Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Monday, May 17, 2021

Could There Be A Hidden Benefit?

According to the current conventional wisdom, it is mostly Conservatives, critical thinkers, or those that have done any kind of research on the mRNA jab that are not racing out to get in line for it.

So I ponder the following; if in the future as I and many others suspect, there is a mass die off of those that got the jab, will the world be better off with far fewer libtards, fools, and sheeple? Why yes, of course it will. The extra gooder part is all the politicians that raced out to get jabbed, some quite publicly (although the conspiracy theorist in me says that they were "informed" and got nothing but saline for show). Even so, if their supporters and more importantly their voters succumb, the loony lefties in gubmint won't stay in office very long, will they?


  1. I'm pretty conservative, and chose to get vaccinated. I also have a bachelors degree in biochem and understand how messenger RNA works. I've had a helluva time correcting misinformation on every side of the spectrum.

    Bottom line: Masks don't work. Vaccines do work, so does getting sick and recovering to develop immunity. mRNA vaccines are not going to alter your DNA. Social distancing sort of works, under conditions where the air is filtered or UV radiation can sterilize surfaces.

    Bottom line, the government lockdown was ill advised, the result of a computer model not based in reality.

  2. @SordidPanda: Maybe you can confirm or address a couple of items for me here.
    1). The mRNA "vaccine" does not prevent infection or spread, nor does it kill the virus, it only keeps an infected person from getting a severe case and symptoms.
    2). The spike proteins may be "leaky" and cause unintended immune responses against healthy tissue and organs. Previous mRNA vaccine research resulted in 100% death in test animals.
    3). I saw a report that said normally vaccine development is not appropriate or allowed to proceed if there are effective treatments available.

    I have stated before, I am not anti-vax. I have all my normal immunizations, the ones Uncle Sam gave me, the Hep-B series, and I get my annual flu shot. Since this is all experimental, I am not the least bit interested. I'll save the experimental medications for if I am dying of an uncurale terminal illness and sm out of options.


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