Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

WTF? Is Congress REALLY That Useless?

While the world burns, congress-crittters think it is more important to pass laws pertaining to activities that haven't been practiced since 1955? Do we really need federal laws making lynching a hate crime? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? It's called murder you assholes, and no matter who the victim is, it is still illegal and the perpetrator should pay the same price.

But no. Putin is rolling across Ukraine and soon eastern Europe, our national economy is in the shitter, U.S. energy independence has been trashed, violent crime is rampant, illegal immigration goes unchecked across unsecured borders, etc. etc. and all those pieces of shit in government are more concerned with virtue signalling with useless legislation.


  1. Worried about their necks. Can't figure why that would be.

  2. If they think this new law will protect the traitors from the traditional sentence for treason, they are sadly mistaken. Take it from a "paper felon," once you commit the first one, the rest are easy.

  3. No , we won't use a fucking rope . Tie a chain around your politician ass and drag you down the street for ten miles . Not a lynching.

  4. Well, in China they reportedly make the family pay for the bullets used to eliminate a "problem" so I don't see why that won't work here.

    And yes, they are that useless...and then some.

  5. This is just a way to allow the Feds to go after political enemies if the states don't act or if the state penalty is insufficient to soothe the savage Woke.

  6. Aand, it was in response to a hoax. Saudis won't even talk to joe.
    Lee Greenwood, are you still proud to be an American?


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