Q: Why do I think there's a commie behind every tree?

Utilize the language with the same manipulation the Commies do, using the phrase "VACCINE FREE" instead of "UNVACCINATED" or "NON-VACCINATED"

Friday, April 8, 2022

Wouldn't It Be Great?

In a turnabout on Demon-Craps, conservative commentators are now referring to Obummer's little photo-op stunt at the White House as a "COVID super-spreader event," just like the #LIBTURDS did with every Trump rally. Multiple high ranking Demon-Crap elected officials that were jabbed and boosted have now tested positive for Chi-Com Xi Flu. So I pose the question here;

"Wouldn't it be great to just have a mass die off of these fucking traitors, saving American Patriots the effort, rope, and bullets to dispose of them in the future?"

Asking for a friend.


  1. The wife and I call it the Great Culling...

    We had ZERO intention of taking the death jab, especially after listening to this series: https://www.vaccinesrevealed.com/about_us/

    We simply said, no, fuck no, no matter the cost..

    We lost friends, family relationships and have not looked back..

    If these folks are that easily manipulated and willing to climb into the boxcars, then thats there problem to deal with and we don't want them in our life.

    All these libs/progs/commies and even the "woke conservatives" who took the shots are sheeple, and sheep get culled from time to time.

    the way i see it is that they made our job that much easier, and the culling of the low IQ, non critical thinkers, brainwashed masses is to our benefit.

    Fuck, they knew better and lined up for the shot/s willingly, i have zero fucks to give, and no use for them.


  2. About time the repubs grew some balls and started using alinsky tactics.


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