Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Thursday, September 9, 2021


The traffic on this blog, in the six short months of existence, has today surpassed the total traffic count of my previous effort that was up for 5 1/2 years. A good portion of those views were caused by bot activity hammering it. The same goes for the frequency of comments. Since I moderate all comments, I look at every one and approve 99.99% of all comments. I write this mostly for myself as a place to vent and to keep my writing skills sharp. The fact so many of you take the time to read it never ceases to amaze me. Thanks so much.


  1. Anyone with a g00gle warning has to be good.

    1. @KurtP: I get and appreciate the sentiment, but I put that warning up. It is an optional setting on Blogger. For me it serves two purposes; first, it prevents internet archive sites from saving content if I have to hit the blog "kill switch" again. I had to do that on my previous blog 7 months ago after being doxxed and reported to law enforcement. All because some delicate SJW didn't like my opinions. Second, if you click past that warning and are frightened by what you read, THAT IS ALL ON YOU. I'm gonna say an extra benefit is attracting readers like yourself


This blog is a harsh dictatorship, and I am the harsh dictator controlling YOUR freedom of speech. Comments are no longer moderated because of the Goolag login requirement, but must be in 100% ENGLISH. They will remain live on posts with the following exceptions: Insults, unintelligible gibberish, SPAM, ads to sell ANYTHING, and comments off topic or that add zero value. I may just leave such comments up anyway, with a reply pointing out the stupidity and making fun of the author. Comments that contain hyperlinks are allowed, but all links will be verified and bogus crap deleted. Don't just leave a comment and split, come back later because I respond to some comments and we can have a conversation.