Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Showing posts with label Government Spying. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Government Spying. Show all posts

Sunday, September 10, 2023


On Twitter (now called "X" I guess). Just for shits-n-giggles I tried logging in earlier today. All the nonsense about requiring a live cell phone to verify login and unlock my account was gone. All I had to do was delete the offending tweet. Which I did and then promptly put up a post with a screenshot of the offending tweet embedded in it. As a reminder, here is the offending tweet from 8-22-22 that got my account locked on on 9-16-22.


Let's see how long before I get whacked again.

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Words Mean Things... Except When They Don't

This is what prompted today's post, from The Blaze.

So in order to totally get the attention of bored FIBBIE analysts everywhere, I will give them the what for. Have fun assholes.

AMazing hERo    going ER    Supreme Gentleman    Ascension    -cel    Chad Chadpreet    Chang

Tyrone    Femoid    Foid    Roastie    Just Be First    JBF    It's Over    LDAR    Looksmatching

Looksmaxxing    MGTOW    NEET    Normie    Blue Pill    Red Pill    Black Pill    Rope    Stacy

I488    14    88    ((( )))    Accelerationism    Alt Right    Based    Blood and Soil    Day of the Rope

Goys    Goyim    Great Replacement    Jews Will Not Replace Us    You Will Not Replace Us

LARPing    /pol/    RaHoWa    Shoah    Shoah'd    Siege Culture    White Genocide     

Zionist Occupied Government    ZOG

Two things; first, until I heard this story and read this moronic document, I had never heard or even read 95% of these words and phrases. Second, because Fedboi retards supposedly have issues reading anything written in Times New Roman, I have made their job even more difficult by using that font.




Thursday, March 16, 2023

Oh Well

 I picked up this email from the administrator at NormalAmerican.com this morning:

Google targeting 75 Million Pissed Off Patriots

Read Messages
I enjoy your writing and included you here:

But I just noticed that Google (Blogspot) now requires everyone to log in to read your blog. Not only one particular post, but even the main site (you can verify this by opening in an incognito window): https://75mpop.blogspot.com/

Unfortunately this is kinda horrible (and means everyone has to cough up personal information to the Goolog just to read a blog) so I temporarily removed you from my news roundup. If you move elsewhere, please let me know and I'll include you again.

FYI Divemedic is offering server space in a non-U.S. jurisdiction for $15/mo:


Normal American normalamerican@protonmail.com

Mon, Mar 13, 9:26 PM (3 days ago)


In this post from January 31st, I wrote about the changes Goolag made to the "Sensitive Content" warning by adding an age verification that can only be done by a Goolag logon. Below is the email response to Normal American.

Re: Google targeting 75 Million Pissed Off Patriots

Hi There,

    I understand fully. I was the one that originally turned on the "Sensitive Content" warning in my blog
settings. Goolag went and changed how that operated recently by forcing the age verification only by
Goolag login. I have the warning on for two reasons; first, it makes the sensitive snowflake SJW cancel
culture types click past it on purpose to read my "offensive content." Second, it prevents internet archive
sites from hoovering up and perpetually saving my content in the event I have to hit the blog kill switch
again. A recent search of The Internet Wayback Machine proves that all they capture and store is the
"Sensitive Content" warning page. I have no control over screenshots but that does not concern me.

Some day, if we live in a society that truly values free speech by all without making opposite opinions
criminal, I will disable the warning. I currently do not pay for hosting, monetize my blog, or have any ties
to my actual identity, so paying for server space is not something I am going to do. My blog is a place
for me to vent, and the fact that others even bother to read what I write always astounds me.


Glypto Dropem glyptodropem@gmail.com

11:12 AM (12 minutes ago)

to Normal

So the "Sensitive Content" warning will stay in place, and I will no longer be listed on the Normal American news page. I am hoping that at some point, Goolag will allow age verification by other logons like Twatter and Fecesbook.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

When They Don't Go Home To Their Family

THAT is when the government goons will stop kicking in doors and otherwise harassing citizens.



