Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Schadenfreude For 9-5-23

Doctor Jill has....  COVID!


Meanwhile, this Pureblood EMS worker that has been repeatedly exposed to COVID positive patients over the past few weeks WITHOUT a mask of oppression or any other special PPE, remains perfectly healthy. Tell me again the advantages of jabs and boosters?


  1. My wife had it. The first one. Hospital worker, missed a few days, no test,but the after effects told us what it was. She lost taste and smell for a long time and developed a hole in a retina. I slept in the same bed in a closed room with a window unit air conditioner, so the air in that room was pretty much the same air that was in there when the door closed. I didn't get it. I did get the next one, and she didn't.
    I don't believe They know what They are talking about, or maybe they do and just choose to lie, whatever, we will not comply..

  2. Estimated 7 year reduction in life for each shot starting with #2. Cumulative. Permanent.

    Be sure to nag those Karen's and Vaxx cheerleaders into getting their latest.

  3. I've never had the china flu shot & I don't think I've had the flu. Never been tested. Kept a couple of grandkids that tested positive. My taste & smell has been screwed up for a couple of years but I worked in a boat manufacturing plant for 40yrs & it wrecked all my senses years ago. I don't know & I don't care anymore.

  4. Perfect excuse to get a few days off from caretaking duties.

  5. The jabbed are going to be harder hit. Government solution--more jabs.

    Midwest Chick

  6. Maybe that's the excuse they'll use to drop Brandon as the 2024 candidate?

    1. They will at least use it as an excuse to hide him in the basement again


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