Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Monday, November 7, 2022

Friends Don't Let Friends...

                VOTE DEMON-CRAP...EVER!!

Because if you do, they are voting against their own best interest on every issue. Yes, even if they are on the dole and get that EBT card every month from the government version of Santa Claus. They are voting for the policies that keep them dependent and technically a SLAVE ON THE DEMON-CRAP PLANTATION. De-funding the police increases our chances of becoming a victim of violent crime. Gun control makes it more difficult for everyone to defend ourselves against the animals on the street. Higher fuel prices due to a self-inflicted lack of supply because of some green dream unicorn fart fantasy drives up the prices of absolutely everything. Think saddling big corporations with punitive taxes are gonna teach them a lesson about being greedy? WRONG those taxes on the corporations will be passed on to EVERYONE as higher prices! I could easily list 10 more examples but on Election Day eve, the stupid, the ignorant, and the uneducated just can't help themselves.


Friday, November 4, 2022

A Couple of Items

I meant to post this sooner, but totally forgot until I came across the photos on my phone yesterday. Then I got interrupted while putting the post together late yesterday afternoon when an impatient moron ran a red light and caused smash-up derby to occur. Luckily no one was hurt. I then tried to finish the post last night from my home computer, but the computer was doing some kind of update and would not even let me log in. Arrrrgh!

First up, my new "No Trespassing" signage. I needed to put one up to keep politicians, Jehovah's Witnesses, sales people, gubmint looky-loos or tyrannical goons, and any run of the mill trespassers THE FUCK OFF MY PROPERTY. With the sign there, I can have trespassers charged by law enforcement if I catch them. It was in my eBay watch list for months, so I finally ordered it and received it about a week and a half ago. I then looked around for a suitable signpost, but was unable to purchase one locally. Instead, I repurposed a u-channel fence post I had in the barn and just had to drill the lower hole for the sign. The main difference is the lack of pre-drilled holes and upward facing hooks on the backside for hanging wire fence on. The sign is just into my driveway from the shared portion, and the post is in a spot where I won't have to mow, trim, or snow blow around.



I first saw such verbiage on a sign when Bill Cosby was on trial, and they showed video footage of the gate of his Massachusetts home on TV. I figured the wording would be more palatable to my wife, than the much more threatening version I would prefer. I wouldn't mind one of the "NO TRESPASSING! If You Can Read This, You Are In Range" versions that shows a person in crosshairs. Closer to the house, my Blink Outdoor camera takes over with full color HD video. I have the black and white night vision turned off, because my motion activated floodlights come on and provide much better quality video at night.

I also re-installed my game camera, facing the sign and the area just in front of the sign. That way I will capture anyone seeing the sign and backing out, as well as protect the sign. Protect the sign? Read on, my friend.

The cam on the pole. Pole numbers blotted out.























On the back side of my sign is a printed warning I added that the sign and area is under video surveillance. The game camera is in a heavy gauge steel camera lock box, attached to the utility pole with 3" long by 5/16" lag bolts. A small Master padlock holds the box assembly pin in place, and has a steel loop cable securing the entire thing to the pole. This is because my neighbor's asshole wife, Mrs. Bitchy McBitchy Bitchface (H/T to Mr. Garabaldi again for the name) has a reputation with me for damaging and removing my property, as well as the trespassing. I have so far been unable to actually catch her in the act or on video, but eventually I will. And I have a list of incidents. I would not put it past her to think my sign is directed only at her (*especially after the recent horse escape incident) and come down on the tractor to try and rip it out. Even smashing the camera won't help, because the video will already be on the chip. I will review video clips as necessary or once a month. I will prosecute her ass into oblivion if I can prove it.

Next up... I did this post a couple of days ago about a power failure and needing to utilize my home generator. I went to the local gas station to get fresh gas to refuel the generator on board tank. All of the following photos were of the same pump that I used.

Someone must have gotten a quantity of these Fuck Joe Biden "I Did That" decals and had themselves some fun. I looked around the station to see if all the pumps were so decorated, but mine seemed to be the only one. That demented moron and his current brain, "The Lyin' Lil Moptop" still blame petroleum issues on everyone and everything but the true source, occurring on January 20, 2021.

*Horse escape incident: On Friday May 27, 2022 I was off work and at home when my Blink Outdoor camera alerted me to motion in my driveway. Below is the video that got recorded before I switched to the live view. Since I refuse to pay Amazon for a subscription and save my videos on a local USB drive, live views don't get saved.


By the time the camera went on live view, all I saw was Mrs. Bitchface in my driveway. I immediately went out and confronted her. The horses were gone and she tells me she is trying to get her horses. I told her they're obviously not here, so get lost. It was only after I saw the recording to include the pile of fresh horseshit in the corner of my driveway that pissed me the fuck off. The horseshit was picked up and heaved onto her property. Anyone that even remotely has a clue about horses know that chasing them while screaming at them is not how you get them back. Watch the donkey in the video keep moving, and the horses look at her and think "Yeah? Fuck You BITCH!" and take off in the same  direction as the donkey... AWAY FROM HER. No... you grab a bucket of oats or their favorite treats and entice them back. You talk in a calm nice voice and praise them for coming back. None of them were wearing a bridle, so there was no ability to attach a lead. She has something in her right hand, but it doesn't look like anything substantial enough for controlling three animals. The area of my property where they took off to at the end of my video is a steep and rocky hill. She is lucky none of those animals were injured going down and back up the gully, or that they did not cause any property damage.

