Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Thursday, October 27, 2022

WTF Is This Shit??

I watch reruns on TBS in the early evening after work while having dinner and doing stuff in the family room. Big Bang Theory, Family Guy, Young Sheldon, sometimes a movie, whatever. Starting this evening, TBS began broadcasting commercials for the dead fentanyl consuming thug criminal from Minneapolis' foundation named in his honor and starring the sister. I will not name said thug criminal or link to the foundation. I'm sure you can figure out who I mean since he was the most recently canonized saint.


Fuck that rotten piece of shit and his whole damn family.


  1. AMEN!!
    May his drug addict ass rot in hell

  2. Looks like the broadcasters ran out of sports heroes.

    But, couldn't happen to a more deserving piece of trash.

  3. Grifters gotta grift or they go hungry. Sorry you have to endure the bullshit.

    1. @Bear Claw Chris Lapp: "Sorry you have to endure the bullshit."

      Ha! I'm not enduring anything. After the second time it ran I'm off TBS until the ad campaign ends. You see, unlike Libturds, I'm a true free speech advocate, not for pulling an offensive ad. I will just make sure I don't have to watch it. It's the right to speak, not the right to be heard.

  4. The Big Tragedy of that day was the cops got there before he croaked from the drugs he was loaded with.

  5. It is indeed about free speech, but the thing is, someone is paying TBS to run the ads to support those reruns. And so by you not watching them, you are at least showing your displeasure to those sponsors. That is pretty much the only thing you can do.
    I myself am all for this type of boycott. Just like I refuse to watch any program or to listen to any broadcast on radio that has the image or words of Jane Fonda attached to it.
    I have mellowed somewhat in regards to her, since my teen years of the early 1970's. I don't actually hate her guts now. I just want her to rot in hell, for what she did.
    I made many mistakes in my youth. But I never made such mistakes that caused anyone to possibly die, or to give another entire nation encouragement when they were fighting against my own nation, in a shooting war. And any mistakes that I made in my younger years, I didn't run from, but stood up like a man and made them right.
    As I said, I don't hate JF. I am, however, finding it very hard to resist hating the entire liberal leftist, Democrat, Socialist, Communist bunch who have made my country into the looming 3rd world shithole that we are facing. I would hope that no one would wish for a 2nd civil war. But I also hope that the Democrats don't attempt to steal this election in November like I believe that they did in 2020. Because there are a lot of people who are not afraid to start that war, and they likely would drag many others with them. I know that it is not the thing to say, that the election of 2020 was stolen, but here in Michigan, I am confident in saying that it happened. As they say, prove me wrong.

  6. Another reason I don't even bother to plug my tee vee in any more.

  7. I rarely watch TV but have not seen that commercial.


  8. In one sense I do have sympathy for Hanio Jane Fonda. The day is coming when we all will have our birth certificates replaced with a death certificate. The day WILL come when she will stand before God and be judged for what she has done with her life. Remember we all do have free will. We all know the difference between right and wrong, good and evil. She will have to answer for what she has done. I do not hate the woman, but I do hate evil, and everything she has done that is evil. Pray that she truly is sorrowful and repents of the evil she has done and seeks to the degree possible make amends for her acts of evil. Will she do so, I doubt it.


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