Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

I Did Not Think It Was Possible

To despise and distrust the federal government more than I did during the two terms of (p)Resident Obungo, or Slick Willy before that. But here we are, only 175 days into the Gropey Joe Xiden term and my hatred of anything federal is completely off the charts. Other than filing my tax return, I will have no further interaction with any of them. The reasons are numerous and I am not going to bother listing them because it would sound similar to the list of grievances against George III in The Declaration of Independence.

What prompted this post is the announcement and the leaked details of these federal pukes going door-to-door to discuss jab status. They'll probably include personnel qualified to jab you on the spot if you knuckle under to the "pressure". The fact is, I am possibly facing a situation I don't want and it will most likely end badly. I don't usually dwell or worry about things, but this is on my mind and has me in "Condition Yellow" about it. As it says in my bio I JUST WANT TO BE LEFT ALONE! Hopefully it will be such a colossal failure before it gets to me that the program will be dissolved.


  1. Door to Door has already started in NC...

  2. robert orians14 July, 2021 15:44

    I'm hoping they get along with my Rott and Shepherd inside the fenced in front yard . If not I will go out and call them off when I finish this beer I suppose and then pray for their souls . And asses .

  3. i'm not opening the door. but if i did screw up and open the door, i plan on telling them that if the illegal aliens don't have to take it then neither do i


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