First up a video from a real doll.... Liberty Doll


And this one. H/T to A Day In The Life of a Talk Radio Blogger

If anyone tries to force entry through my door at Zero-Dark-Thirty, they only have a few seconds to get to me. The dogs will have already all started going nuts as they approach the house. I will open fire on anyone trying to enter my bedroom, no ifs, ands, or buts. There is a very small area at the top of the stairs, so no room to stack an entry team.

Am I pissed? You better fucking believe I am. 


FAFO fed.

Friday, February 3, 2023

All You Need To Know

That your (p)Resident is more willing to use the military he commands to go after political opposition, than to shoot down an unauthorized intrusion into our nation's sovereign air space.

I'm sure it was tracked well before it reached the continental U.S., and should have been downed immediately over the Pacific as a threat.

UPDATE 08:48 The fucking moron Secretary of State Anthony Blinken is headed for China. If I were in charge of the country, I would shoot that fucking thing down and have Mr. Blinken deliver the wreckage directly to Winnie The Pooh. He should drop it at his feet and say "I believe this is yours. Next time it will be delivered on a vapor cloud of nuclear fallout, YOU FUCK!"

I have been asked by the town Republican Committee to run for office. Now you see why I have refused.

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Changes By Blogger, Not Me

I have had the "Sensitive Content" warning upon entrance to my blog for a long time, and for two main reasons. First and foremost, it forces the easily triggered SJW cancel culture types to click past it to get to my content. They were warned, and if they clicked past the warning and get my salty language, somewhat offensive, pro 2nd Amendment, anti-gubmint rants.... too fucking bad. You came in, and therefore I will proceed to assault your sensitivities. Secondly, it prevents sites like The Internet Wayback Machine and other automatic internet archive sites from hoovering up my blog content. I have checked these sites and found all they end up with is the "Sensitive Content" warning page. If I decide to hit the blog "Kill Switch," like I had to once before, it all disappears forever except for any screen captures.

In the past 24 hours, Goolag by way of Blogger has now added an additional step of age verification after you click the "I UNDERSTAND AND I WISH TO CONTINUE" button. Unfortunately, it forces you to log in with or create a Goolag account to proceed.

This used to be all you had to get past to enter my blog.

The additional prompt page

So far, I have not received any complaints, and I checked other blogs on Blogger that I read using the warning as well and it is working the same as mine. Most people have a Goolag account and you only have to do this once and your browser remembers for other sites, so it shouldn't be too big a deal. Unfortunately, while I can go into my blog theme HTML settings and fuck with it, the setting for sensitive content is on the front end that is controlled by Goolag. I can only toggle the setting on or off. I was hoping the setting was farther downstream where I could tweak it, putting in my own static page to act as a warning message. Mine would not be so kind and gentle.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Message - 2022.0549

"Saturday is laundry day."







2.36773830x10 e35 combinations for the key.

Have fun FED

Friday, August 12, 2022

Back On-Line

The RAID* on Mar-A-Lago did not prove to be the potential catalyst for ACW2 that I thought it could be, prompting my going silent. It was targeted at one man, President Donald J. Trump who has the resources and balls to fight those mother fuckers. I do believe it was a test to see if those of us loyal to him would jump. We did not take the fed-dot-gov's "bait." That said, the COMMIES will double down on stupid as they always do. When they start executing these types of RAIDS* on normies that will have nothing to lose, it will be a much different story.

Therefore, all communications have returned to normal.




RAID* The feds are purposely trying to suppress use of that word in this instance. They call it something to do with serving a search warrant. FUCK `EM! Because like they say about black rifles being machine guns...

"If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it is surely a duck."

Monday, February 21, 2022

Gonna Engage In Some Domestic Terrorism Here

And this is how, by LOUDLY criticizing what passes for our current government. 

Oh, what fucking idiots in Washington dwell.... the incompetence is at absolutely incomprehensible levels. Let's just list those in the administration, shall we?

(p)Resident and drooling meat puppet, Dopey Gropey Joe Xiden. Always on the wrong side of history and foreign policy. He has NEVER accomplished a thing in life except for creating one totally fucked up family and great family wealth by shall we say, "questionable" means.

