Organized by the Murdercycles MC chapter out of Manchester, CT to benefit the family of Willie Cooper, who was killed on his bike on Friday November 27, 2020. He had just left Rackers Billiards on RT. 83 in Vernon headed home, and 1/2 mile down the road got taken out by a driver that turned left in front of him to go down Thrall Road. He was a Goldwing rider as well, supposedly a pretty red older one in nice condition. A link to the news story from the local NBC affiliate is below.
This was my first group ride and first benefit ride of the season. There were around 40 bikes, of which the majority were the Murdercycles MC members & prospects. $20 per rider and since it was chilly yesterday morning, I was riding solo. Staging was at 09:30 at the commuter lot just off I-84 exit 67 in Vernon. We put rubber to the road at 10:30. The ride went north on RT.31 to RT. 30. One of the Manchester Sunday morning bunch I ride with had his girlfriend snapping photos on the ride. This was approaching the traffic light at RT. 30
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That is yours truly on the Goldwing on the immediate left. |
Up to RT. 30 east where it turned into RT.74 east into Willington and then north on RT. 320 until it ended and became Turnpike Road. We followed Turnpike Road until we hit RT. 89 in Ashford and headed south to RT. 44. We went west the short distance on RT. 44 until we hit the Xtra Mart/Dunkin' Donuts where we all pulled in for coffee, snacks, and a pee break. The photos below were the two biggest groups of parked bikes and riders. Since there were other customers parked there, some of the other bikes were parked 2 or 3 together.
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No masks and no social distancing among the freedom loving biker crowd! Masks on in the store only. |
The break was over and we saddled up to head down RT. 44 west. We took it to the split of RT. 6 west and followed that a short distance to the junction of RT. 85, but turned right up Cider Mill Road and then onto Lake Street to head back for Vernon. We crossed RT. 30 at Dobson Road to get out to RT. 83. RT. 83 is two lanes in both directions, and we turned north to head to the accident scene where Willie was killed. We took up both northbound lanes and did a slow ride up to Thrall Road. At Thrall Road was the Harley salute... rev the engine with open pipes. Just ahead on the left was a vacant parking lot directly across from Rackers. That is where we all parked and hung out for a while, with more loud revs and a couple of guys doing smoke shows. The Murdercycles members went across to Rackers, where they were continuing the event with a charity pool tournament. I hung out a little longer and left with everyone else going our separate ways.
On the way home I saw a friends Dad outside doing yard work so I stopped in. I had not seen Rich in well over a year because of Chink Bug cancelling all the events we normally see each other at. I was at his place for over an hour and it was really good to see him. Since my Dad has passed on, I tend to use other peoples Dads as a substitute to talk to older guys of a certain age, even though Rich is probably only 10-15 years older than I am. But he has been around the block a few times.
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