Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Monday, February 27, 2023

A Random Act of Journalism?

That's what El Rushbo used to call it when like a stopped clock that is right twice a day, journalists would actually report a story that was true, did not include lies of omission, or just spew agenda and talking points. They acted as real journalists without even realizing what they had done.

Yesterday morning, Wifey made a nice breakfast of blueberry pancakes and I fried up a couple of slices of SPAM, so instead of heading right down to the basement as planned, I stayed upstairs to eat. She had the TV on as usual watching the CBS Sunday Morning show. I usually shun that liberal crap that is normally about Hollywood, NYC, the arts, etc. NOTHING that interests a deplorable such as myself and is usually borderline insulting. CBS is normally anti-gun, so when I saw what their first story was, I figured I would watch with a jaded eye and disregard their Demon-Crap talking points while I ate my breakfast. It started out with the substitute host spewing the latest nonsense about gun violence being the leading cause of death among children and teens in the United States. Sure, when you count "kids" up to age 26 and include suicides then it looks like your kid could be gunned down any time now. But right after that bogus statistic, he adds that young black men are hardest hit. Whoa.... he said the quiet part out loud. My interest was piqued to say the least, so I watched the entire story, reported by Ted Koppel. Below is a link so you can watch it yourself. It is just under 13 minutes.


CBS Sunday Morning Show 02/26/23 - ROCA, Steering Young Men Away From A Life With Guns


Now the guy Ted Koppel interviewed from the ROCA program, Jamal West did say something at the 01:20 mark about there now being so much access to firearms. Meh, I disagree. Criminals have always had easy access to stolen or otherwise ill-gotten firearms. They certainly can't buy them the legal and painful way you or I do, filling out a 4473 and submitting to an NCIS check waiting for the bullshit to finish and then maybe have your credit card declined because your bank doesn't like civilian firearms ownership. But even criminals used to know that use of a gun was last resort. THAT is what has changed, the feral street animals now go for the gun first, for the most trivial of reasons. "The kill or be killed" mentality that is misplaced in those urban shitholes, unlike the "an armed society is a polite society" mentality in suburban or rural America. Much of that is related in the story.

Baltimore PD Col. Monique Brown, a 22 year veteran of the force, said the same thing I always say about violating the Constitution. In order to prevent crime, rights are gonna be violated. Police normally show up to investigate and make arrests. Now am I sad the rights of feral street animals are being violated? No, and since they are mostly uneducated, they have no clue what their rights are anyway and that "violation" probably saves lives if they get caught with an illegal firearm. She also alluded to the fact that the consent for pat down has been made illegal by the hobbling of police, which I have personal experience with in Kommiecticut.

The whole story was about turning these feral street animals into young men taking responsibility for their lives and turning them around. The guy at the end of the story, Sheldon Smith Gray aka "Snackz" has earned his certificate to be an HVAC technician, which as we all know, he may not end up making as much money as dealing drugs, but it is certainly a decent living that comes close to $2K/week and comes without the danger and possible incarceration.

The most amazing thing to me was to see a CBS News story like this, without the usual calls for more infringements on the armed peaceable citizens.

1 comment:

  1. I saw part of that story with Ted Koppel, not going to rewatch it but maybe someone should issue a plan for more free guns, that would eventually reduce the shooting crimes in Baltimore.

    My experience in Baltimore 3 years ago was pretty good and interesting. Cool city, got to witness a snatch and run at a pharmacy, had the option of knocking the guy down but in an instant thought better of it, thankfully.

    Bear Claw


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