Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

A Couple Of Items

First, another update on the traffic to my blog. On my previous effort, I had 83K total views in 5 1/2 years, of which about 16K were due to bots skewing the stats. There were very few comments to my posts. Here on 75 Million Pissed Off Patriots, I recently surpassed the 100K mark (it happened in the past couple of days) since my first post in February with only minor bot activity early on. I think having the Google "sensitive content" warning acts as a gate keeper to keep the bots at bay. Not only that, the comment activity shows a higher level of reader participation here. As I've said before, I mostly write this for me to be able to vent and to keep my writing skills sharp. The fact that you folks out there on the interwebs bother to read what I write never ceases to amaze me. I thank you.

Second... OMG! what is with some people? Earlier today, I saw a guy walking on the shoulder of a 2 lane state road in a sparsely populated and wooded area. Driving by inside a closed vehicle at 40 MPH, I was the closest living thing to him. Yet, there he was, a sheeple in full compliance of no existing face diaper mandates, wearing his obligatory Mask Of Oppression. Oh so obedient and conditioned like a good little automaton. I so wanted to pull over, get out, and just beat some fucking sense into him. But... doing that kind of thing is only done in my head and at least that gives me some satisfaction without a visit from the po-po.

1 comment:

  1. I stop in to peruse the sarcasm two or three times a week, normally don't see a reason to comment. Congrats on the mark, keep it going.

    I was going to work a few days ago, and decided to go a different route, there was a person riding a bicycle *at zerodarkthirty* *on the same type of road but with lots of turns* *with one light on the front* I had the same urge and suppressed it for the same reason.


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