Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Friday, January 24, 2025

Time To Pick This Up Again

 My 1946 vintage Regal lap steel guitar in Sunburst with matching amplifier. It was my Mother's. She started playing when she was 8 which would have been 1946. It spent a couple of decades in the attic of my parent's house. I have messed with it off and on since I was a teen.  Several years ago I restored it to what you see in the following photos. I replaced the strings with a set of John Pearse Am6 which gives it the "Hawaiian sound." I want to play blues on it, so it is going to get a new set of John Pearse "Open D" strings set #3160 from SteelGuitarShopper.com. It uses lighter gauge wire for older or delicate instruments.

The original case. The loose fasteners were all repaired

Dig that purple soft fur inside

A closeup of the headstock and original Regal decal. The original tuning keys were Mother of Pearl, but had crumbled away to nothing. I replaced them with faux Mother of Pearl for the original look. They simply press onto the spline of the tuner set.

The next photo is the business end. I disassembled everything, cleaned the pots, rewired and re-soldered all the connections. No more static or hums. I polished all the bright work and the pickup. While it was down to the bare wood body, I gave it a wipe down with Murphy's Oil Soap. It made the Sunburst finish pop. It also got a new 10' cord with gold-plated plug ends. The original was made of stiff wire and used telephone switchboard plugs. I kept it along with some other old parts.

Now I have seen these guitars for sale online anywhere from $299 to $800 depending on condition. The condition of mine put it with those at the higher end. I have never seen the matching amplifier that I have which still sounds great. I saw different Regal lap steel model with a matching amp and I believe it was like $1500 for both. I have no desire to part with any of this. After my demise, my wife can do whatever she wants with it.

The amp with its fitted cover on the left

The rear. The rubberized cord is like new


And finally, the stack of original music books she had. On the right were song sheets she bought at the local music store with pop songs and Christmas carols. Up on the top left folded up is her music stand.

I don't have any interest in playing the Hawaiian music that was popular when my Mother was young. Hawaii was not yet a state but was a cool and exotic place so everyone was into it. Her music class was quite large. I have a photo somewhere and there were like 20 kids in it. 

This is the video that got me interested again. I never knew my guitar could make such wonderful sounds, and so easy to play! He explains the tuning which is D-A-D-F#-A-D but his guitar is more modern than mine and can take the heavier strings of like a John Pearse #3150 Open D Heavy. I am also considering a different slide bar in place of the solid round stainless bar I have now. I like this Dunlop 928 Ben Harper Signature Tone Bar but I may be able to pick one up locally. It seems easier to hold and control. Maybe later add some effects like distortion and reverb.

Don't expect to see any music videos for a long time if at all. I haven't touched it in a long time, and with the cold dry air my fingers are cracked and painful.

Friday, January 17, 2025

I Will Be Watching & Enjoying

The confirmation hearing of one Kash Patel, that is.

I have been watching the hearings so far just to see how absolutely committed to personal destruction the Commies in The Senate are, and just how stupid it truly makes them look. I believe a group of Commie operatives sit with these morons in the so-called smoke filled back room and distribute the questions out among them so they all get to ask opposition questions. This is so it doesn't look like what it actually is.... BORKING a nominee. So far the nominees have weathered this onslaught. But I predict one nominee whose hearing has not been scheduled is gonna give it right back to them, prompting this post from me on X.




















That's right, nominee for FIBBIE Director, Kash Patel. Since it would appear despite the opposition from the Commies and RINOS, President Trump's nominees are going to be confirmed. I put this post out this morning after a terse discussion with my wife about not attending a family vacation in Florida because I am on a self-imposed no fly list. The other reason I won't go is because I refuse to visit or give one red cent to the woke fucking mouse.





If, after he takes over and does this, and the bullshit TSA kabuki theater could be minimized, I may fly commercial again.

Speaking of the FIBBIES, you motherfuckers only have 3 more days to kick in my door at zero-dark-thirty, terrorize my wife, kill me and our 4 dogs, or if I happen to survive.... haul me off to solitary confinement deep within Garland's Gulag.

Friday, January 10, 2025


All the gear I ordered back on this post is finally out for delivery today. For fucks sake, I can never understand why the USPS does what it does with packages. Everything was originally scheduled to arrive Monday the 6th. Both the order from eBay and MidwayUSA were placed on January 3rd. The eBay items were coming out of Kommiefornia so the 6th was a little ambitious but I should have had it by the 8th. The same applies for the items from Midway which came out of St. Louis, MO. Nope, instead it bounced from bulk mail center to bulk mail center from CA or MO, PA, MA, and finally Kommiecticut. There were multiple scans of the packages at the same facility on the same day. Then (p)Resident Meat Puppet decided to declare "an official day of mourning" yesterday the 9th, shutting down the entire USPS! Both tracking numbers show them out for delivery today. We'll see. Our local post office only has four delivery trucks for the entire town, and sometimes they just don't finish their routes. Me being at the end of my carrier's route, well... I just don't get my mail until the next day when I have a pile in my mailbox.

President Trump has made mention of privatizing the USPS. Please do, Sir! Just like the plans for the Department of Education it should be completely eliminated from the inefficient behemoth of the federal government.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

J6 Was NOT An Insurrection

It was an understandably angry but mostly peaceful protest that had elements of violence and rioting. But the majority of people at The Capitol on January 6, 2021 were simply on the grounds, walking around, peacefully protesting, and being let in to areas of The Capitol by the USCP. NO USCP personnel were killed (even though the propaganda media still insists 1-4 were depending on the outlet), however the same cannot be said for an unarmed woman named Ashli Babbit.

Had January 6th been a REAL insurrection, every tree and lamppost would have been decorated with the mortal remains of tyrants and their minions.

In 13 days, the J6 political prisoners will be pardoned and released. Cope and seethe.

With that, I say that January 6th should be viewed as a warning to those that cheat in elections or otherwise undermine The U.S. Constitution and plan to do so in the future. If J6 horrifies you, imagine what American Patriots could REALLY Do if we were so inclined. You have been warned!


What prompted me to write this was wanting to comment on this post by Roberta X over at The Adventures of Roberta X, but after reading her comment rules I did not hold out much hope that my comment would see the light of day. Therefore, I will respond here where I control the content. She says J6 was an ugly day with more ugly days ahead. I say that all depends on Libturds and Commies behaving themselves and not starting something WE PATRIOTS WILL FINISH.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Change My Mind

Killary Rotten Clinton and the former SS Nazi George Soros should have been given a bullet to the back of the skull instead of The Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Liz Cheney and Bennie Thompson can take their Presidential Citizens Medals to prison with them and hang them on their cell walls.