Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Showing posts with label Woke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Woke. Show all posts

Monday, April 4, 2022

I May Go Back On Twitter!

I was once on Twitter with my former Blogger handle. I had almost 3,000 REAL followers, none that I bought and paid for. I had been in Twitter jail a few times, being forced to delete offensive tweets before being allowed to be active again. I would usually wait weeks before finally deleting the offending tweet. When Twitter cancelled President Trump, I immediately deleted my account.... BOOM! all tweets and followers gone. I have not considered going back, until now.

Elon Musk is now the majority shareholder of Twitter. Somewhat of a free speech advocate, he has been thrown in Twitter jail himself for wrong speak.

Musk Buys 9.2% of Twitter Stock, Now Biggest Shareholder

Now if only he can force out the Rasputin looking microdoper Dorsey and his little basement dwelling censor minions.

Friday, April 1, 2022

Thank You COVID - School Curriculums Exposed

First, I am really glad I do not have kids in any school system. My own progeny will soon turn 37. If she was still in school either my wife or I would probably be quitting our jobs to home school.

At the height of government imposed restrictions and lockdowns (I don't follow the media's line of "blame the pandemic" it was all government's fault), schools were shut down and learning went remote. Parents having to stay home with the kids got a good look at the garbage being force-fed to a captive audience that they were paying for. This lead to vocal protests at school board meetings wanting there to be curriculum changes, and the declaration by the Department of Injustice  of concerned parents to be "domestic terrorists." CRT and exposing young children to the LGBTQGJFDP1V3@&XZ0.... mental illness making these still forming brains susceptible to questioning who they are, WITHOUT the knowledge of the parents. Why does anyone think introducing young children to sex of any kind is relevent to their education or good idea? Wood chipper sales and rentals will soon be a booming business.

What prompted this post is this news story out of Hartford.

Hartford School Nurse On Leave After Posting Comments About LGBTQ Students 

The spin is "OMG! She said offensive wrong speak!" When in actuality, she blew the whistle on the indoctrination crap taking place in the Hartford schools. From what I understand she described in some detail the goings on with enabling what could be described as mental illness. This woman is a FUCKING HERO!! The following link is from The Blaze.

The Blaze - Nurse On Leave For Social Media Content

While it doesn't display the actual post, it details the context. Comments on this subject are encouraged below.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

OMG... We Are So Fucked!

This is what gets burped up when a (p)Resident narrows the choices not only to a like-minded LIBTURD but only a black woman to be a SCOTUS justice.

Watch the whole video for the lead up, and then get the money shot at 6:52


Really? You are a woman, married to a man, with children you bore together, and you are unable to "define a woman?" Disgusting... and DISQUALIFYING!

Ms. Brown-Jackson... you are ONLY unable to state such a definition for political and ideological reasons, and for virtue signalling to the mentally ill that either don't know what they are or have been confused by indoctrination, so allow me to help you. Let's see, a WOMAN IS...

  • Born with XX chromosones
  • Has female genitalia at birth
  • Has reproductive organs that produce eggs, female hormones, and can allow a fertilized egg to develop into another human being INSIDE her body
  • Develops breasts that actually produce milk to feed the infant (not like the fake strap on set that Mayor Buttplug was pictured wearing. What a douche!)
  • Pelvic bone structure that allows a baby to pass through the birth canal and out the vaginal opening
  • Does not typically have facial hair and has finer and less body hair
  • Has a higher pitched voice and an Adams Apple that is not pronounced
  • Smaller overall bone structure and stature
  • Will never be able to "compete" physically with a man that has gone through male puberty (although there are certainly exceptions).
  • Lower body strength, as opposed to men that have upper body strength
  • Pronouns are SHE/HER
  • A woman is more emotional, where a man is more logical

You see, it's not that hard. Anything else is what's known as ENABLING. Just like the way it happens with addictive behavior and abuse. Playing into someone's mental illness only hurts them.

So I hereby urge every US Senator; those on the Judiciary Committee; DO NOT PUT HER FORWARD TO A FULL VOTE. If the Judiciary does put her nomination forward (you know damn well they will) then I urge every Senator to vote "NO" on her confirmation. Of course I know how the two dimwits from Kommiecticut will vote, since they are both LIBTURD Commies.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

WTF? Is Congress REALLY That Useless?

While the world burns, congress-crittters think it is more important to pass laws pertaining to activities that haven't been practiced since 1955? Do we really need federal laws making lynching a hate crime? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? It's called murder you assholes, and no matter who the victim is, it is still illegal and the perpetrator should pay the same price.

But no. Putin is rolling across Ukraine and soon eastern Europe, our national economy is in the shitter, U.S. energy independence has been trashed, violent crime is rampant, illegal immigration goes unchecked across unsecured borders, etc. etc. and all those pieces of shit in government are more concerned with virtue signalling with useless legislation.

Friday, January 28, 2022

Storm Prep - Plus

Storm Prep

I am working a 12 hour shift today at the FD. In preparation for the big Nor'easter coming tonight and mostly tomorrow, I will be very busy this evening. The list is by priority.

