Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Friday, December 20, 2024

Luigi Fans

There are some wackos out there that think this clown is some sort of a hero. I even saw NYC Mayor Eric Adams on TV this morning (in cop mode) stating that these people are vile. There are of course the wanted "DEAD" posters on the streets of NYC for all the other healthcare company CEO's to egg on any other nuts out there.

I contend that their hatred needs to be re-directed at those ACTUALLY RESPONSIBLE for totally screwing up the American health insurance industry and medical care (two VERY different things).... MEANING CONGRESS!

Wanna be a hero like Luigi? Dig up dead Ted Kennedy and plunk a bullet in his skull. Tip O'Neill and all the other dead Demon-Craps from the 1980's too while you're at it.

THEY are the real culprits that started the whole mess!


  1. At the end of it, the Healthcare Insurance companies simply administer the healthcare that your employer chose to purchase.

    Want better healthcare? Buy (or get your employer to purchase) better coverage.
    Nothing is free. If it was it wouldn't be worth anything. And healthcare is not a right.

    1. @B: If only that were the case, but it is not. Laws, mandates, and restrictions of all kinds have made purchasing the insurance you want, from any company across state lines, offering only the care you require, at premiums with deductibles you can afford.... well, it simply doesn't happen any more. ObongoCare made sure it all finally ended. I am forced to buy insurance GOVERNMENT allows me to buy, forcing high premiums and deductibles, and paying for things I do not need or want. At 60 something years old I am FORCED to pay for contraception, pregnancy, and baby murder. I am forced to pay for addiction services, tranny care, and all kinds of other nonsense. All I want is catastrophic coverage for my wife and I, and I will pay cash for the rest. That's how it was when I was a kid, and the last thing my Mom did after taking us kids to the doctor was write a check. Then she paid cash at the drug store if we needed a prescription. That kind of choice does not exist.

      I should add digging up and shooting FDR for tying health insurance to employment as a "benefit." Every time I lost a job, I only lost health insurance; not my homeowners, auto, motorcycle, life, or umbrella policy. Those I kept simply by continuing to pay my premiums.

    2. Yes, before Obongo care, I too had only catastrophic coverage. With Obongo care, my premiums tripled for a piss poor “bronze level” policy with copays and deductibles at about the same amount as I was paying for doctor visits and the occasional prescription for medication before. The only difference was I was paying triple the premium to finance all the crap for others that you mentioned.

      By the way, some of my dentist and physician friends after Obongo care refused to take insurance because the insurance companies refused to pay them for necessary treatment, claiming that it was not necessary. In other words, to get paid, independent (not part of a hospital system) health care providers had to spend inordinate amounts of time and paperwork submissions to get paid the measly amounts that the insurance companies would pay for each ICD-9 coded service.


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