Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Oh Goody... A New Commission of State Government Bloat and Waste

As if Kommiecticut state government isn't onerous, intrusive, and wasteful enough, the General Assembly has passed a bill that declares... are you ready for this one... RACISM IS A PUBLIC HEALTHCARE CRISIS!

It is all set to be sent up to Jolly Ned Lamont for his signature. Here is a link to the news story in the CT Post.

There is so much wrong with this type of crap, but mainly declaring something that has NOTHING TO DO with healthcare as healthcare so government can exercise control over that thing. The two subject points for me that concern me are these. First is this: Under the bill, a commission on racial equity in public health would be formed to examine the impact of racism “on vulnerable populations within diverse groups … including on the basis of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity and disability, including, but not limited to, Black American descendants of slavery.” The panel would be required to submit a report to the state’s Office of Policy and Management and to the Public Health and Appropriations committees by Jan. 1, 2022 and every six months thereafter outlining recommendations and documenting progress. That's right, a whole new bureaucracy where a person can be appointed if they are connected or a member of the Dimmocrats/Communists party (lifetime appointment mind you) 2nd Administrative Assistant to the Assistant of The 3rd Deputy Commissioner for a "no show" job with a six-figure salary and great benefits. Also, referring to the "Black American descendants of slavery" sounds like setting the stage for a future amendment for reparations. That's the kind of thing those fucking slimey scumbags pass in the wee hours of the morning just before the regular session ends, and boom... it's law.

The second problem is this: The measure also establishes a “gun intervention and prevention” advisory committee to consult with community groups, victim service providers, researchers and others and to identify strategies for reducing gun violence. Kommiecticut ranks right behind Kommiefornia, Illinois, NJ and NY for the constant barrage of infringements against the 2nd Amendment in the form of unconstitutional and intolerable acts. By tying the tribal jungle warfare occurring nightly in the shithole Dimmocrat/Communist run jungles known as the large cities, they can try to ram through MORE GUN CONTROL. Although read into the intent of the bill where they are trying to reach out to the communities of color, and it sounds RAAAAACIST to me. But, just like the person that self medicates, if a little is good, more must be better! The part about consulting with unnamed "others" sounds like the Doomberg, David Hogg, and Shannon Watts types. I still can't figure out why there hasn't been a violent crime in my little town in almost 6 years. That incident was a knife wielding robber at the local convenience store where no one was injured. I can't remember anything prior to that. I know of very few people in town that most likely don't own a firearm, but many more folks with arsenals that would frighten the average hoplophobe to death, so gun ownership and use isn't really (and of course never has been) the problem.

I have had to unfortunately resign myself to the fact that I have only two legal choices when it comes to what to do about getting the fuck out of Kommiecticut. Leave my wife and seek my fortune elsewhere on my own, or wait until I possibly become a widower. If it is the latter I will be signing on with a realtor to sell in between making her funeral arrangements. My wife will not go because she is reactive, not proactive and there is nothing I can do about it. Something really bad would have to happen to her for her to want to get out. I have been trying to persuade her unsuccessfully since 1991. It is the same with firearms. She has had her permit since 2014, but never once considered carrying one. It will take her getting assaulted and robbed or car-jacked while out shopping before she will think about carrying a firearm.

Gonna Call It What It Is

An ACT OF WAR perpetrated by the Chi-Coms and the CCP against the rest of the civilized world.

"What act was that, Glypto?" you may ask. The creation and release of COVID-19/SARS-2 from their research bioweapon lab in Wuhan. Therefore, the nations of the world should band together and declare war against China. But rather than totally destroy it like Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan, target all the CCP members with SF type squads for elimination, all the time bombarding their citizens with high powered pro freedom messages on every medium possible.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Memorial Day 2021

There are few things in life that bug me more than what happens every year on Memorial Day weekend. Memorial Day is not the unofficial first day of summer. It is not National BBQ Day. It is not an excuse to have a furniture sale, auto sale, or department store sale. It is The Day set aside to remember those that have given their lives in military service for our country. Don't get me wrong, I don't think we need to spend the entire day in quiet mourning and reflection, but people PLEASE!! at least think about what the day really means at some point. It is not to honor past and current service members, ONLY those that have made the ultimate sacrifice! The constant attempt to tie in the "Thank You For Your Service" crap for the day is nauseating. If I am walking around alive then this day is to remember someone else. More recently, the media tries to get it right, but they still fuck it up. 

For the week leading up to Memorial Day I fly the POW/MIA flag below the US flag on my lighted flagpole. On Memorial Day, I remove it so that I can lower the US flag to half-staff from sunrise until noon, when the US flag is raised to full staff and the POW/MIA flag goes back up until the next day and stays up until early June. This method of flying the US flag is spelled out in US Code 4 Section 7 Paragraph (m). The following poem was written at the height of WWI, and should be familiar to any choir members I may be preaching to.

In Flanders Field by John McCrae 1915

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.