Generator: I have a Generac portable generator that runs my whole house, is stored in my garage, and the fuel is down in my barn. Whenever we have a big Nor'easter coming, I pull out and set up my generator, including the collapsible weatherproof shelter I built. When not dealing with winter storms, I only set it up after power is out. Doing that in heavy snow would be a bitch, so it will be completely ready to turn on when needed. I'll bring up enough fuel containers to keep it running and go get more fuel if power is out long term. The emergency supply of 30 gallons in Jerry Cans will stay in the barn. That is for a large regional power outage where the gas stations don't have electricity. Doing this will ensure it is not needed (I use Murphy's Law to my advantage) like always, and it will just have to be broke down and put away. The longest we were without power was 10 days during the surprise October snowstorm of 2011.  Gas stations were up and running, but because I live on a rural back road that saw heavy power line damage, I was out for a long time. I can run my generator for 15 hours on 7 1/2 gallons each day. The generator is shut down at night. I also have oil and filters on hand because oil needs to be changed every 100 hours of run time. BTW... I have kept meticulous records of every run and preventative maintenance done since I bought it in May 2005.

Chickens: The flock will be confined to the coop. Food and water will be moved inside and I'll crack the window for some air. I will add some wood shavings to the floor for more insulation. The heat lamp has been on steady for a couple of weeks, but I will move it to the timer so it only comes on overnight. If we get as much snow as they are saying is possible, it will take some digging and snow blowing to get down there to reopen it.

Flagpole: The flags will be removed, and the telescopic pole pulled out of the sleeve and stowed in the garage. I will cap the hole, place a traffic cone over it (makes it easy to find and won't get accidentally damaged), and turn off the floodlight. The prediction is for winds gusting to 65 MPH, and that WILL shred flags, even weather-resistant ones. It will go back up Sunday morning when I am clearing snow.

Vehicle Gas: I will make sure both our vehicles are fueled up. It will probably be pretty close to 9 PM before I am done with everything.


Q: Just how sick is it to make the main qualifications to be a justice on The Supreme Court ethnicity and genitalia?

A: Considering the sick individual making the nomination it would be normal. Just look at his record and his publicly made (and mostly recorded) statements while in politics.

Can you imagine how trivial it would feel to be confirmed to SCOTUS as such a black woman knowing you only beat out other black women, and not every other potential nominee? This is a form of racism, being perpetrated by the Racist in Chief.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

I Always Suspected As Much

From Vox Popoli:


I never really believed the tyrants or elites were actually getting injected with anything other than saline. Now it may actually be true. Let's see how many others come forward to confirm.

Just like with articles in The Babylon Bee, conspiracy theories seem to come true nowadays.

Monday, October 11, 2021

Fuck Twitter. I Am on Mastadon!

Vlad Tepes Mastadon pod


My handle is @glyptodropem

From what I gather, users create accounts through pods (on mesh connected servers) so it can't be shut down like Parler was with centralized servers in one place. And there is no dictatorial central control limiting speech. Schmuckerberg and Dorkey can go fuck themselves in the ass with a thorn covered dildo.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Here's Hoping

UPDATE 8-5-10: Ah shit! The fuckers won. Oh well.

The U.S. Womens Soccer Team plays their final 2020 Olympic game for a bronze medal tomorrow morning at 4 AM. It will absolutely make my day if I turn on the news at 6 AM and hear them nasty unpatriotic cunts have lost bigly to Australia. Go Aussie Ladies!!

Especially this fucking thing.

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Ooh...LOOK AT ME, For I Am Most Virtous!

This fucking piece of shit douchebag got in front of me on I-84 on my way home from Manchester earlier.

From my dashcam. It's a little blurry, but it says "I Denounce White Supremacy"

This vehicle was being driven by a 45-55 year old solitary white dude. Nothing but virtue signalling here to be sure. I guess he buys into the media propaganda and still thinks we are back in the old days of the KKK and American Nazi Party. Or he thinks he is in 1950's Mississippi, not 2021 Kommiecticut.

Having to state you denounce something as stupid and non-existent would be like me denouncing EE asteroids bound for Earth and have just as much effect. Does white supremacy exist? Sure, there are idiots of all kinds walking around. Is it the claimed "systemic" or institutionalized version? Not for about the last 60 years anyway.

It's not often I think of meting out violence just because. After all, I am armed all the time and follow the "armed society is a polite society" rule and get along quite well with people I disagree with. But this ass-clown needs a good beating like a dweeby worm in high school, complete with the obligatory whirly and atomic wedgie in the restroom.

Friday, June 18, 2021

Just Another Instance of Pandering

So the Demon-Craps gave a gift of a new federal holiday to all the unionized federal employees and the BLM thug mob. No need to negotiate with the union goons, they must be thrilled with a new paid benny. The Demon-Craps and woke crowd are already making noise about following suit here in Kommiecticut for a new state holiday. On the local morning news a little while ago, some community agitator was talking about using a new holiday for "taking their message to the suburbs." But with freedom of speech, does not automatically grant the right to be heard. Didn't they learn last summer no one outside the shithole cities gives a fuck or wants their nonsense in the 'burbs? It certainly won't be well received in rural areas (S.S.S. anyone?) The whole thing just stinks of another step towards reparations.

I know I am not woke enough to get it, but to me, it would make way more sense to celebrate September 22. For that is the day in 1862 that Abraham Lincoln signed the original Executive Order for the Emancipation Proclamation. The day he signed it into law was January 1st 1863. Oops... that's already a holiday, so I would say stick with September 22nd. 

But then, that's not at the start of the summer vacation season, is it?