Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

One Year Blogiversary

It has been one year since this blog went live. The readership traffic here is almost double what I had in 5 1/2 years on my previous effort. That also goes for the comment activity. For that, I thank you all! While I make nothing monetary off this blog, I get pleasure in knowing my words are read by so many and that readers participate.

To the snowflakes, SJW's, FIBBIES, DOJ, DHS, big tech, legacy media, and all snooping fed alphabet agencies I say....


Too much? 😏

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Thursday, February 10, 2022

#TBT - KAMJ-8574

When I was a kid and we got our first C.B. radio, the FCC was still issuing licenses. My Dad dutifully filed the application and paid the small fee. I thought I remembered the number correctly, and I did. He stenciled it on the back of the radio with an engraving pen. I have that 23 channel Radio Shack transceiver in my garage, and it still works. We had one in each car, and a base station with a roof top antenna on the house. We could talk to our Dad on the way home from work as soon as he got on the Charter Oak Bridge and crossed into East Hartford. I don't remember what channel we used, but I know it wasn't 19.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

More On My Oil Tank

This post was prompted by yesterday's oil delivery, when I went out this morning to secure the tank.

Ever since the first term of The Jackass Obummer, when home heating oil hit its all time high of $4.19 per gallon, I have had a locking cap on my oil tank. Since diesel and heating oil is the same fuel, just taxed differently, people were stealing it from unsecured tanks. Homes, schools, businesses, and municipalities lost lots of fuel to thieves sucking it right out of the tanks at night. My issue is living a mile down a back country road, and the view to my house is obscured by woods and a steep hill. Even during the middle of the day, a truck parked in the driveway sucking my tank dry would probably go unnoticed and unseen. So, since the winter of 2008-2009 my tank has been locked in the following manner.

The open locking cap on my fill pipe

The cap screws on to the threads where the original cap was, and is secured from removal by a pair of set screws. While this will not stop a determined thief, the whole idea is to make the run of the mill scumbag look elsewhere for an easy score.

Closed and you can see where the padlock goes

This is the padlock I use. No exposed shackle means bolt cutters are useless.

I have three of these locks from back when I had three 10'x30' storage units that held my stuff while we had our house built. 

Closed and locked until next delivery

I had never heard any stories of oil being stolen from homes, but I try to think like a criminal. Follow the oil truck around for the day and take note who has a nice full tank, then go after the easy pickings. Same thing with my generator being chained to the deck during a long outage. All you have to do is drive around and listen to where one is running and grab it. I try to make things difficult.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022


I am getting a delivery of home heating oil today. I am not on automatic delivery. I know how much we use and keep an eye on the tank gauge, and call for a delivery when the gauge goes below 1/4. When oil was less than $2 per gallon, a fill up cost not quite $400. I have a 330 gallon tank, which can only hold 300 gallons, so when I call for a delivery it's 200+ gallons.

So I called the oil company yesterday and was told the price per gallon is $3.49/gallon cash or pay in 7 days price. The minimum delivery is 150 gallons or you pay a $15 surcharge. So I ordered a minimum delivery which is going to cost me a whopping $523.50! You wanna tell me again how shutting down pipelines, drilling, fracking, coal mines, and other means of energy independence by executive order on day one of (p)Resident* Gropey Joey's administration isn't the cause? DELUSIONAL FUCKING LIARS!

Never mind the fact that a fill up on my truck that was $40 prior to 1-20-21 is now $75. Is it any wonder gas station attendants can't scrape these off the pumps fast enough?