Why is Memorial Day so important to me? PFC Stephen D. Tingley, USMC was a childhood friend that could always crack me up. In elementary school we had tons of fun and got into a lot of trouble together. When I first met him in the 4th grade and until sometime in middle school, he wore braces on his legs because of something wrong with his hips, that he was supposed to outgrow. Sometime in middle school I think it was, the braces came off and he became quite the athlete. In middle school and early high school we played baseball together. In high school he played varsity baseball and soccer. Since we ended up at different high schools, in later years we drifted apart. Apparently Stephen joined the Marines right out of school, where I joined the Army Reserves more than a year after graduation. I was married two months when we got the news about the cowardly savage killing of sleeping Marines in Beirut by jihadi scum. Just about everyone in town that knew Stephen were at his funeral. There was a horse drawn wagon carrying his flag-draped coffin to the cemetery for military honors. He was not buried there. I saw classmates I had not seen since middle school, but no one had a happy reunion, it was the saddest thing you ever saw, and the silence was deafening. It will be 38 years since his passing this year, and I still have the gaping hole in my heart. I asked his father many years later where Stephen was buried. He would only say he was cremated, leading me to believe the family has his ashes. I also know his sister, but can't bring myself to ask her either. There is also some confusion as to his rank. He was definitely a PFC when he died, but I have also seen references to him as Lance Corporal. He may have been posthumously promoted.

KIA October 23, 1983 Beirut, Lebanon



The Marines were in Lebanon as part of a multi-national peace keeping force, not an offensive combat role. As we know, jihadi scum only relish in death and war, so they had to take out the infidel peace keepers. This is one of the many reasons I hope to kill at least one jihadi (but hopefully more) before I die.

The Ellington, CT Memorial to the war dead





















On my biker vest, which is mostly military themed for The Patriot Guard, I have an "In Memory Of" patch for Stephen on the back.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

David Chipman is a Real Piece of Shit

Instead of a confirmation hearing, he should be on trial for 82 counts of first degree murder for the fatal seige on the Branch Davidians. Upon being found guilty, have an immediate death sentence carried out by being burned alive in his house, just like the ATF and the Fibbies dished out in Waco.

Happy Birthday Dad






Today would have been Dad's 87th birthday. Only my one aunt that was married to my Dad's younger brother remains from that generation of my grandparent's children. Cousins and spouses that were the offspring of both sets of grandparent's siblings remain.

Dad served on active duty in the US Navy from 1952 until 1956, then in the Naval Reserves until his Honorable Discharge in 1960. In his day GMM3 stood for "Gunners Mate Mounts 3rd Class" where today it is Gunners Mate Missile. Always on aircraft carriers, he operated the 5 inch guns located in exposed tubs on the starboard side aft under the flight deck. He served on three ships; the USS Franklin D. Roosevelt CVA-42 (Midway Class), the USS Bennington CV-20 (Essex Class), and the USS Lake Champlain CV-39 (Essex Class).

Dad posing at his gun mount aboard the USS Bennington at Port of Call in Cannes, France on 11-23-53

He was aboard the USS Bennington when the hydraulic catapults exploded, setting off secondary explosions from the ammunition magazines located underneath. This occurred while cruising off Narragansett Bay on his 20th birthday, May 26, 1954 and put the Bennington out of commission. 103 crewmen were killed, 201 were injured, and the Bennington made it back to Quonset Point, RI under her own power. Because he still had active duty time to serve, he was re-assigned to the Florida based Lake Champlain.

Dad remembered that day until he died even with his dementia (just not all the details). He was on KP that morning, running the potato peeling machine in an aft galley. He felt the explosions and then the fire alarms sounded. When he tried to get to his damage control station which was forward, he was turned back by what he only described as "guards" but I assume that was Marines. He said it was much later on that he was able to go up onto the flight deck, and he said where the explosions happened it was peeled back like it was made of tinfoil. Below is a newsreel video about the disaster.

During his time in the Navy, he was quite the photographer. I have his old cameras; an Argus 35mm and a Zeiss Movikon 8 wind up 8mm movie camera. In the early 1950's he was shooting COLOR standard 8mm movies. I have some great footage from his Navy days of Spain, Greece, and Italy. He filmed his ship under way, a refueling from an oiler, as well as flight operations. He also shot a snowball fight that occurred somewhere under way in the North Atlantic. I also have a great collection of still photos. I used that Argus camera myself until I got my first Minolta 35mm back in the late `80's or early `90's. As an aside, I also found and possess my Mom's old cameras from her younger days, a Kodak Brownie and a Pony 135.

He married my Mom in 1959, they had us kids in the early `60's. He worked his entire career in the printing business, until retirement, which he learned in a trade high school before the Navy. After finding retirement boring, he went back to work as a school bus driver which he loved. He quit doing that at age 70, because the state requires anyone over 70 to get an annual DOT medical exam, but the bus company would only pay for one every two years. He and my Mom took care of my maternal grandparent's until their deaths in 2005 and 2009. My parents hit their 50th wedding anniversary and lived in the same house together since 1963. Mom passed in 2010 and Dad lived as a widowed old guy, doing all the normal old guy stuff until 2016 when he fell and broke a hip. After time in a rehab facility he went back home, and it became apparent that he wasn't quite right. He was diagnosed with dementia and when it got to the point he could not be left alone, he ended up with a live in health aide until his death in 2018. He was buried with full military honors in the same grave already occupied by my mother. Since the caskets are stacked in the vault, the big family joke is Dad will be on top of Mom for all eternity.

So Happy Birthday, Dad... I will raise a glass in your honor later today, and try to head over to the cemetery this Memorial Day Weekend.