Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

I Am Now A "Made Man"

To borrow a term from my Sicilian friends and their "azienda familiare" structure, I like to say I became a made guy by being voted in as a regular member of my sportsman's club. I had been a probationary member since being accepted in December of 2020. During that time, I made sure I was highly visible and participated in all work parties, club events, and attended all meetings. The club membership is limited in size by our By-Laws, so a probie can only move up when there is a opening. In January three slots opened up, but I was #4 on the probationary seniority list. Recently, a member reached his 65th birthday and 10+ years of being a member in good standing, making him eligible for what's called "The Gentlemen's Club" meaning he is a regular member that no longer has to pay dues. That opened up the position for me.

Prospective probationary and regular members must stand in front of the membership and state why they should be accepted in as a probie or made a regular member. It was easy for me and I had multiple guys speak on my behalf. I was excused so they could then discuss me in private, and vote in a secret paper ballot. I was brought back in to a round of applause and congratulations of becoming the newest member. This means I can now vote on club matters and be elected an officer of the club. My plan is to become even more active and involved with the kitchen committee as well as get involved with the range committee, and pursue becoming an R.S.O.


  1. Congrats on getting where you want to be.

  2. Good onya brother, they are going to miss all that free labor.

    1. @Bear Claw Chris Lapp: You could not be more wrong. While probies are certainly expected to work hard to earn their spot, you would quickly become persona non grata if you suddenly stopped participating after becoming a full member. Only the oldest, handicapped, or out of state members are given a pass, and even some of them will do what they can. Everyone else works hard at all work parties and events. We are proud of what we have and it shows.


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