Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Showing posts with label Woke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Woke. Show all posts

Friday, January 17, 2025

I Will Be Watching & Enjoying

The confirmation hearing of one Kash Patel, that is.

I have been watching the hearings so far just to see how absolutely committed to personal destruction the Commies in The Senate are, and just how stupid it truly makes them look. I believe a group of Commie operatives sit with these morons in the so-called smoke filled back room and distribute the questions out among them so they all get to ask opposition questions. This is so it doesn't look like what it actually is.... BORKING a nominee. So far the nominees have weathered this onslaught. But I predict one nominee whose hearing has not been scheduled is gonna give it right back to them, prompting this post from me on X.




















That's right, nominee for FIBBIE Director, Kash Patel. Since it would appear despite the opposition from the Commies and RINOS, President Trump's nominees are going to be confirmed. I put this post out this morning after a terse discussion with my wife about not attending a family vacation in Florida because I am on a self-imposed no fly list. The other reason I won't go is because I refuse to visit or give one red cent to the woke fucking mouse.





If, after he takes over and does this, and the bullshit TSA kabuki theater could be minimized, I may fly commercial again.

Speaking of the FIBBIES, you motherfuckers only have 3 more days to kick in my door at zero-dark-thirty, terrorize my wife, kill me and our 4 dogs, or if I happen to survive.... haul me off to solitary confinement deep within Garland's Gulag.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Good Riddance

As I traversed my living room a few moments ago, my wife had the idiotic CBS Sunday Morning Show on (which I used to like back in the days before it became LIBTURD propaganda*), and they were doing a puff piece on this clown...


The ultimate COVIDIOT/DEI useless fat-black hire

Outgoing SECDEF Lloyd Austin is yet another "check the box" appointment as the first black SECDEF. Nothing else in his military career is so outstanding to be awarded such a prestigious and important appointment. I had never heard of him before, but he is certainly infamous now for his PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY of the cluster-fuck withdrawal from "The Rock Pile" and the unnecessary deaths of these fine individuals.

Click it to big it



I am so looking forward to the confirmation of Pete Hegseth.


* LIBTURD Propaganda: The show used to be about Americana and just interesting stories. Remember Charles Kurault traveling the nation in his RV to meet every day people for the show? Now it is all Hollywood, Broadway, Pop Stars, Demon-Crap politics/politicians, and the obligatory GLOBO-HOMO promotion story.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

7 Days of X Jail

 Earned by this simple little post:

Which has been deleted in order to start the clock to have my account unfucked. But it will live on forever here thanks to me screenshotting it before deletion. It will end up back on X as a photo in a post when I am back on.

Can you imagine... being suspended for simply advocating what was once U.S. Military doctrine and the stated position of the United States? Even though I was in the Army Reserves assigned to a rear echelon medical HQ unit, everything I was taught or did was based on the destruction of the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact and the killing of Commies. Had the Soviet armor rolled west through the Fulda Gap towards western Europe, we were to be deployed to England to coordinate front line field hospitals and all other medical facilities in our A.O. Across the globe on the Korean Peninsula, my brothers in arms were keeping Kim Il Sung in check at the 38th parallel, but still on alert and ready for killing Asian Commies.

Oh well, fellow blogger Matthew W. at the Bacon Time !!!!!! blog will be glad I'm gone for the 7 days so he doesn't have to endure my pro-Miracle Whip postings. 😂  I have another post in progress that will be up in the next day or so about a kayak outing with My Honey.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

This Will Be My Grand Exit

"X" (Twitter) is about to begin charging all accounts a fee to maintain a presence, supposedly to try and eliminate bots. Just like with anything not absolutely necessary in my life, if it ain't free, it ain't for me. Therefore, this tweet oughta be the one to get me permanently banned and I will just walk away on a high note with the tweet forever in my timeline.

Sunday, September 10, 2023


On Twitter (now called "X" I guess). Just for shits-n-giggles I tried logging in earlier today. All the nonsense about requiring a live cell phone to verify login and unlock my account was gone. All I had to do was delete the offending tweet. Which I did and then promptly put up a post with a screenshot of the offending tweet embedded in it. As a reminder, here is the offending tweet from 8-22-22 that got my account locked on on 9-16-22.


