Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Monday, September 4, 2023

Labor Day -PFFFFFT!

Wanna celebrate American Labor? Go to work on the first Monday in September! The only reason I am off today is because of our "2 On/2 Off" schedule and this is day one of my two off.

Labor Day to me is just May Day (aka Commie Day) Part II, because it is a day off to honor lazy entitled union card carrying stooges and the organized mobs they pay tribute to.

When labor unions went from job safety and worker's rights to enriching themselves, becoming a money laundering operation for Demon-Craps, and protecting the losers of the work force, then they can just disappear for all I care. I speak from experience, having a union job from 1984 to 1998 as a member of C.W.A. Local 1109. All it did was hold me back, leading to my eventual leaving that job.


  1. My job classification used to require me to work holidays (not Xmas).
    Thank goodness the policy changed !!!

  2. You don't know what you're talking about, asshole!

    Proud Union Member

    1. @Anonymous: So no "facts" to try and disprove what I said, just typical LIBTURD name calling. Fucking brilliant, dumbass.

      Let me give you some facts that were my reality:

      1). Promotions to the next technical level never given out early because of the six contractural "steps" in between. Therefore, the company was more than happy to hold back on promotions to knowledgeable and motivated individuals. Hourly rate was what the contract said it was. Union rules... everyone had to be treated equal. I had my next job in the same industry from 1998 to 2011 (and every one since) with no union. At that next job, only when the economy puked under Obongo did I not receive a 3% COLA and a 1 1/2% merit increase annually, and I was hired as a top tier service tech, NOT entry level.

      2). Protecting "LOSERS." A guy acted out in a display of gross insubordination to the woman who later would become my supervisor (and the best one I had there) and earned an indefinite suspension. After 16 weeks off with no pay, the union got him reinstated with 14 weeks back pay. Another tech went on a cocaine fueled bender and disappeared for months. She admitted having a drug problem and ended up in rehab, coming back to work minus only 2 weeks back pay. There were many more instances of unexcused absences and huge fuckups by others that never even got first step disciplined.

      3). Rewards. As a senior technician management came to me for suggestions about employee recognition. I told them plaques, coffee mugs, company jackets, and other little trinkets were all crap. Only two things mattered to me... money or paid time off. They said they couldn't do any of that because of the contract. I told them then don't waste my fucking time asking.

      In 1989 I actually resigned from the union. Kommiecticut has always been a "right to work" state. Every year I sent an objection letter to the C.W.A. International in Washington, D.C. They then sent me a check representing a 20% reduction in union dues for the year. The 80% I still paid covered my representation to the company, and those fuckers would HAVE TO represent me. Of course, since I wasn't a problem child, I never once filed a grievance. I was always able to show them the error of their ways to which they would correct their digression. This also means I did not indirectly contribute to the election of Slick Willy for either term by way of union dues.

      So in closing, instead of being an insulting fucking moron Demon-Crap Commie drone, dropping hit and run comments here, go write your own blog that no one will read.

      END OF BURN. OH!


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