Vice (p)Resident Heels Up Harris. Never accomplished a single thing without a powerful man's dick in her mouth or in her nasty snatch. Her horrific cackle is eclipsed only by Killary's.

Sec. of State Anthony "Winken, Blinken, & Nod" In a sucession of failed demon-crap SecState appointments over the decades, here is a cuck beta-male diplomat. All talk, no action. Its all about the processes, not results.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. This little old fat turd makes our economy a little worse every day by simply waking up and still having the ability to speak because she didn't stroke out in her sleep the night before.

Sec. of Defense Lloyd Austin. First name on the list that should be standing on a trapdoor wearing a hemp necktie for his actions. Blew the exit from Iraq giving us those peace loving ISIS guys. Then blew the exit from the rockpile, killing service members and leaving $85B in top notch US military equipment for our sworn enemy the Taliban. Now he is on the precipice of starting WWIII with the Russkies, which can only end with global nuclear winter.

Attorney General Merrick Garland. Name #2 for the gallows, standing next to the previously named big doofus. Between perpetuating lies about Donald Trump, declaring defiant parents at school board meetings "domestic terrorists", along with veterans and other assorted Patriots, and treating the J6 protesters as political prisoners locked in his gulag with no constitutionally protected due process. I would debate whether we are better off with him as AG instead of 1/9 on SCOTUS.

Sec. of Labor Marty Walsh. Former mayor of Boston, knows how to keep the labor unions happy-happy. How you doin'? Wink-wink-nod-nod.

Sec. of HHS Javier Becerra. Overseer of the cluster fuck on the medical side that is the Chi-Com Xi Flu. Has his share of the blood of dead Americans on his hands.

Sec. of Transportation Pete "Buttplug" Buttigeig. Another former mayor, this one from South Bend, Indiana. More concerned with his personal life and playing the homo card. Doesn't have a clue how to solve the supply chain issues or the racist crumbling infrastructure. Yes, Mr. Lily White fag boy actually said infrastructure is racist.

Sec. of Energy Jennifer Granholm. This stupid cunt actually laughed at the idea on national television that the excutive actions taken on 1-20-21 (and since) by the demented drooling meat puppet had any effect on transportation and fuel costs. I guess when dotgov provides all your personal transportation at taxpayer expense you can laugh at such foolishness.

Sec. of Education Miguel Cardona. I apologize to America because this douche was imported to federal government from my own state of Kommiecticut, where he was the LIBTURD in charge of state education. A total stooge of the teacher's unions. A doctorate in education just like Dr. Jill, and that's how they demand to be addressed. Usually when you ask them what kind of doctor they are and they tell you, the normal response is, "Uh.... oh." 

Sec. of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas. #3 man on the gallows for his abject failure to protect our borders, sovereignty, and enforcing immigration policy. 

Press Secretary Jen "Little Red Lyin' Hood" Psaki. A closet commie (she loves her pink fur hat with the red star on it). She'll circle back to you on that. Oh wait, she answered you, do you have another question? She actually NEVER answers questions. How do you know when she's lying? Her lips are moving.

The rest of the cabinet and administration toils away as good little unremarkable bureaucrats in the swamp. Certainly doing damage but maintaining a low profile.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

One Year Blogiversary

It has been one year since this blog went live. The readership traffic here is almost double what I had in 5 1/2 years on my previous effort. That also goes for the comment activity. For that, I thank you all! While I make nothing monetary off this blog, I get pleasure in knowing my words are read by so many and that readers participate.

To the snowflakes, SJW's, FIBBIES, DOJ, DHS, big tech, legacy media, and all snooping fed alphabet agencies I say....


