Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Apparently, Blogs Have Been Hacked/Hijacked

Cold Fury and BustedNuckles blogs are not responding after going to war with scumbag fuckin' SJW's. Phil is a guest author here, maybe he can put up a post to update us. I will reach out via email.

If you are such a free speech cancelling SJW, know that you will be in the trench covered in lime with the traitors and tyrants you support.


  1. BCE Here
    Looks like a DDOS attack. If you try to go into the blegg, it takes like 10 minutes to load and yeah, got a hunch the trolls are at it. Particularly Sarah... think she probably blew someone to do this as she's dumber than a box of rocks (my blegg has a breakdown of the ongoing fight.) Mike's Cold Fury is a collateral damage as he's been hosting Phil since these fucktards started...
    Appreciate you man.
    rakkasan101st at protonmail dot com if you need to PM/DM

  2. Hey, thanks. I have been lurking at Phil's for years, and figured as much. Scott, in Ohio

  3. thank for the update WTF


This blog is a harsh dictatorship, and I am the harsh dictator controlling YOUR freedom of speech. Comments are no longer moderated because of the Goolag login requirement, but must be in 100% ENGLISH. They will remain live on posts with the following exceptions: Insults, unintelligible gibberish, SPAM, ads to sell ANYTHING, and comments off topic or that add zero value. I may just leave such comments up anyway, with a reply pointing out the stupidity and making fun of the author. Comments that contain hyperlinks are allowed, but all links will be verified and bogus crap deleted. Don't just leave a comment and split, come back later because I respond to some comments and we can have a conversation.