Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Monday, July 10, 2023

I Almost Became A Tranny

Well, I guess a more accurate description would be a eunuch, since I wouldn't be cross-dressing or asking people to use made up stupid pronouns.

I went on an ambulance call yesterday at one of our apartment complexes. When I knocked on the door, the door wasn't latched and swung open a few inches. Much to my surprise, a large pit bull shoved it's head through the opening right at and against my groin. I was not injured, but I used my best Drill Sargent voice and commanded the occupants to "CONTROL YOUR DOG!" They weren't too happy to be yelled at about their supposedly "friendly" dog, as I was axed "Why you gotta be like dat?" as they pulled it backwards into the apartment and closed the door. The person we were there to see opened the door and squeezed out through the opening so the dog wouldn't get out and the rest of the call was a routine transport.

I documented all this in my Patient Care Report, and then had a phone conversation with the Chief so he was aware. We both agreed that if that had been a state trooper that came to the door first, the dog would have gotten a lead pill in the noggin, no ifs, ands, or buts. They should be happy they just got told in a loud voice to control their dog.


  1. "Mother, Speed and Jugs"........

  2. Got bit in the face when I was about seven. You could see molars with my mouth shut. Still loved dogs, but scared of them. As far as I know

    large pit bull shoved it's head through the opening right at and against my groin..
    They only come in one size. I've heard if they bite,they lock on.. Groin? EauxMuGaawd,,
    And it was a Heinz 57, he was pissed because I sounded the alarm that he had set some chicks free from a cage and was about to dine in luxury. It was part Chow,, finally remembered.. Wanted to explain it, because some people Need bit..

  3. You’d better start wearing a cricketers’ box, or a similar protective device made for other sports.


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