Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Keep Lying, Bee-yatch!

The bee-yatch in question is he fugly, bug-eyed Indian woman that is the commissioner of the state health department in Kommiecticut, Dr. Manisha Juthani.

Her buggy eyes don't show up in a posed photo as well as they do when she's talking. They were really bugging out when she was pissed about Kommiecticut not getting the test kits they were "promised." She starts at the 0:51 mark, but watch the whole video and see how pissed they all are icluding Gov. Jolly Ned, NG LT Gen. Evon, and House Minority Leader Vincent Candelora.

FOX 61 CT - Coronavirus At Home Covid Test Delivery Delay Update

Funny thing was, they made it sound like they got ripped off by a shady internet deal, but that's not what happened. Nope, they lost out on their delivery of home test kits to someone or some entity that fronted the cash. If you got a purchase order.... so what? You did not send the money in a timely manner so, YOU LOSE!

The big lie prompting this post is a PSA starring the good doctor, ABSOLUTELY LYING about Chi-Com Xi Flu jabs and boosters preventing infection and spread, and being "the only way we are going to defeat this." We all know that only true vaccines under the traditional definition prevent infection and spread. These jabs maybe only keep you from getting too sick when you catch it, but there is no guarantee and certainly no guarantee you ain't gonna die! And what about natural immunity? They can't be too proud of these PSA's because I can not find them online. I have only seen them on live TV in commercial spots.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022


More and more municipalities here in Kommiecticut are giving up on their individual mask mandates. My theory is people will shop and eat out in places where a face diaper is not required, so keeping such a mandate means losing business traffic. This was a minor story on the local morning news today. They interviewed a Branch Covidian outside on the street while wearing her cloth face diaper. According to this dipshit, you should continue wearing one "to make others feel comfortable." NEWSFLASH: unless I am an HVAC service technician (which I am not), I don't give a flyin' fuck about another person's "comfort." If you are too scared or "uncomfortable" to be around mature adults breathing freely while showing their face, then YOU NEED TO STAY THE FUCK HOME!

Monday, January 31, 2022

A New Lie? Sure, Why Not

It would appear that the administration, FDA, and complicit media propaganda machine are at it again.

Moderna Covid-19 Vaccine Wins Full USA Approval

I only bothered to post a link to the PBS article, since all of them seem to match word for word anyway. They must've all got the memo from the WH press office and Little Red Lying Hood, and just did the old copy and paste.

Using the same falsehoods and tricks as they did with the Pfizer "Comirnaty" vaccine (which is NOT the same Pfizer jab everyone has been and continues to receive under the EUA) it would appear the Moderna "Spikevax" has now won approval. As yet, Comirnaty is still not yet available in the U.S., and the news articles do not state when exactly "Spikevax" will be available. The article interestingly also laments the fact that there was no jump in jab compliance after the Pfizer phony approval that the Brandon Administration hoped for.

My advice as always is to stay strong and committed, and just avoid the jab and boosters at all cost.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Storm Winding Down

Still windy and snowing, but the intensity has lessened. It's impossible to tell snow depth because of the blowing and drifting. Over the course of the day I shoveled a good 20" outside my basement door for the dogs. It kept piling up between the house and the retaining wall. The big cleanup will be tomorrow. My Blink Outdoor camera says it is 11 in my driveway.











It looks like a lot of the snow blew off the driveway, but I won't know until tomorrow morning. Cleanup will take all day.


This is my generator setup outside my garage all dry and secure. I have a 30' long heavy tow chain with a heavy padlock at both ends securing the generator to my deck. The exhaust faces away from the house. To run it, the tarp is rolled back on the far side leaving the whole side open. An advantage of using the shelter is how much quieter it is in the house while its running. We never lost electricity, and with the worst of the storm over, we probably won't. Murphy's Law prevailed for me once again!

Friday, January 28, 2022

Storm Prep - Plus

Storm Prep

I am working a 12 hour shift today at the FD. In preparation for the big Nor'easter coming tonight and mostly tomorrow, I will be very busy this evening. The list is by priority.

Generator: I have a Generac portable generator that runs my whole house, is stored in my garage, and the fuel is down in my barn. Whenever we have a big Nor'easter coming, I pull out and set up my generator, including the collapsible weatherproof shelter I built. When not dealing with winter storms, I only set it up after power is out. Doing that in heavy snow would be a bitch, so it will be completely ready to turn on when needed. I'll bring up enough fuel containers to keep it running and go get more fuel if power is out long term. The emergency supply of 30 gallons in Jerry Cans will stay in the barn. That is for a large regional power outage where the gas stations don't have electricity. Doing this will ensure it is not needed (I use Murphy's Law to my advantage) like always, and it will just have to be broke down and put away. The longest we were without power was 10 days during the surprise October snowstorm of 2011.  Gas stations were up and running, but because I live on a rural back road that saw heavy power line damage, I was out for a long time. I can run my generator for 15 hours on 7 1/2 gallons each day. The generator is shut down at night. I also have oil and filters on hand because oil needs to be changed every 100 hours of run time. BTW... I have kept meticulous records of every run and preventative maintenance done since I bought it in May 2005.

Chickens: The flock will be confined to the coop. Food and water will be moved inside and I'll crack the window for some air. I will add some wood shavings to the floor for more insulation. The heat lamp has been on steady for a couple of weeks, but I will move it to the timer so it only comes on overnight. If we get as much snow as they are saying is possible, it will take some digging and snow blowing to get down there to reopen it.

Flagpole: The flags will be removed, and the telescopic pole pulled out of the sleeve and stowed in the garage. I will cap the hole, place a traffic cone over it (makes it easy to find and won't get accidentally damaged), and turn off the floodlight. The prediction is for winds gusting to 65 MPH, and that WILL shred flags, even weather-resistant ones. It will go back up Sunday morning when I am clearing snow.

Vehicle Gas: I will make sure both our vehicles are fueled up. It will probably be pretty close to 9 PM before I am done with everything.


Q: Just how sick is it to make the main qualifications to be a justice on The Supreme Court ethnicity and genitalia?

A: Considering the sick individual making the nomination it would be normal. Just look at his record and his publicly made (and mostly recorded) statements while in politics.

Can you imagine how trivial it would feel to be confirmed to SCOTUS as such a black woman knowing you only beat out other black women, and not every other potential nominee? This is a form of racism, being perpetrated by the Racist in Chief.