Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Sunday, November 27, 2022

A Fire Before It Rains

My fire pit was full of dried brush so I decided to light it up before the rain predicted for this afternoon. As the brush got going good I threw on some well seasoned split hardwood to get it good and hot. The 2x4's are from a bench that needs new wood, so I took the chainsaw to it and cut about an inch away from the uprights. I won't add any more wood and just let it burn down.




Now there will be room in the fire pit come January if I need to dispose of my Christmas tree. I will offer it to the farm next door again first because the goats love it.


  1. Not only do the goats love them but the needles effectively kill any parasite so it's a twofer !

  2. I got fire pit envy…looks like it used to be a field wall. Miss those big flat rocks from back east. And oak…& maple…..

    1. @p2: GASP! A field wall? Busting one up is sacrilege! No, I live in an area absolutely littered with glacial debris. In areas that were never farmed the rocks and boulders that would become the famous New England stone walls are still where they fell 12,000 years ago. Hand digging a simple post hole is a nightmare around here.

  3. I agree completely; it’s a cryin’ shame to knock those down and I’ve helped rebuild more than a few. Don’t miss trying to dig post holes there (Grew up in Upstate NY); I’ll fight the permafrost here instead.


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