Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Friday, January 10, 2025


All the gear I ordered back on this post is finally out for delivery today. For fucks sake, I can never understand why the USPS does what it does with packages. Everything was originally scheduled to arrive Monday the 6th. Both the order from eBay and MidwayUSA were placed on January 3rd. The eBay items were coming out of Kommiefornia so the 6th was a little ambitious but I should have had it by the 8th. The same applies for the items from Midway which came out of St. Louis, MO. Nope, instead it bounced from bulk mail center to bulk mail center from CA or MO, PA, MA, and finally Kommiecticut. There were multiple scans of the packages at the same facility on the same day. Then (p)Resident Meat Puppet decided to declare "an official day of mourning" yesterday the 9th, shutting down the entire USPS! Both tracking numbers show them out for delivery today. We'll see. Our local post office only has four delivery trucks for the entire town, and sometimes they just don't finish their routes. Me being at the end of my carrier's route, well... I just don't get my mail until the next day when I have a pile in my mailbox.

President Trump has made mention of privatizing the USPS. Please do, Sir! Just like the plans for the Department of Education it should be completely eliminated from the inefficient behemoth of the federal government.


  1. I seem to recall that somewhere in the Constitution the responsibility of mail delivery is a federal mandate. Am I wrong?

    When searching for whether the Gubmint is responsible for mail delivery, I found this:
    While the USPS is not a part of the executive branch, it is subject to oversight by the federal government, particularly through the Postal Regulatory Commission, which ensures that the USPS complies with federal laws and regulations.

    So there. Let's get rid of the USPS !!

  2. Glad to see midway USA on your list, their foundation does phenomenal work supporting youth archery and trap shooting programs in the secondary school programs. Their founder is receiving a big recognition award from our Ok. State Wildlife dept at the upcoming annual banquet. Only mail order I buy from because of that.

  3. I order quite often from Midway. Got a lower parts kit from them sitting on my desk right now. Good company, fast delivery, and good prices.


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