision shooting, I decided to engage targets as though they needed to be quickly eliminated, which would be more real world. I started at 200 yards with the 5 remaining rounds of PPU commercial ammo in the box to give me some more fire formed brass. At 200 yards it would have definitely been a kill, but the group was large and to the right of center. That was to be expected, since the commercial ammo is loaded with .308" bullets and my barrel slugs out to .311" I put 3 rounds on paper and whacked the 200 yard 12" gong twice. Then I switched to my precision loaded ammo using .311" Sierra MatchKings. Much tighter group at 200 yards and in the center of the target. I then dialed the scope back to the 100 yard zero setting and put 3 rounds right in the center of the target at 100 yards. Dialed back up the needed two inches of elevation and easily plugged the 6" gong at 200 yards, which makes a distinctive sound when hit. Back down to the normal setting and 2 rounds dead center of the 12" 100 yard gong (I saw the paint removed where the bullet struck) and that was that. There was no need to burn up any more precious ammo. I am confident in my ability to eliminate long range targets. Right now my dope card for actual fired rounds only goes to 200 yards, and until I can shoot at longer ranges, I have the estimated required elevations.

I packed everything up and spent the rest of the afternoon at the clubhouse, hanging out with several of the other members.


In the wake of the tranny club shooting in Colorado and the Walmart in Virginia, the demented meat puppet at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. is ratcheting up his anti-gun rhetoric being pushed by his string pullers against all semi-automatic firearms, no longer just dreaded black rifles. HEY FUDDS & BUTTERS: think your favorite hunting firearm is safe from the gun-grabbing hoplophobes... HA!

Keep your powder dry and rope nearby.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Didn't Quite Work With Guns, Now Its On To Knives

So this happened the past Sunday in Moscow, Idaho

Four Murdered College Students in Moscow, Idaho - KTVB 7 News


All four were stabbed in their beds and found around noon time. According this article in the NY Post the knife used was possibly a USMC Ka-Bar or similar large "Rambo style" fighting knife (their words, not mine).

An original style KA-BAR


In my weapon stash, I have my own modern version made by the Cutco cutlery company.

The incorrectly named "blood groove" the original has for strengthening the blade against lateral motion and breakage is not required because of the strength of the steel from Cutco. Cutco's version combines their famous "D-Cut" serrations and a straight edge on the blade. The knife handle is synthetic instead of leather, which is easier to clean blood and guts off of. The knife locks into the Kydex sheath at the hand guard with a positive click and the strap at the top keeps the handle from flopping outward while carrying. It is the perfect knife for stuffing in a brain stem or going full H.L. Mencken after spitting on your hands and hoisting the black flag. Chops vegetation and small diameter firewood with ease.

I got this as a free premium from my Cutco representative because I bought so many knives for myself and as gifts at one time. That was back when it listed for $170 and it was a Big E show special at their booth. I added the paracord at the base of the sheath for securing around my thigh. The only blood it has tasted so far was my own when I first got it and my thumb got in the way. Luckily no stitches were required.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Message - 2022.0549

"Saturday is laundry day."







2.36773830x10 e35 combinations for the key.

Have fun FED

Monday, October 3, 2022

2022 Big 'E'

For the fortieth consecutive year in a row,  my wife and I attended the Eastern States Exposition also known as The Big 'E'. While weapons have been forbidden for years, it has been the last few where patrons are forced to walk through metal detectors. Therefore, in order to at least have some type of defensive weapon, I have carried my Blackie Collins poly-carbonate "CIA Letter Opener."

Normally, we go earlier during the fair on a warm sunny day and I am wearing cargo shorts. The blade is easily concealed in my thigh pocket without needing a sheath of any kind. We planned on going on Friday the 30th and the weather was cool and breezy, meaning I would be wearing jeans and needed a way to carry my knife safely and concealed. Whatever I made would have to be completely non-metallic. So this is what I came up with.

I made a simple pocket sheath out of the heavy cardboard from an old pad of paper. The cardboard was folded along one edge and the two halves were put together with hot glue. The paddle hooks the pocket lining and stays put while the blade is drawn out. To ensure a smooth draw, the serrations were positioned to the fold. It worked like a champ and is surprisingly durable. I went right through the security checkpoint twice that day with no issues. There were no situations that ever called for my blade to come out of hiding.

There were however, a large number of mutants and other assorted human debris wandering around the fairgrounds. It is said that nature adorns toxic and poisonous plants and creatures with vivid colors as a warning to stay away, and it is absolutely the same with the mutants. Blue/green/purple hair, androgynous beings that don't know what they are today, and certain minority women with 4 inch long brightly colored fingernails and stupid long eyelashes. My wife pointed one out to me as she came out of the ladies room, and asked me how I thought she did her post-potty paperwork. I said with a wad of T.P. on the end of a stick I guess.

