Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Conditions Improved

In this post the other day I highlighted the high fire danger conditions around my home and the region. I am pleased to report that thanks to the over 3 1/2" of rain we received (with higher rain amounts in the CT river valley) in the last 24 hours, the spring wild fire season may be completely over. The leaf canopy and green ground cover is going to explode when the sun comes up. Also, the water levels in the rivers, streams, ponds, and swamps are way up. This means plenty of water supply for rural firefighting operations. Fishing will improve in the next few days too.


  1. We had over an inch of desperately needed rain last night. The whole state of Virginia could you a week of rain. To the south the Croatan National Forest in North Carolina today has been burning. Officials estimate the blaze has already burned more than 35,000 acres since last Wednesday

  2. Rain, manna from Heaven, I never complain.

    Bear Claw


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