Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Monday, April 4, 2022

Arguing Guns... With a Fudd Butter

To quote Charlie Brown after Lucy pulls the football away....



I was going to write the whole story of interacting with this guy today who is not only a Fudd but is also a Butter. But it was pissing me off just replaying it in my head and typing the words, so I scrapped the whole thing. Bottom line... DO NOT BOTHER TO ENGAGE WITH THESE PEOPLE MORONS!! 

Just. Walk. Away.

FYI in case you didn't know...

Fudd: Named after the lovable bumbling hunter from the Warner Brothers cartoons Elmer Fudd, hunting wabbits or ducks with a double-barrel shotgun. This person thinks no one needs to have (a) __________ (pick a weapon, any weapon). All anyone "needs" is a bolt action rifle with a 3-4 round capacity to hunt with. Maybe a .22 rifle as well. Handguns are mostly a tool of the criminal. If you carry one all the time, maybe YOU are a criminal. Yes, they actually think that nonsense.

Butter: Says "I believe in The 2nd Amendment, but... (insert bullshit excuses here)"  There is NO BUTS! The 27 words of the 2nd Amendment are simple to read and absolute. Every single firearm law restricting access or use of a firearm IS an infringement. Got the money? Buy a fully functional and armed F-16 fighter, M1 Abrams tank, a 5 inch Naval gun mount, any machine gun ever made, etc WITHOUT restriction or permission. Just like the gun I carry every day concealed in a holster on my hip HARMS NO ONE because I am not a violent criminal, having my own M1 Abrams is not going to make me roll through downtown like Kill Dozer.

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