Nice, warm, and sunny yesterday afternoon. Although quite tempting to hop back on "The Beast" and head down to the shoreline for the afternoon, the yard needed trimming and mowing. So I got 3 of the 5 sections done. I will hit the last sections later today when the grass dries. When I came in after finishing, the dogs were nowhere to be found. I located them upstairs... in bed with my wife! Last I knew, she was at work and Wednesday is one of her late days. She doesn't normally come home until sometime between 9:30 and 10:00 but here it was like 7:00. She was obviously ill so the conversation was brief and I let her be.
When she came downstairs later she told me the news, she went and got the J & J jab and was having a reaction. Bottom line, she succumbed to the pressures being applied by the tyrants; government, private business, and the Karan Brigade I guess. She said she wants to see her father in Florida (meaning fly with no hassle), and a bunch of other "reasons." None of her "reasons" are compelling enough in my opinion and have viable alternatives. I am more surprised than disappointed, because she shuns flu shots, and the pneumonia shot she should also get, as well as needles in general. I will not discuss her decision with her. It is done and nothing will or can change that.
The jab is a one-way trip. Get it and there is no going back. I feel like I am going to eventually be like one of the characters in the movie "Resident Evil" living with a ragtag band of survivors killing off those that survived the mass die off in some post-apocalyptic dystopian world.
My wife skedaddled and got the J&J shot a few weeks ago without any serious discussion with me. She knew I felt it was a fool's errand and disapproved; she did it anyhow. So here we are.