Too much? 😏

Monday, January 24, 2022

Time For The DOJ & FIBBIES To Get Busy

Rounding up (not arresting because that means "due process") and imprisoning those that dared defy the regime by protesting Chi-Com Xu Flu mandates in the D.C. shithole yesterday. Yesterday should be considered J6II and those involved should be treated accordingly! [/sarcasm]

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

A Conspiracy Theory Becomes A Caution

The other day, I read a blog post or an article from a source I don't remember. The subject was one of the dumbest things I've ever read, and does nothing to help the position of those of us against the phoney baloney jabs. Perhaps it was a psy-op meant to be deceitful, who knows. The jist of it was that jabbed people were injected with micro electronics and are now active bluetooth devices and show up on your smart phone looking for a pairing connection. The article then spun this tale about being remote controlled yada-yada-yada... a bunch of nonsense. I was sitting near people that I know have been jabbed so I checked my own phone. Unless I am actively using bluetooth it is turned off on my phone. Sure enough, when I turned on my bluetooth, several MAC adresses showed up as available to pair. But it wasn't the individuals that were broadcasting pairing invitations, it was their devices. Three cell phones, a tablet, and a laptop, all verified as to which MAC address went where and all were accounted for. This article/post was total tin foil hat nonsense because everyone has their devices near or on them and that's what you see.

All that being said, I recommend you do the same as I and turn off bluetooth completely on all capable devices unless you are actively pairing with another device. Tyrants love to use their Chi-Com Xi Flu "contact tracing" via bluetooth to "keep you safe" by tracking your movements. I say FUCK 'EM, don't give them any assistance what so ever.

The Market Will Determine Their Existence

Smart Guns Finally Arriving in U.S., Seeking To Shake Up Firearms Market

They will ONLY be marginally successful with government mandates and/or taxpayer funded subsidies. Let's see how many military units and police departments jump on board for these pieces of shit. My guess is none will. Smith & Wesson learned a hard lesson by being boycotted for working on this concept in 1999, so hopefully all manufacturers will learn from that lesson and stay away from such stupidity.

As for me... yeah, no thanks. I'll stick with a gun that reliably goes bang when I pull a mechanical trigger. Especially if my life is on the line. There are hundreds of millions of firearms out there, so there will never be a need to purchase a smart gun. Last week they were talking about putting "kill switches" in future new cars. Who doesn't think they would be able to do the same with smart guns? Imagine entire areas flooded with smart gun jammer signals, because GUNS BAD! All my firearms are already absolutely safe, providing anyone handling them observes the Four Rules of Gun Safety. 

Thursday, January 6, 2022

January 6th, Not A Date To Commemorate

But not for reasons LIBTURD politicians and their propaganda media state. This date to them is way worse than 9-11, or the favorite phrase "threat to our democracy!" First off, nothing rankles me more then calling our Constitutional Republic a democracy. Anyone with a brain knows a democracy is nothing more than MOB RULE. That's what has the LIBTURDS so aggravated by Joe Manchin. 

Nope, today should not be commemorated because it is the date of a missed opportunity... to decorate every lamppost in that shithole "swamp" with the body of traitor politicians and bureaucrats operating there, leaving their bodies to rot in the sun and be picked apart by the crows. Instead, we have anyone that isn't of the proper political party that happened to be in D.C. that day being held as a political prisoner in Garland's Prison, and LIBTURD demon-craps doubling down on full commie.

They refer to it as an "insurrection." They have no idea what a REAL ARMED INSURRECTION would look like. But they may... soon.


Thursday, November 4, 2021

That's Right, I Said It!

If this federal vaccine mandate enforcement goes sideways....

Make their body armor ineffective and deny the tyrants an open casket funeral by shooting them in the fucking face. Repeat as necessary.

"We're here to jab your non-compliant employees, or collect the $14,000 per instance fine. Thank you for your cooperation."

After reading more and more about the J6 detainees and their abysmal treatment and conditions, I am committed to not being taken alive. I just hope I can take a few goons with me. If everyone can do this, they will run out of goons before we run out of Patriots.

Monday, August 2, 2021

A Story For The Times

This is a work in progress and the story will be continued as these "vaccine ambassadors" begin going door to door nationwide. We'll see just how violent this story gets. It will be quite graphic if it does. I have not written fiction since I was in school and it is a great mind exercise to write like this. Lemme know what you all think.