Let's see how long before I get whacked again.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Colorized Movies

No, not like the colorized versions of the B&W 1946 films "It's A Wonderful Life" or the 1947 "Miracle on 34th Street." I'm talking the virtue signalling garbage remakes on Disney+.

Right now, my wife is watching the 2023 live action remake of the 1989 animated feature "The Little Mermaid" which I now call The Little Niggah. Because they took the main character that was a white redhead mermaid and made her an underwater Beyonce'. So stupid. I am so glad we don't pay but use our daughter's credentials for Disney+. I don't watch the channel at all. I did watch "Song of the South" online even though The Mouse has tried to scrub it from existence. Nobody tells a story like Uncle Remus. Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah, mother fuckers!

Don't get me started on the remake of "not so" Snow White and the 7 beings of assorted abilities, size, color, mental capacity, gender, sexual orientation, etc. I mean, why stick to the original formula when you can bow down to the "protected" classes.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Turning Meme's Into Reality

H/T to Midwest Chick over at Non Original Rants (one of my favorite daily reads) for the Sunday Meme Drop this morning and this little gem.

So of course, I just had to change the name on my 06:00 alarm on my Android phone.

It helps to be reminded to oppress others when you are not actually an oppressor


At home I use my Midland Clock radio that also provides my severe weather warning. But at the firehouse when I go in at midnight, I'll set an alarm on my phone for the 06:00 shift change so I am up when the next person comes on. If we get hammered with calls over night or both of us are doing an 18 hour shift, I will sleep in for a couple of extra hours and get up if there is a call or whenever.

FYI... I will have no computer access until August 27th, so no new posts until then.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

The King Is Still Dead

Elvis Aaron Presley - The King of Rock-n-Roll

January 8, 1935 – August 16, 1977

Elvis has been dead longer than he was alive for four years now.


I remember exactly where I was when I heard the news on WSPR AM 1270 out of Springfield. I was on my annual two week summer vacation away from my siblings at my grandparent's house in Chicopee Falls, MA. I had gone on a shopping trip with my Nana to the Fairfield Mall on Memorial Drive in Chicopee just outside of Westover AFB. We were parked in front of the old Two Guys anchor store and were getting ready to leave in her 4-door 1970 Chevy Impala (a car that would eventually become mine) when it came across the radio. The car was equipped with an AM only radio that played through the single speaker on the dash. I remember my Papa at some point added an FM converter but I think that was after I got my drivers license the following year.

So in honor of the anniversary of Elvis' passing, I give you one of my favorite cartoons from when Flash Animation was a new and popular form of mindless internet entertainment with many sites devoted to just that.

From the racist and twisted minds at the old Icebox site, I give you..... Mr. Wong


Mr. Wong - Urine Trouble, Part I

Mr. Wong - Urine Trouble Part II

The story line is that Mr. Wong is the houseboy to the rich and snotty Miss Pam. She lives in luxury while Mr. Wong has a bare bones crappy room with a single light bulb. The full series with all 15 episodes can be found at this link. In these two episodes, Mr. Wong is crying over the fact that Bing Crosby is dead on what would have been Bing's birthday, and he blames Elvis Presley and Rock-n-Roll for killing him. When Miss Pam goes to Memphis for a cotillion, Mr. Wong goes too and exacts his revenge on Elvis. I forgot how hilarious this all was. How it still exists on YouTube without being cancelled is beyond me.

Sunday, August 6, 2023


Them foul soccer bitches lost to the gorgeous Swedes. I am so glad that unpatriotic green haired cunt ends a career on a huge loss. The schadenfreude is immense.

Now go away and become as invisible to me as the whores on The View, Greta The Little Mental Defective, and Killary.

Friday, June 30, 2023

3 SCOTUS Rulings That Give Me Hope For The Country

As long as your not one of those that insist on wiping their ass with The Constitutution, that is. If you are, TOUGH FUCKING SHIT!

1). Fuck Joe Biden and his $400B vote buying scheme using taxpayer dollars to erase college debt at the expense of those that never incurred such debt.