Later in the afternoon we met up with my wife's brother, his wife, my niece, and friends of theirs that we know. We went to the 7 PM show at the circus. As people file into the tent to take a seat, a clown in a tuxedo named Ronaldo follows them around throwing a boomerang around their heads catching them by surprise. He only communicates with a coaches whistle. Then as it gets closer to showtime, he takes center ring and starts doing tricks with his hat. He tosses it into the audience and wants it tossed back to land on his head. No one seemed to have ever tossed a Frisbee, because the throws were terrible. One woman was so busy trying to video herself she threw his hat into the dirt on the floor. IDIOT! Try putting away your fucking phone and living in the moment for a change. The show was pretty good, a couple of decent illusions, then out came "Anna Dangerous" doing trick shots and marksmanship with a crossbow, and with whips. After her, Ronaldo came back out with a bow and some arrows. He pulled a couple out of the audience to be his volunteers. The husband was placed against a back board and tied into place. The wife was to be Ronaldo's assistant, swishing around all sexy like to hand Ronaldo his arrows. Ronaldo lines up on the husband, and just before he fires, another assistant placed a hood over his head. The assistant that placed the hood stabs an arrow by hand into a target block, the crowd goes wild, and the hood is removed from the husband. So he's thinking Ronaldo hit his target. Now Ronaldo says he is going to shoot two arrows at once. The victim's wife brings him two arrows with drum rim shots with each wiggle of her hips. Ronaldo lines up with two arrows, a hood is placed over the victim's head at the last minute, and the assistant stabs two arrows into target blocks on either side of him. The crowd goes wild and the hood is removed again revealing Ronaldo holding the bow and taking his applause. Now for the finale. He places a balloon between the victim's legs, and let's the victim see Ronaldo put on a blindfold. The hood is placed over the victim's head, the assistant stabs the balloon with the arrow, and just before the hood is removed, the bow is handed to the wife as though she made the shot. When the hood is removed, water shoots out between the victim's legs like he pissed himself and the crowd laughs uproariously. It was a well done gag.

A little more food before the hour plus ride home. My wife and I went to Porky's Pork Palace for a pulled pork "Sundae" to share. Layered like an ice cream sundae, corn bread on the bottom, BBQ baked beans, pulled pork, cole slaw, and topped with a cherry tomato. We left around 8:30 PM so traffic was only a few minutes getting out of the parking lot.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Message 2021.0551

ALERT!! Missions are kicking into high gear. All operational units take appropriate actions.

"The toast is burning"

"A boat is tied up at the dock"

"George has sold his car" 

38.894, -77.048


Maintain SafeSECS at all times. If comms are cut and in the absence of orders, you know what to do.

Monday, October 18, 2021

A Poem - That Comes With A Macro-Aggression Trigger Warning

If you are a sensitive little snowflake SJW, stop reading here and close your browser window. FINAL WARNING!

















Whatcha Gonna Do in ACW2?

When the shooting starts, where will you be?

Hiding with the lights off... or taking aim from behind a tree?

On the phone to 911 in a panicked call?

Or armed behind the cover of a stone wall?

Under the bed covers just trying to get some rest?

Or in the deep concealment of a wet, miserable sniper nest?

Will you be praying to God to save you from danger?

Or praying to God for help to win in your righteous anger.

Be that brave person to go deep behind enemy lines

To disrupt, destroy, burn, steal, and kill all you can find

When there is nothing left to lose, there is everything to give

Your life as a free citizen remains yours to live

Do what you must. Offer "No Mercy" and "No Quarter" 

Kill all of those that are "just following an order"

Take out their families, burn their homes to the ground

Leave their bodies hanging to rot, gagged and bound

When the count of the dead on both sides become too high to bear

There will be plenty of blame for all combatants to share

When the tyrants are dead and us Citizens can be left alone

Only then will we lay down our arms and return home

Glypto Dropem - 18 October 2021

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Moving Into War Mode

No details for OPSEC and PERSEC, but think of the movie "The Great Escape" and some of the things they did to try and blend into the regular population.

I'm thinking it better to fight these commie fuckers from behind rather than direct confrontation. I'll let 'em think I am one of their sheeple right up to their last moment consuming oxygen.

Friday, July 9, 2021

Message 2021.0432

"The axe in the barn needs sharpening."

"Bill drives a red pickup truck."

"The dog needs to go out."

"Patty can recite the alphabet."

More instructions later.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Message 2021.0232

More fun using my skills learned at Fort Gordon, courtesy of Big Green!


44 39 44 33 45 20 55 42 33 37 59 20 4f 37 59 55 37 20 53 4d 30 48 44 20
30 44 37 4a 30 20 44 4c 59 30 30 20 56 37 46 4d 30 20 42 4d 4a 56 30 20
42 55 32 56 4d 20 32 59 55 4c 4d 20 32 42 56 4d 30 20 30 32 44 48 4f 20
59 34 41 49 4f 20 59 52 59 55 4c 20 48 44 52 56 55 20 4d 4f 56 30 30 20
56 55 52 30 32 20 33 42 59 30 4d


Fire up your super computers. I hope I burn time, money and valuable resources while you illegally spy on Patriotic Americans, you tyrannical commie motherfuckers!

Monday, March 29, 2021

Sunday, March 28, 2021