Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

My Solution Is Purposely Hideous

"The people in our Governments, who pushed this wickedness, with the weight of law, must die – and they must die so slowly and in such indescribable agony that, in one-thousand years time, humanity will speak in hushed tones and usher the young outside when detailing it."

- Wes Rhinier

I say we research every form of horrible, cruel and painful death, all the way back to biblical times. Use each one in turn, bringing these scum to the brink of death and then nursing them back to health without pain relief, only to impart the next method the same way. When their body won't take much more, use one of the methods that always ends in death, like say... impaling. To make the process last longer, alternate the evil-doers with their parents, wives, and children. And have those not being sliced open or burned, watch the others so everyone of them will be shining examples of how not to act against their fellow man for thousands of years in the future.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

The Big Lie - "Pandemic of The Unvaccinated"

My wife just got a text from a friend of hers that has a dog grooming shop. She has had to temporary close down the shop the week before Christmas (one of her busiest times) because every employee has come down with Chi-Com Xi Flu, somewhere  between 6 and 12 people. It will remain closed. Every single person had the jab.


"Pandemic of the unvaccinated?" Shut the fuck up you FUCKING LIARS!! Enough with the BKT*. Stop complying with jab, face diaper, and distancing diktats. Live your life as if gubmint doesn't exist.

BKT* - Bullshit Kabuki Theater

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Tomorrow Is My Favorite Day of The Year

Boxing Day... because it is 365 days until next Christmas, and about 340 before I have to start getting wound up for it.

What it is NOT, in my universe, is the first day of a made up black separatist Christmas alternative that I will not even name. We got a few inches of snow yesterday and it stayed cold. Even after the rain today, there is still snow on the ground, so White Christmas for us.


Wesołych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia

A greeting in Polish, or in English... "Merry Christmas!" In any language, remember the reason for "The Season," and the cancel culture can just get bent.

Monday, December 20, 2021

Mark My Word...

I almost forgot about this. My wife and I were in the Stop & Shop in Sturbridge, MA this past Saturday night. It was the first time I had been in one of those stores in a long time. As we walked in along the main aisle at the front of the store, I see this.

A potential Terminator Unit disguised as a "floor cleaner"

"CLEAN UP ON AISLE 5." I always say "cleaning the floor today and enslaving us tomorrow." Here is a short video of it over in the produce section. It came up from behind us... I think it knows I suspect it.

I have no robots or fully automated anything in my house. Anything that has WI-FI capability is blocked from connecting to my router. My clothes washer and newest garage door opener have the capability to connect, but they are not. If I can start or stop my washer or open my garage door by an app on my phone, so can a hacker. In the future as the "Internet of Things" is more wide spread, anything with that capability will be powered off unless I am actually directly controlling and using it.

Now to go get the aluminum foil to make a new hat. 😨