Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Monday, January 23, 2023


Everyone is raising questions about (p)Resident Gropey Dopey Joey Poopy-Pants having classified documents (with an as yet unannounced page count) as a senator and a vice president.

What about the four years he was nothing but a private citizen? THAT IS MY QUESTION!

As a veteran that once held a "SECRET" security clearance, I am quite familiar with the rules regarding the viewing, handling, and dissemination of classified materials. Any violations during and after my security clearance would and should land me in federal prison.

But then, I don't live on that "other tier" of the two-tier justice system.


  1. You got that right. The 2,3,and 4 tier justice system cover and up is on full display here.

  2. Hey Glypto;

    Yep it is a 2 tier Justice system, I guess if you support the goals of the deep state, they treat you differently than if you are "one of the Hoi Pelloi". I had blogged about that last week. My clearance was up there and the rules for us were a lot different for us than for them. the double standard is galling.

  3. The old saying, "if Dems didn't have a double standard, they'd have no standards," comes to mind. Their hypocrisy is obvious.

  4. Absolutely nothing is going to happen to Pedo Joe. The criminals running the DNC might possibly use this as the excuse to tell him he can't run in 2024. But that's as far as it will go.

  5. Meh, just wish they would serve some bread with that circus. Besides, who cares what's in the documents based on all the observations of their activities for years now.


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