2). Bye-bye affirmative action and race quotas. From the racist responses I read from the left today, minorities should be pissed at those racists and not SCOTUS. The lefty racists say you can't do ANYTHING based on your merit or abilities, and have to have quotas to "succeed." Rubbish.

3). If you are religious and a business owner, and the Globohomo agenda goes against your faith.... YOU DON'T HAVE TO PROVIDE YOUR SERVICES. This shouldn't be a problem really, since there are plenty of heathens out there that would be more than happy to gay it up for them. But no, that's not good enough for militant fags that seek out Christian businesses just to destroy them. 

I can only hope that someone screaming at the sky in agony over these rulings finds my post and has the appropriate medical emergency reaction.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

I'd Go See This One

 Driving a team of horses and dragging more than one freak at a time would be more efficient.

Go ahead and ask me.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

New Blog Header

My little tribute for "Pride" month

Offended? Too fuckin' bad. 😭 


Because six days in and I've had enough of this shit. Of course, if you are offended, feel free to hop in for a ride.









UPDATE 7-1-23: Because Globohomo month is now over, I have put my header back to something else. Below is what the header was referenced in this post and can live on in perpetuity.


Sunday, June 4, 2023

Annnnnd... It's Still There.

Had a day out with my wife and her Dad, but it was the third stop that inspired this post. We started at the local town farmer's market. Strawberries are just coming into season here in Kommiecticut, and my wife was looking for some fresh and local to make strawberry shortcake with homemade whipped cream. It was kinda drizzly out and there were only a few vendors at the market. No strawberries but she did pickup a block of fresh sharp cheddar cheese.

Next was on to the flea market held every Sunday at the Mansfield Drive-In. My wife was looking for a couple of more plants for her seasonal floral setup on the back deck, and she said the flea market is a great place to get plants at a discount over the greenhouses. I wandered around looking at lots of junk. An item that caught my eye early on was on the table along with some other assorted tube powered electronics; a CRT pattern generator in a carrying case with a mirror in the lid. The guy didn't know or care what it was, he just said "ten bucks." I documented my use of these 40+ years ago in this post where I detailed my work in a TV repair shop doing 25" picture tube replacements in console TV's. While a neat thing to have, I am not going to start an electronics collectible display in my house so I just walked away. There is a building on the property that was once a huge chicken coop, but is now the indoor portion of the flea market. Most of the spaces inside are permanently occupied by vendors with large assortments of stuff like at a tag sale. One guy had quite the display of knives and swords, along with models, train sets, and other high end toys, so I spent a little extra time in there. I was tempted to buy a modern kukri that had a kydex sheath and a composite handle. It was $30 and I definitely would have bought it, except it was made in CHY-NAH. I'll pass, even though the real ones would be made in Nepal which China likes to think it rules. Anyway, my wife found a nice full geranium for her welded tricycle plant stand on the deck and we left to go get lunch.

I suggested we go to the Willimantic Brewing Co otherwise known as WilliBrew for burgers and a beer which was only about 10 minutes away and my wife and her Dad were good with it. We were last there a little over a year ago, and in this post I wrote about the mentally ill freak on the waitstaff. I was hoping that with either the passing of a year, or the shortage of help in the restaurant business these days, it had moved on elsewhere or at least wasn't working there today. The parking lot was full but the restaurant was not, in a case of every single patron driving their own car? Who knows, we got seated right away at a table that gave me a good tactical advantage and ability to see everything in my A.O. I look up and what do I see? Yup, the freak from last year is still there and was working today. Dammit, now I am hoping it does not come our way to be our server because if it does, I am moving or leaving. Nope, it was working the other end of the restaurant, while we had a very nice and kinda cute 100% real woman waitress not suffering from gender confusion due to mental illness. The freak stayed far away and we had an enjoyable meal. I had a "build your own" burger and a dark lager, my wife had a lobster roll and Diet Coke, and my father-in-law had a Reuben and a lager. My FIL and I both dislike IPA's, and really can't stand the double and triple IPA's. But it seems that what most breweries specialize in, so you have to really peruse the beer menu to find something else.

