Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Play Stupid Games - Win Stupid Prizes

Like the eternal dirt nap.

A Kommiecticut college student, Nicholas Anthony Donofrio age 20 was fatally shot in Columbia South Carolina where he was a student at USC. He was apparently shot trying to enter a house that turned out not to be the address he thought it was.

CT college student shot in South Carolina

The local news stories all inferred the same thing... a poor innocent college student got blasted to Kingdom Come by some gun-totin' toothless hillbilly down south. Those backwards hicks will just shoot anyone. And they shot him THROUGH THE DOOR! OMG the horror! And perhaps this will spark a national debate to repeal those horrid "stand your ground laws."

It turns out.... not so much


So today the story has been updated.

South Carolina Shooting Deemed Justified 

It seems that rather than say... politely knock or ring the door bell because he couldn't get in, he decided to kick and beat on the door until he smashed his way in and reached in through the broken window to access the doorknob. THAT is when he was shot once in the torso by the male resident while the female was already on the phone with 911. Having been in a similar situation, I am sure they were both absolutely terrified. I'd be willing to bet young Mr. Donofrio was also totally shit-faced, hence the lack of knowledge of his location and prudent judgement given his actions in surroundings where Second Amendment Rights are respected.

I am armed on my property at all times, and 99% of the time off site. If an individual(s) attempt to breach my perimeter, they may only have about a second to see the error of their ways and retreat before they won't have to, because they won't be able to.


  1. That’s why patience is a virtue. When rich men song went viral I did not get to excited. Mostly because the quality seemed to great for the story at hand.

  2. We don't really count Columbia as down south.


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