Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Friday, February 3, 2023

All You Need To Know

That your (p)Resident is more willing to use the military he commands to go after political opposition, than to shoot down an unauthorized intrusion into our nation's sovereign air space.

I'm sure it was tracked well before it reached the continental U.S., and should have been downed immediately over the Pacific as a threat.

UPDATE 08:48 The fucking moron Secretary of State Anthony Blinken is headed for China. If I were in charge of the country, I would shoot that fucking thing down and have Mr. Blinken deliver the wreckage directly to Winnie The Pooh. He should drop it at his feet and say "I believe this is yours. Next time it will be delivered on a vapor cloud of nuclear fallout, YOU FUCK!"

I have been asked by the town Republican Committee to run for office. Now you see why I have refused.


  1. Pedo Joe is not in control, not making any of the decisions coming from the Oval Office. His handlers make all the decisions, he just parrots them. And his handlers take their marching orders from Beijing. The CCP controls the American Communist Party nee Demonrats.

  2. Pbbbbftftftft!!! That’s tame. If he arrests me for getting drunk and staggering through the capital building with the tourists on Jan. 6… I will have gotten off light!

    Look at what that retarded geriatric is going to an entire generation of Ukrainian and Russian kids. …💀

  3. I would think the military would be able to fry that sucker with a high power laser.

    Oh wait... those don't really exist. Or do they?

  4. There is no doubt that they can take the thing down, in a number of ways. The problem is, if they do shoot it down, where will the debris field fall? On open range or on a school? On a residential neighborhood or a shopping center?
    One must assume that the government, via the military knows that the CCP is not getting any intelligence from this surveillance balloon, or they would simply shoot it down, with the risk to human life taking second place. Because the CCP has satellites and cyber ability that they use to surveil us that they have been using for a long time. So I am guessing that the only reason for the Chinese to send this is to either embarrass the Biden administration or to see what they will do in these circumstances.
    I agree that this should have been shot down over the Pacific and the wreckage picked up and been made public once any equipment studied to see just what was on the payload. Shame the MF's to the slate of world opinion.


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