Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Where The Hell Is It?

I am filling out a job application and they ask for any licenses I hold. So I put down my CDL, my EMT, my state pistol permit, and C&R FFL. I have the first three in my wallet. The C&R license original is at home (you don't carry it around and it is supposed to remain unsigned. You only sign the photo copy you send to the other dealer)  and I thought was in my safe with my valuables. When I went home to let my dogs out and went to get it to jot down the number, it wasn't there. I didn't have time to search around for it. It could be in one of two other fire proof safes, or in the pile of crap on my home office desk. I would have bet a shit-ton of money that it was sitting right in the drawer of my safe where it has always been. Good thing we didn't have a fire.

So, guess what I will be doing when I get home this evening? 

Yeah.... a fucking treasure hunt.

UPDATE 21:33: After a couple of hours of searching several places and sorting through tons of old paperwork, I found my C&R license. It was in the safe all the time, just not in the drawer where I used to keep it. I had it lying flat on top of my printed tax returns and under some other valuables. Whew!


  1. That pistol permit… Is it a ccw, or permit to own? Isn’t declaring any type of gun license risky on a job application?

  2. @Crotalus: In Kommiecticut it is both a permit to purchase and to carry. There is no permit to own. There is another level of permit for armed security guards that relaxes the standard for dealy force in order to protect property and valuables.

    It would only be detrimental to list on a job aoplication for a woke company run by hoplophobes. In this case it is a municipal job and indicates a clean criminal record. Can't hold an FFL or pistol permit if you're a bad guy.


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