So how did they escape to begin with? This COTHO is a supposed horse enthusiast. I ratted her out to her husband a few days later and he informs me this was at least the fourth time it happened. He told me it's because she is lazy and leaves the gate open when going in and out of the paddock. I told him "SHE IS A FUCKING IDIOT!!"

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Wear The Label With Pride. I Do

"Threat to democracy..."

If a mush-brained moron like (p)Resident Gropey Poopy-Pants "thinks" folks like me that want to restore The Republic and destroy the LIBTURD version of democracy in America are a threat.... FINE! 

Be that domestic threat they think you are.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Well, Which Is It?

This post was inspired by a line of text that came across the Newsmax crawler earlier this morning, about Biden "speaking to" the inventor of insulin... that died before he was born.

Is (p)Resident Gropey Poopy-Pants simply following the Killary play book, or something else? Dementia? Time travel?

Biden Spoke To Inventor of Insulin... that died BEFORE he was even born!!

For a trip down memory lane, let's revisit the campaign of 2008, where the claims of Hillary Clinton being named after Sir Edmond Hillary resurfaced upon the passing of Sir Edmond Hillary in January of 2008 at age 88. The story originated from claims of the same bullshit for the previous decade.

Article About Hillary's "Whopper" From Gateway Pundit

The problem is one of timing. Edmond Hillary and his Sherpa guide Tenzig Norgay of Nepal made their successful ascent of Mount Everest on May 29, 1953. Prior to that, Edmond Hillary was a mountain climber and explorer, and if you were a reader of National Geographic magazine you may have heard of him. It was the reaching of the summit of Everest that made him famous and got him knighted by Queen Elizabeth II on June 6, 1953, earning the title Sir Edmond Hillary. The problem is one of timing for Killary's fable, because she was born October 26, 1947 six years before the general public ever heard of him. Certainly no American parents were naming their children after him. No time travel ability would be possible to explain that piece of baloney.

Biden was born on November 20, 1942. The discoverer of the hormone insulin, Sir Frederick Banting died on February 20, 1941 at age 49... a full 21 months earlier. Obviously a famous doctor is not going to have a conversation with a newborn infant, nor would the infant be able to recall it, so the 21 months would have to be added to the former age of adulthood which was 21, meaning at the earliest November 20, 1963. THAT is quite a stretch of time. And truth.

So the question becomes, is Gropey Joe; A) following Killary's playbook by pretending to have an association with a famous person that ACTUALLY accomplished something, B) having false memories conjured up by the defective gray matter sloshing around in his skull, C) or using government secret time travel and he said something he wasn't supposed to from a different time line?

I'm actually going with "B" since that also explains all his other gaffes and antics.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

6 Hours On Generator Today

At just a hair past 05:00 this morning, I had just gone downstairs to continue getting ready for work, while my wife was still asleep upstairs. Packing breakfast and lunch for work, making coffee, cleaning out the chicken coop and letting the birds out for the day, and hitting the bathroom before heading out the door. Whoops... I am now standing in a pitch dark kitchen because the power just went out. I knew I had a battery operated (and super bright) LED lantern and a large beam flashlight in the cabinet above the stove. I used the screen on my cell phone to locate them and used the lantern to light up the kitchen. I packed up my food and then headed out to the chicken coop. Since my fire pager did not go off for either a car versus pole M.V.A. or a tree with wires down, I thought it was probably an outage out of town, meaning a larger outage than just my neighborhood since I am familiar with the power distribution scheme. At that point, I was hoping the power would come back on and I would not have to set up the generator.

Since the power was out, it was all dark down at the chicken coop, so I wore my old work hardhat with an attached headlamp. When I got back up to the house it was obvious that power was not coming back any time soon, and in order for my wife to be able to get ready for work, the generator was going to have to come out. It lives safe and sound in the garage, so I wheeled it out to its spot. I keep it full of fresh fuel and run it for 15 minutes under load every quarter for preventative maintenance, so it is always ready. First, I went down to the electrical panel and turned off the breakers for unneeded loads, and heavy loads that need to be turned on one at a time. I went outside to connect the 30A power cable and clamped the ground cable to the ground rod. The engine fired right up and came up to RPM with no load. I went back to the basement to throw the whole house transfer switch and load the generator. I then added the heavy stuff like the water pump, boiler, and extra refrigerator and the freezer. As I came up the basement stairs my sleepy eyed wifey was coming down to the kitchen because the engine noise woke her and the dogs up. I finished up by covering the generator sensitive electrical areas with a large plastic can liner because it was heavily drizzling, and went back in to finish getting ready for work and making my coffee. I left and she was able to get ready for work as normal. Before she left, I had her put eyes on the electric meter. If it was lit up and power was back, I'd have her shut down and switch to street power. Nope, still out, so I had her just leave it running. I work so close to the house that I could run home to shut down or refuel if necessary.

The power company's online outage map initially showed 70 outages in town, but around 10:30 that jumped to 314. I only checked because the power went out at the firehouse and the automatic generator kicked on. They apparently had to shut down a larger area to make repairs. Around 11:30, the generator shut down and the firehouse had commercial power again. Right after that, I got the text message from the power company stating power at my house was restored. I was able to run home, shut down the generator and stow it in the garage, and put the transfer switch back to street power and restore all the breakers. I updated the generator log book to reflect the run times for the 6 hours it ran. When I get home after shift, I will drain the remaining fuel from the generator tank, dump it into my pickup truck, and replace it with fresh. Going forward I will be rotating all my stored generator fuel by burning it in our vehicles. I rotate out all my stored fuel in less than a year. It is stored using Sta-Bil 360 which is a gasoline stabilizer and ethanol treatment. I have been doing this for almost 18 years, and never had an issue with skunky gas for any of my power equipment.