Paul and Heather Morris were the classic empty nesters. They lived in their modest house on a few wooded acres about a mile off the state road. The road they lived on was paved and carried very little traffic. On a normal weekday, a dozen or so cars in the early morning of folks that worked out of town. The few cars during the day could be spaced out by a couple of hours each. Then in the evening, the commuters from the morning returning home from work. Late in the evening traffic was next to nothing. On the weekends, cars passed the Morris house on a semi steady basis throughout the day, and even the occasional group of motorcycles venturing up the road just for a nice ride. Paul worked from home as an I.T. consultant and was a first responder with the local volunteer fire department. Heather worked as a veterinary technician at a small practice out of town. Initially, neither one were going to get the jab, but Heather gave in and got the J & J shot so she would have no problem flying out to visit her father. It really knocked her on her ass the day she got it and she recovered. Paul was disappointed with Heather’s decision, but still adamant he was never going to get poked with what he viewed as an experimental medical procedure. They both believed they had COVID in early 2020 but had never gotten tested, and they just got over it. Over the last year, Paul was up close and personal, getting exposed multiple times to COVID positive patients on medical calls, but neither even got a case of the sniffles since he and Heather had been sick.

Paul was wafting in and out of consciousness as he sat in his favorite chair with the TV on. He was tuned to FXX on satellite, watching the movie "The 5th Element" for like the hundredth time, and watching TV always seemed to make him sleepy. The sweat on the bottle of the half-finished beer on the end table ran down to the coaster he had always remembered to use. Every window in the house was open, and Paul was enjoying the warm, sunny, Saturday afternoon with the little breeze now and then. Heather was out of town with her girlfriend at a winery. That was when he heard the unmistakable sound of tires on gravel. He was instantly wide awake now as the alert for his security camera dinged his phone. The driveway was at the other end of the house where the attached garage was, so it was impossible to see approaching vehicles. As he listened, he thought sure he heard more than one vehicle's tires moving on the gravel echoing off the trees. The gun he always carried had been lying on the table next to his beer so he could be more comfortable sitting in his chair. A Smith & Wesson M&P 45 Shield, it was now tucked safely in its holster, the 2 spare mags still in their carrier on his belt. Paul always kept a spare remote for the automatic door opener handy in the kitchen and he grabbed it as he headed towards the door leading to the garage. He waited until he was in position to see but not be seen in the garage before he punched the button to lift the door.

There was more than one vehicle, in fact there were three. The lead one was an unassuming light blue Ford Escape with regular passenger plates. Behind it was a maroon Chevy Malibu with US Government plates, but it was the third vehicle that really raised Paul's hackles... a military Humvee. From the first vehicle exited a man and woman in casual business attire. From the Chevy were two obvious male government types in dark suits complete with the earbud on a little curly cord coming out of their collars. And out of the Humvee came two apparently unarmed U.S. soldiers in camo fatigues. From the dark corner of the garage where Paul stood, he already had his hand on his pistol and had made his target selections in order. He ordered them to stop where they were; that they were uninvited trespassers, and to state their business. They all stopped in their tracks because they still could not see Paul and his voice had an authoritative almost threatening tone to it. "We're from the North Central Health District" the woman called out, "and we'd like to discuss the COVID-19 vaccine with you. Are you Paul Morris?"

Paul had seen the news stories that this was coming, although he didn’t think he would personally experience it so soon. The leaked government procedures for these “vaccine ambassadors” laid out how they were going to proceed, some of the scripts, and to ignore “No Soliciting” signage. In preparation for such a visit, Paul had put up a couple of prominent NO TRESPASSING signs at the bottom of the driveway and on the garage. Heather thought he was overreacting, but Paul knew he would be at a better advantage in kicking these people off his property with proper signs. He chose his response carefully, so as not to confirm his identity from the dark garage interior. “You are all trespassing! Leave this property IMMEDIATELY!” Paul knew they had probably confirmed property ownership from tax records, who resided there, and had photos of both he and Heather before arriving. The woman tried to engage Paul further. “My name is Linda Chalmers and this is my co-worker Steve Glynn. Could you step outside and talk to us?” Paul was having none of it, wanting to maintain OPSEC, PERSEC, and INFOSEC. “You are trespassing! Leave this property immediately, and do not return without a warrant!” he yelled from his concealed vantage point. The G-men and soldiers had maintained their distance staying in the background near their vehicles the entire time without making any type of tactical type moves or potential reaching for weapons. Ms. Chalmers made a hand gesture in the air and everyone returned to their vehicles. As she got in the Escape, she hollered out, “We’ll be back!” One at a time, the vehicles backed down the driveway to the road, and then headed out in the direction of the main state road. Paul closed the garage door only after he made sure they left and kept going out of sight. Being a little shaky and jacked on adrenaline from the encounter, Paul went back in to finish his beer and then grab another.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Oh Yeah? Come Get Me!

