Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Still No Subway Until I Get A Definitive Answer

I have been boycotting Subway since that fugly, purple-haired, unpatriotic, piece of shit from the U.S. Women's Soccer team was doing their TV commercials. I used to eat there once or twice a week. Searches on line only come back with news stories from August 2021 about franchisees wanting her gone because the ad campaign is directly hurting their business. They have heard about it right from the customers, and more than one store have found hand written notes from customers taped to the front door voicing their displeasure and saying they are staying away until she is gone. Apparently as long as woke coroprate gets their 4.5% of the take from every store, they don't seem to care what the customers think. Below is a story from The NY Post dated August 6th.


So until I read or hear the P.O.S. is truly gone, Subway can just go fuck themselves.

Bike Season Over?

Maybe. At least the regular season cruises, riding to work, and Patriot Guard missions. I'll still do the missions, but using my truck. While there are a few of us that ride occasionally through the winter, I still need to prep "The Beast" to sit for longer periods of time. Yesterday afternoon I took her out to the local gas station for a fill up. I grabbed my jug of Sta-Bil 360 which stabilizes the gas and treats the ethanol. I pour the appropriate amount in the tank and then add the new gas to mix it well. Instead of going straight home, I went a few extra miles to make sure the treated fuel was in the entire EFI system. Plus it wasn't too cold so I got a little ride in. When I got home, the bike went up on the center stand and onto the Battery Tender. Later today I'll give it a good cleaning, put it on the front wheel stand, and cover it up. She'll be ready to ride at a moments notice, or continue the winter slumber undisturbed.

Friday, November 19, 2021

More Great News!

NBC News just reported that The Xiden administration has suspended the jab mandate for private companies of 100 or more employees. OSHA had already held off enforcement due to The 5th Circuit Court ruling of over-reach. Now the mental defective (p)Resident* has backed off as well. 

Combined with today's verdict confirming a right to self defense, is a little glimmer of the light of freedom to not have to submit to an experimental medical procedure.

I wonder what will happen to those stupid companies that jumped the gun and reacted to nothing more than a statement to the press. LAWSUITS... BRING 'EM ON!!

Be Ready

The Dindus and Libtards aren't gonna let the Rittenhouse verdict go unanswered. Be armed, aware, and ready for shit to get spicy again. Do not be afraid or hesitate if you all of a sudden find yourself in a life or death situation.

The tweets from Comrade DiBlasio, The Disgraced Perv Andrew Cuomo, and The Giant Lumptard Gerry Nadler that all hail from NY (which I won't post here, you can go find them yourself) are totally asinine. Only anti-gun fucktards like these and more would call the verdict "a stain on America" or "a miscarriage of justice." Guess what assholes... keep defunding the police and fail to support law and order, and you WILL GET more citizens stepping up like Kyle Rittenhouse and more dead scumbags in the process.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Oh, So Now You're A Doctor As Well As A Tyrant?

The fucking douchebag wannabe tyrant Kommiecticut Governor "Jolly" Ned Lamont was in Vernon today and gave a video statement to his subjects.

Go to the 0:41 mark where Jolly Ned makes statements regarding YOUR VACCINATION STATUS.


That's right, he declared YOU ARE NO LONGER FULLY VACCINATED if it has been longer than a period determined by him, because SCIENCE I guess. I am so glad I have never even gotten a single jab, because this bullshit of repeated jabs is just going to go on until A) forever, or B) Nuremberg II happens and all these jab-happy motherfuckers are decorating lamp posts or lying in a trench covered in lime.

Here are a couple of reminder photos of traitors and tyrants meeting their just end in chronological order:

The four Lincoln assassination co-conspirators

Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, his wife, and his henchmen

A Viet Cong officer is summarily executed by General Loan of South Viet Nam

Dictator Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife giving freedom to the citizens of Romania

This is not a threat to anyone, but a reminder that eventually the pendulum swings in the opposite direction, and can do so violently.