When we left, we made a quick stop at BJ's in Willimantic. We picked up a few of our regular sundries and my wife got an angel food cake and some heavy cream for whipping but passed up on the strawberries from out west or down south. When we were leaving BJ's, I suggested stopping at Stearn's Farm Stand high up on the hill in Mansfield to see if they had any. Bingo! She came out of the store with 2 quart containers of local strawberries. OMG were they delicious, just sliced up on their own. The fresh angel food cake and her homemade whipped cream made a complete tasty treat. My chickens got the strawberry tops for an afternoon treat of their own.

Saturday, June 3, 2023

I Got Yer Pride... RIGHT HERE!

Of course, I just refer to it all as MENTAL ILLNESS

A few memes lifted from Gab for your viewing and stealing pleasure.


And of course, my favorite. Why do they call butt-fuckin' sodomy again? Oh yeah, that. Get away and don't look back.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Practicing SafeSECS

I have so much stuff I'd like to write about, however it would leave WAY TOO MANY "breadcrumbs" that could be used to determine my actual location and identity. Sorry `bout that.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Twitter Can Suck It, I'm Now On GAB

All because of YOU.... Glen Filthie! 😆

If you are so inclined to join GAB, or are already on there, find me and give me a follow. I am even more snarky, perhaps mean, and some might say hateful where I know I won't be cancelled.

My existing Twitter account and tweets will just sit there and languish in perpetuity. 

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Don't Like It.... Fuck The Hell OFF!

Dylan Mulvaney is a mentally ill freak that should be confined to a psychiatric hospital, not given product endorsement deals.

So is everyone else that doesn't understand what sex they are, again because of mental illness and the enablers around them.



Remember what The Donald said, "EVERYTHING "WOKE" TURNS TO SHIT."

Although in the case of Bud Light, it already was.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Conspiracy Theory?

Anyone else think the reason the Commie environazis want to ban gas stoves is because there is no way for them to control when and how much they are used like they might with an electric one? That is especially true if it runs on propane instead of natural gas.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

As Seen On TV

Commercials hawking HIV drugs Apretude and Dovato with all kinds of homo imagery.

But those are really unnecessary.

Here's how you easily prevent HIV without expensive drugs and their side effects:

1). Don't put your dick in another man's ass

2). Don't let another man put his dick in your ass

3). Stay away from crack whores and fag hags that will have sex with sodomites

4). Don't do IV drugs. Actually, don't do any drugs. That includes bogus mRNA Chi-Com Flu jabs. They make you make poor choices.

5). Oppose the globohomo agenda completely.

BONUS: These pointers will also work to prevent monkeypox gaypox

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Changes By Blogger, Not Me

I have had the "Sensitive Content" warning upon entrance to my blog for a long time, and for two main reasons. First and foremost, it forces the easily triggered SJW cancel culture types to click past it to get to my content. They were warned, and if they clicked past the warning and get my salty language, somewhat offensive, pro 2nd Amendment, anti-gubmint rants.... too fucking bad. You came in, and therefore I will proceed to assault your sensitivities. Secondly, it prevents sites like The Internet Wayback Machine and other automatic internet archive sites from hoovering up my blog content. I have checked these sites and found all they end up with is the "Sensitive Content" warning page. If I decide to hit the blog "Kill Switch," like I had to once before, it all disappears forever except for any screen captures.

In the past 24 hours, Goolag by way of Blogger has now added an additional step of age verification after you click the "I UNDERSTAND AND I WISH TO CONTINUE" button. Unfortunately, it forces you to log in with or create a Goolag account to proceed.

This used to be all you had to get past to enter my blog.

The additional prompt page

So far, I have not received any complaints, and I checked other blogs on Blogger that I read using the warning as well and it is working the same as mine. Most people have a Goolag account and you only have to do this once and your browser remembers for other sites, so it shouldn't be too big a deal. Unfortunately, while I can go into my blog theme HTML settings and fuck with it, the setting for sensitive content is on the front end that is controlled by Goolag. I can only toggle the setting on or off. I was hoping the setting was farther downstream where I could tweak it, putting in my own static page to act as a warning message. Mine would not be so kind and gentle.