Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Monday, May 2, 2022

Fuck You Fudds, I Hope You Learn The Hard Way

A murder occurred in the nearby small town of Chaplin early yesterday morning. The suspect is still on the loose and state police say not to approach this individual but to call them. He is driving an older F-350 4-door pickup with Minnesota plates.

CSP Looking For Person of Interest in Chaplin Killing

Fudds will say you are a "fuckin' idiot" (and that is in quotes because I have personally been told as such) for going around armed all the time. I have also heard such gems as, "You carry a gun at home mowing the grass? For what?" FOR JUST THIS SITUATION STUPID!! I would ask just what the fuck are you gonna do when this clown pulls into your driveway? Oh, I know... you're going to have to do some talking and hoping he doesn't decide to get violent. Because if your gun is not locked and loaded on your hip you are behind the eight ball.

UPDATE 5-24-22: A man was found dead in his driveway from multiple gunshot wounds in the quiet town of Hebron Saturday May 21st. Yet another example for the fuckin' Fudds to be armed at my home or while out doing yard work. A link to the story on WFSB is below.

Supspicious Death Under Investigation in Hebron


  1. If I may…with your permission.
    And I agree with your Sentiments 100%z
    I send a
    We dont need you.

  2. I pack my pistol all the time. In my home, outside my home, wherever. If someone kicked in my front door, I'm less than a second from putting lead in the air.

    Now, we all hope that never happens, but if it does I'll deal with it.

    Oddly, this reminds me that I have two fire extinguishers that need recharging. I'll do that today.

  3. @Mad Jack: Fire extinguishers reminds me of another retort to Fudds and Butters;

    "Do you not have fire extinguishers in your house just because the town has a fire department?"

    Well, the same rules apply to personal defensive weapons and police departments.

  4. Good reply to anyone questioning a man or woman for carrying their piece anywhere or anytime: DILIGAF what you think?!? I thought not...

  5. I have had to deal with a home invasion by a young, faster & stronger assailant. It goes down FAST! I prevailed because frankly I was meaner. Meanness counts in hand to hand. I now pack at home, on the couch, on the pot; you name it. I will drop an assailant deader than 4 o'clock; I know me.


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