So supposedly, the Xiden Administration, using their DOJ goons, are going to target as "extremist" anyone who questions the 2020 elections on-line or in social media. So here you go (p)Resident Dopey Gropey...


Let's dance, motherfuckers

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

The Xiden Gang Going Door-To-Door

To see if you've been jabbed, and try to convince you to get one if you haven't. There will only be ONE response from yours truly while openly armed...


Sunday, May 16, 2021

Fibbie Abuse of The No-Fly List

I just watched a report by Michelle Malkin on Newsmax that people of a certain "political persuasion" (HINT: not BLM, PANTIFA, anti-gun hoplophobes, enviro-nazis, religious persecutors, pro-abortion, Marxists, etc.), are secretly being placed on the terrorist "no fly list." The no fly list is actually just an extension of the "terrorist watch list." The Homeland Security goons and The Fibbies are in charge of placing citizens on this list, in secret of course, with no notification, reasons, or remedy to get off of it. The only way to find out if you're on it is to buy a plane ticket, get denied boarding, write a letter to The Fibbies requesting to know if you're on the list, wait for their written confirmation that you're on it, then request back to them in writing you be removed, and wait to try getting on a plane again? They will never disclose why you are/were on it, or what witnesses they interviewed. There are classifications of people on the list, of which I am a member of a couple of them, that get denied other things beside flying if they're on it. So I know I am officially not on it.... YET! My C&R FFL, commercial drivers license, pistol permit, and state EMT credentials are all still intact. I purchased and received a brand new firearm back in February with no issues.

I am, however on the no-fly list by choice because I refuse to get the jab of experimental glop. I will never possess, comply to produce, or discuss a "Vaccine Passport" to anyone that is not my doctor or heath care designee. I decided months ago that I will simply never fly commercial again, have no reason to leave the continental U.S. and will just drive wherever I need to go. That will only change upon a successful challenge in the courts that forever kills any notion of having my special tattoo (QR code), yellow Star of David, or scarlet letter. Since my wife and I both believe we had the Chink Bug over a year ago (before it was supposedly here so there was no test for it) we believe we possess the best kind of immunity there is... having and getting over the virus naturally. I believe tens of millions of people had it and got over it thinking it was just a cold that also have the natural immunity, not any special immunity because they went and got the "not a vaccine" jab.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Question For The I.R.S.

I know you fed motherfuckers are monitoring all electronic media and messaging, so I pose a question for you to pass along to the I.R.S. in this blog. First a little background.

The due date for returns and taxes due has been pushed to May 17th because, you know... COVID!! I filed my tax returns on March 5th, which is a couple of weeks later than normal for me, but that was the recommendation. We are due a substantial refund. Normally we receive a refund direct deposit within 5 days. It has been two months as of today and we have received nothing.

I realize you changed the rules regarding unemployment due to the phony pandemic and the first $10,200.00 became exempt after I already filed. My wife collected during this period, and all of a sudden, several thousand dollars magically became tax exempt, skewing my Adjusted Gross Income. I use H&R Block's Tax Cut program and filed everything electronically. According to the program, I was to do nothing on the fed side, because the I.R.S. would recalculate and correct the return and send the proper refund amount. For my state return, I had to file a paper amended return. I originally owed the state $311, and that has become a $542 refund. I mailed the amended return 0n April 14th by certified mail, and less than two weeks later, received a paper check from the state for the $542. The May 17th date is fast approaching.



Imagine how much fun it would be to file a lien against the federal building in Hartford for non-payment. How about garnishing some wages of I.R.S. Commissioner Charles P. Rettig? Call for a full audit of the federal treasury? You know, the fun stuff they like to put citizens through acting like the jack-boot goons they are.